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Re: Sugestion box
101. hozzászólás - 2010.05.11. 12:30:28 (Válasz Gamer #100 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Gamer - 2010.05.11. 11:29:06
Idézet: LydonB - 2010.05.10. 21:10:28
A clan compromised of only one type of player style is vulnerable to the opposite; whilst a good balance can dominate.

A clan with only dueler characters definitely can rule.
Ofc there are not that many players in these worlds, but in theory it would work. I also was in a clan with only duelers in the hun version and we were fine.

To build you need builders, now with an abundant amount of farms available duellers (aka spiders) can manage something; but it will take en eternity to build the higher level buildings.

Now, if we consider that farms are practically in-existent (apart from cheaters), the previous option is out of the question, leaving only one solution; a balance of player types is the way to dominate.

Take for example the top 10 clans, all of them have builders and duellers.
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Re: Sugestion box
102. hozzászólás - 2010.05.11. 13:08:35
We were in the top.
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much likedLydonB
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Re: Sugestion box
103. hozzászólás - 2010.05.11. 13:09:54 (Válasz Gamer #102 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Gamer - 2010.05.11. 13:08:35
We were in the top.

As I said, the circumstances were different.

You can't do it on this server.
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Re: Sugestion box
104. hozzászólás - 2010.05.17. 23:19:05
I personally would like to see a market place where ppl could buy and sell their equipment spells etc. and market place would collect a percentage (10) of the sale
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Re: Sugestion box
105. hozzászólás - 2010.05.21. 14:52:25
One thing I would love to see is if a clan has both a dimension gate and a treasury, would be a way to be able to place items won in the dimension gate into the treasury for clan mates to bid on, as you do with epic battle rewards. I have won several items in the dimension gate and while I usually sell my extras in the auction hall, I would love my clan members to be able to have the ability to use them instead.
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Re: Sugestion box
106. hozzászólás - 2010.05.23. 13:12:43 (Válasz nerdears #105 hozzászólására.)
Since all players in a clan can access the dimension gate, no need for you to sell what they willl get eventually. Plus the luck factor (the higher your luck, the more items you get) drives players to build for the clan in order to increase it and get the rewards.
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Re: Sugestion box
107. hozzászólás - 2010.05.25. 05:02:02
Be Good if we could have option like the renounce quiz option but renounce a quest instead....

i have 3 quests, one is find a dragon which is a few levels to go for me, other is open quest with 20k on me and last one is kill someones pet

Ive had tons of duels since i took the kill a pet quest, ive attacked players with level 1 pets half dead pets and pets that dont even look like pets lol....how do u kill a pet? that quest comes in quite high level and I know my pet has like 250 HP, my secondary skill will have to be at about 2.5 million before i can take that many hit points from a pet, even worse for Emerald players as our main skill is magic but our magic only has 1 attack unlike the other hordes where they work on there fighting skills and can hit any number of times if there toughness is high enough.

This quest is worthy of being renounced or at least adjuusted a we bit for equality for emerald players. And not that i pay that much attention but I dont think my spell has ever caused damage to a pet ever? my secondary skill is 8 and my mind boost is 7 so its not like ive not dumped some SE into that quest already

thanks for cosideration
A hozzászólást D00ml0rd módosította 2010.05.25. 05:08:20-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
108. hozzászólás - 2010.05.25. 06:56:15 (Válasz D00ml0rd #107 hozzászólására.)
Is is not too difficult, but it will be more and more if you wait. You don't have to kill (incapacitate) a pet with his full HP, you just need to find someone who's not healing his pet that often
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Re: Sugestion box
109. hozzászólás - 2010.05.25. 08:46:43
well ive probably had over 75 fights just on this quest, unless theres soem special way of finding pets that arent being healed that often i dont belive this is that easy, if you get luc ky you get lucky but i thought this game was about a bit more than luck..

I dont mind attacking players constantly tho it just makes them quit game ultimately when they are under constant attack by anyone doing this rediclulous quest.

