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Re: Sugestion box
261. hozzászólás - 2010.10.29. 04:33:06
I don't know why people make such a fuzz about being in TC:)
If you are dragged into one it clearly states so in the last lane of your fight. So if you really wanna know just check your previous battles.
Cursing on the other hand is an event, it is clearly a sign that you will be in a fun zone soon:D
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Re: Sugestion box
262. hozzászólás - 2010.10.29. 15:14:45 (Válasz Phalanxii #260 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Phalanxii - 2010.10.29. 03:23:40
Please can you let us know when we're in/out of the torture chamber? Just an event update would be great... if we get an update for when we're cursed, it seems logical to get one when in the torture chamber too!

Personally, I'd prefer to know when I've been scryed (scried?) and by whom. Being in the TC has no downside past losing the battle that got you there (which you already have notification of), while being the target of a scry might mean you're about to be hit and should dump your SE.
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Re: Sugestion box
263. hozzászólás - 2010.10.29. 15:47:41 (Válasz Phalanxii #260 hozzászólására.)
Since you don't have a disadvantage being in TC it would be just server stress.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: Sugestion box
264. hozzászólás - 2010.10.29. 18:37:06 (Válasz dark22 #261 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: dark22 - 2010.10.29. 04:33:06
I don't know why people make such a fuzz about being in TC:)
If you are dragged into one it clearly states so in the last lane of your fight. So if you really wanna know just check your previous battles.
Cursing on the other hand is an event, it is clearly a sign that you will be in a fun zone soon:D

The point is that someone else is gaining a "free" benefit on your work. So, if you know you're in the TC, maybe you won't do that massive hunt before the server resets. Maybe you'll know to power up and attack them back.

I don't want to have to check every battle, and calculate when it happened to see if I'm still in the TC, I want to look at my character sheet, and have it show
The following players have dragged you to the Torture Chamber for HH:MM:SS longer:

No, it doesn't need to be an Event. But I DO want that information available in a single look.
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Re: Sugestion box
265. hozzászólás - 2010.10.29. 19:54:00 (Válasz Viridel #264 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.10.29. 18:37:06
I don't want to have to check every battle, and calculate when it happened to see if I'm still in the TC, I want to look at my character sheet, and have it show
The following players have dragged you to the Torture Chamber for HH:MM:SS longer:

I'd like the flip side - a page where I can see who it was that I dragged into the TC for that larger-than-usual reward. Maybe they could put both on the same page. Right now, the Torture Chamber text up at the top doesn't link to anything, so that would be a convenient place to put the link to this new page.

Alternatively, the Recommendations page text could include the list of who I had in the TC, along with the total amount. I suppose you could put Viridel's text there on that page, too, though that seems a little odd, since he wants current info, and the rest of it is historical data.
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Re: Sugestion box
266. hozzászólás - 2010.10.29. 20:33:53 (Válasz ImLittleJon #265 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2010.10.29. 19:54:00
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.10.29. 18:37:06
I don't want to have to check every battle, and calculate when it happened to see if I'm still in the TC, I want to look at my character sheet, and have it show
The following players have dragged you to the Torture Chamber for HH:MM:SS longer:

I'd like the flip side - a page where I can see who it was that I dragged into the TC for that larger-than-usual reward. Maybe they could put both on the same page. Right now, the Torture Chamber text up at the top doesn't link to anything, so that would be a convenient place to put the link to this new page.

Alternatively, the Recommendations page text could include the list of who I had in the TC, along with the total amount. I suppose you could put Viridel's text there on that page, too, though that seems a little odd, since he wants current info, and the rest of it is historical data.

Done deal. A dedicated page that already exists, but is not being used. It shows the following

Torture Chamber resets in HH:MM:SS

You have dragged the following players into the Torture Chamber:

The following players have dragged you to the Torture Chamber:

10/27 - You collected a bonus of 5000 SE from Viridel
10/27 - Dakaan collected a bonus of 6000 SE from you
10/26 - You collected a bonus of 100 SE from Viridel
10/26 - Dakaan collected a bonus of 3000 SE from you
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Re: Sugestion box
267. hozzászólás - 2010.10.29. 21:55:00
I don't see why it is so difficult to keep track of who you put in and when you are in yourself. It sounds to me that you are asking the programmers to do more work because you're to lazy to read your battle reports. As for listing how much each person gave you, it seems to take some of the skill out of the game. If you want simple click games there are several out there. I like the thought and strategy in this one.
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Re: Sugestion box
268. hozzászólás - 2010.10.29. 22:49:29 (Válasz ChaoticGemini #267 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: ChaoticGemini - 2010.10.29. 21:55:00
I don't see why it is so difficult to keep track of who you put in and when you are in yourself. It sounds to me that you are asking the programmers to do more work because you're to lazy to read your battle reports. As for listing how much each person gave you, it seems to take some of the skill out of the game. If you want simple click games there are several out there. I like the thought and strategy in this one.

