Idézet: Estril - 2010.09.28. 17:58:28 Idézet: Viridel - 2010.09.28. 16:29:28 Idézet: Kethios - 2010.09.27. 05:15:39 I have no rights to tell the admins what to do. I'm only a mod. I don't even know the msn or skype ID of Miklós or Baraty. I only know Random - who is the PR person.
Have you ever thought sending e-mail to Miklós? Or send a PM to me? I'll gladly translate and send it towards him.
All I can do is to try to bug him to come here and read your suggestions.
I'm just a single worthless (paying) customer. They don't / won't listen to me (and I have it in an e-mail that they have no intention of reading the forum). It is YOUR job as Forum Admin to tell these guys that their
customers are getting pissed off. And if they don't listen to you, then then whole Forum should be shut down, as it does little but foster negativity.
Please post that mail you recieved.
Isn't a company required by law to provide customer support, whether they like it or not?
Thank you how you spoke about this bug, we repaired the mistake. If you write a e-mail us directly abaut errors, bugs you found, we will immediatly get it.
We checked the forum, but there is many topic.
Best Regards,
Doomlord Team
If there are "many topic", there are many problems!!!
I REALLY like Jon's system. Right now there is no confidence in the game, the forum, the QuizMods, the ForumMod or the Game Admin. If there would be a weekly round-table where the Forum Admin would post specific topics that would be discussed with the Game Admin - then a day or two later, a re-post on what the outcome of those discussions were - we would ALL be a WHOLE lot happier. And wouldn't it be nice to have happy customers???