I guess the less people playing the easier it will become to find the pet thats not been healed often enough.
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Re: Sugestion box
110. hozzászólás - 2010.05.25. 13:44:37 (Válasz D00ml0rd #109 hozzászólására.)
I "accidentally" killed one's pet but before the quest. And it was a player I beat regularly. So I proposed to him to let me kill his pet and I will not attack him any more. And I kept my promise ( not counting challenges, but he looses nothing in them an even benefits). So, you can do the same. Or organize that ritual killing
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Re: Sugestion box
111. hozzászólás - 2010.05.26. 14:28:59
Searching through the web, i found this page:


It looks like someone made an english-spoken Doomlord Wiki, but didn't write any articles there. I encourage everyone to build this wiki even a little, and I encourage the hungarian players to translate their wiki. After all, there were ton's of voices to do that, so maybe it's finally the time?
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Re: Sugestion box
112. hozzászólás - 2010.05.26. 14:38:44
Well, it seems the guy who created that wiki isn't into this stuff anymore, so instead I created one on my own. Everybody please help

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Re: Sugestion box
113. hozzászólás - 2010.05.27. 14:41:04
Sorry for another post, but because of some technical wiki issues the site I created gor deletes I got pretty angry, and I am going to create a doomlord wiki somewhere else. I'll inform you when it will be more-or less done
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much likedImLittleJon
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Re: Sugestion box
114. hozzászólás - 2010.05.28. 05:13:36
I think it would be a good idea if premium players could choose whether to get extra APs (like now) or DPs. Duels have a higher SE/XP ratio, so I know some people don't even bother using all the APs they get as non-premium players. So they don't have much incentive to spend money to get more APs. But if they could get more DPs, I think they'd be excited. Alternatively, you could have an a la carte premium menu, where a week of extra APs might cost 3 AS, a week of faster HP regen might cost 2 AS, etc. You could add faster SP regen as an option, too. Then, instead of just buying one whole premium bundle, people could pick and choose which effects were worth it for them.

Also, I think I saw this suggestion already, but I think it would be really cool if clan leaders could give out medals to clan members. For example, they might give them to the players with the top 3 wins in a war. Or the top 3 builders for the week/month. The medals wouldn't have any game effect, but should appear on the character sheet, next to the quiz olympics medal.
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Re: Sugestion box
115. hozzászólás - 2010.05.28. 16:14:45
Are their any plans to make it so you can buy gold ducats with ancient stones? I'm impatient and it's gonna take me ages to save up any usable amount of them

Also, could we have a area where players can buy and sell gold ducats to each other for AS or SE?
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Re: Sugestion box
116. hozzászólás - 2010.05.29. 18:59:43
How about an entry fee to the quiz olympics and the championship? you could have an entry ticket for 50 correct quiz answer to the quiz olympics and 50 won battles to the championship OR 3 ancient stones...
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much likedImLittleJon
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Re: Sugestion box
117. hozzászólás - 2010.06.01. 19:35:17
When displaying a character sheet, it would be nice if, in addition to the raw Ability Total, there were another line for Abilities With Bonuses. Championship medals, equipment, focus crystals - all that is right there on the page, publicly viewable, so it wouldn't be giving us any more information than we already had. It would just make things a little more convenient. If screen real estate is a concern, it could take the place of Most damage dealt, which is not a particularly useful metric.
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much likedImLittleJon
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Re: Sugestion box
118. hozzászólás - 2010.06.02. 15:34:39
There should be a way to make the clan's current building appear at the top of the page. Either a manual button that a leader can click to set it, or automatically based on the last building that someone built with SE from the soul well.
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Re: Sugestion box
119. hozzászólás - 2010.06.02. 23:13:09
Building from the Soul Well really shouldn't trigger the Clan tag, and should barely qualify as an Event. By reverse, I find it odd that the completion of a building is NOT an Event - and it's something that really SHOULD trigger the Clan tag... It would really help Clan Leaders organize the build order better.
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedImLittleJon
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Re: Sugestion box
120. hozzászólás - 2010.06.02. 23:43:15 (Válasz Viridel #119 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.06.02. 23:13:09
Building from the Soul Well really shouldn't trigger the Clan tag, and should barely qualify as an Event. By reverse, I find it odd that the completion of a building is NOT an Event - and it's something that really SHOULD trigger the Clan tag... It would really help Clan Leaders organize the build order better.

Yes, please please please please. This should be an incredibly easy change to make. When can we have it?
Pontszám: 5
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