I'll definitely cop to being lazy. But what I'm wanting here is very little work for the programmers. When it's generating the message on the Recommendations screen, the code already needs to know who you dragged in to the TC, in order to calculate the amount. So then it's just a matter of including it in the string. A good programmer should be able to do that in 10 minutes or less, if someone provides the translations. Compared to all the time that non-lazy users spend keeping track of who they have in the TC, that seems like a good investment.

Also, I didn't ask to have the rewards split out by individual users. I'd be happy if it said
2010.10.29. 606 SE flown into you from the torture chamber (Viridel, Chaotic Gemini).
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Re: Sugestion box
269. hozzászólás - 2010.10.29. 23:53:55
Unsure if someone else has already mentioned this, but i'd like to see the effects of a few things tweaked for better performance.

My thoughts would be to improve the usefulness of ability reducing spells, and their black or white, all or nothing nature (*for example feedback, purelight spells) They must have a very low chance of "connecting" with the enemy, and when they do, they only reduce a negligable amount of stats. I propose you increase the detriment to abilities, and they might seem like a far more useful spell, because as it is now, there's no way that i'd use one instead of a damage reducing spell. it is simply not worth it. (and before you mention it, my IQ and Thaumaturgy is well above average for my level, so it's not like i shouldn't be hitting with the spells, but i still don't seem to)

My other suggestion is to improve the effects of paralysation (stun). As it is now, there's a -10 to attack effect, whether you are level 1 or level 40, surely this becomes entirely obsolete the higher level you become. i propose you insert some sort've 'range' (min / max -could be based and modified with player luck & player level) to the amount of attack that is lost. Also, why is defense not factored into this ? I would imagine if someone was paralysed and stunned, they wouldn't be effective at defending at all. so ideally you could add a negative defense effect also (if you didn't like my reduced attack range idea) . As of now, i find that the Paralysation (stun) effect is not worth it, but it could be very interesting if you tweaked it a little to provide more favour for those who 'specialise' in it. obviously i'm not imploring you to massively increase it, but personally i'd rather wear +3% critical hit ring, than a +12% paralysation ring. It would also make the 'resist paralysation %' items more valuable if you had to be aware of stuns (adding another interesting tactical decision to your gear choice.. at the moment i couldn't care less if someone stunned me haha)

Anyway - hopefully i got my point across. be good to hear other players thoughts on these ideas. i just want to see the annoying little holes i see in this game patched up a little.. apart from that it's great! Keep up the good work
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Re: Sugestion box
270. hozzászólás - 2010.10.30. 02:37:22 (Válasz ChaoticGemini #267 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: ChaoticGemini - 2010.10.29. 21:55:00
I don't see why it is so difficult to keep track of who you put in and when you are in yourself. It sounds to me that you are asking the programmers to do more work because you're to lazy to read your battle reports.

Yup. Pretty much. I want that information one click away. Not click, scroll, read, back, click, scroll, read, back, click, scroll, read, back, click, scroll, read, back, click, scroll, read, back, click, scroll, read, back... And that's just 6 battles, by the way... How many battles does the average player wake up to overnight? Seems like a LOT of clicking, doesn't it? Or, just have it part of a TC Tab, or on the character profile, and one or two clicks - done.

Actually, it would reduce server strain, as people wouldn't need to display all the battles every time.

As for listing how much each person gave you, it seems to take some of the skill out of the game. If you want simple click games there are several out there. I like the thought and strategy in this one.

Why does it take the skill out? The data is already there, in the recommendation section. It just doesn't make sense to keep it there if there is a Torture Tab already built - which there should be, as having that data (who's TC'd you, who you've TC'd, and the profits) in completely separate areas of the game is illogical.
A hozzászólást Viridel módosította 2010.10.30. 04:24:25-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
271. hozzászólás - 2010.10.30. 06:29:20 (Válasz Viridel #266 hozzászólására.)
Well, I can ask the developers an see what they think about this.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: Sugestion box
272. hozzászólás - 2010.10.30. 07:47:35 (Válasz Viridel #270 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.10.30. 02:37:22
Why does it take the skill out? The data is already there, in the recommendation section. It just doesn't make sense to keep it there if there is a Torture Tab already built - which there should be, as having that data (who's TC'd you, who you've TC'd, and the profits) in completely separate areas of the game is illogical.

I think that refers to the splitting up of the gains to each player you had in the torture chamber. That is not info currently given in the recommendation page and since it would help you decide who to pick again, it could be considered as 'taking the skill out of it'.
I think it's a good idea to have the people you had in there mentioned, no need to split up the spoils to each person. Maybe it's an option to make a soul diamond item that allows for this for those who want it?
As for being able to at a glance see who are all having fun torturing you, I like your ideas Much more convenient than having to browse through battle reports.

I agree, just by looking at the number of people using those items it's easy to estimate their uselessness...
As for the -10 being static, I don't know if that should be changed. It all depends on the battle mechanics.
If they determine the chance to hit by dividing your attack with your target's defense, it would indeed make sense to increase at higher levels or have a -x% character. However if the chance to hit depends on the absolute point difference between attack and defense, -10 gives the same effect at each level.
I do applaud the idea of it affecting defense as well! Since the defense bonus from items is already much higher than the attack bonus, it wouldn't hurt to at least change stunning to affect both instead of only targeting the already scarce attack.
Another option is to have another ability such as paralysation which affects defense instead of attack. Call it dazzling or something else if you have a better name for it
A hozzászólást MsPiggy módosította 2010.10.30. 07:50:45-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
273. hozzászólás - 2010.10.30. 14:50:43
It would be nice to have a version of the Duel page that was like a challenge mode or something. It would only show you players that you were allowed to challenge (i.e. once you challenged someone, the next time you viewed the page in this mode, they would not be listed). And, ideally, it would show you the 15 targets with the lowest skill totals.
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Re: Sugestion box
274. hozzászólás - 2010.10.30. 17:12:23 (Válasz ImLittleJon #273 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2010.10.30. 14:50:43
It would be nice to have a version of the Duel page that was like a challenge mode or something. It would only show you players that you were allowed to challenge (i.e. once you challenged someone, the next time you viewed the page in this mode, they would not be listed). And, ideally, it would show you the 15 targets with the lowest skill totals.

Agreed, it gets tiresome sometimes to find your usual challenge victims (you know they are there but you can't remember their correct name and the duel list keeps giving you same 100% duel targets no matter how many time you refresh, so this is not lazyness its just tiresome to click everything 20 times to get what you want 21th time cause your target is at 60%).

About the TC thing, it would be bad if names and amounts of SE gained were displayed (nothing against just the name list for easier recognition) eventhough it would suit my style of play (no gains from me:D) cause same players would be targeted even more. If you need to break a sweat not to get 0SE duel it should be the same with TC. Gather data/compare data/ make a farm list (TC list:D).
As I had some complains from spider characters I talk to in-game that they sometimes simply don t have good targets available this would open a new area of strategizing (is that a word?) for them.

@ Viridel
No need for HH:MM:SS counter, server resets at 4 am game time, so time remaining is always the same.

Also there is no "Free" gain from TC as you have to duel and win a fight to gain something (by that logic normal SE gain from duel is "free" as well, someone had to do the work while you simply took it:)).
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Re: Sugestion box
275. hozzászólás - 2010.10.30. 18:28:08 (Válasz dark22 #274 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: dark22 - 2010.10.30. 17:12:23
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2010.10.30. 14:50:43

@ Viridel
No need for HH:MM:SS counter, server resets at 4 am game time, so time remaining is always the same.

Also there is no "Free" gain from TC as you have to duel and win a fight to gain something (by that logic normal SE gain from duel is "free" as well, someone had to do the work while you simply took it:)).

The timer would still be convenient for the 98% of the players not active on the Forum.

And yes, it is "free", since it's ultimately up to the TC'd person whether to give you anything or not. They can choose not to hunt or duel. And yes, you do have to earn a win in a Duel. But you already get the chance to loot SE from that. The TC is truly nothing more than a bonus - free SE.
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Re: Sugestion box
276. hozzászólás - 2010.10.31. 06:56:46
Point taken:) Perhaps a note somewhere when the servers resets could do the trick.

But I still think that you can work around it, for me that situation is similar to having enough knowledge not to leave your SE on you while you are off, while it is hard to not hunt until server resets (mostly players are from Europe and not all pull my kind of night shifts everyday to do it), Duelers can do the same trick and attack you right after server resets (my tactic ) tying your hands for the entire day. That leaves you with option to win a fight against your captor which is equaly hard because you wouldn't be attacked in most cases if there is a good chance that you will win.

Only positive thing is that, beside image in your head that you are currently being tortured by some random person, there is no real loss to your character. That makes the difference in "free" gains (as you said there is a chance of loot on attack anyway)
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Re: Sugestion box
277. hozzászólás - 2010.10.31. 14:45:50
I wanted to take a moment to thank the guys who work on this for taking their time to make it spooky for Halloween. It's silly, but it's just cracks me up catching these killer stuffy's with glowing eyes, and I love my pumpkin head. You didn't have to, but thanks for making things a bit silly. We all need some silliness now and then.

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Re: Sugestion box
278. hozzászólás - 2010.10.31. 22:45:11
Yuck. Another bunch of boring crap in the Auction House.

5 days? Really? 5 days is necessary to cycle thru?
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Re: Sugestion box
279. hozzászólás - 2010.11.01. 10:52:37 (Válasz Viridel #278 hozzászólására.)
IT won't be changed. Sit out the remaining time.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: Sugestion box
280. hozzászólás - 2010.11.01. 16:12:12 (Válasz Kethios #279 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Kethios - 2010.11.01. 10:52:37
IT won't be changed. Sit out the remaining time.

So what are the thoughts regarding the Torture Chamber topic?
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