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much likedPhalanxii
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Re: Sugestion box
461. hozzászólás - 2011.04.09. 18:19:24
It would be nice to have a timer for the epic battle at the top like with hunts/DG/duels etc.

You could go one step further and allow those with comfort functions to customize the links at the top there.
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Re: Sugestion box
462. hozzászólás - 2011.04.16. 02:56:51 (Válasz nerdears #20 hozzászólására.)
This game really needs variety .
Give up you is not my fault, and the wrong is lack of the money-tiffany jewelry
Never too old to learn tiffany jewelry cheap.
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much likedPhalanxii
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Re: Sugestion box
463. hozzászólás - 2011.04.16. 23:58:08 (Válasz Angel653922 #462 hozzászólására.)

Suggestion: Every 10 levels on the epic monster could yield a focus crystal called 'crystal of intensity' alongside the epic item when the monster is felled. It could be attached to the same item it came with automatically or it could be separate and kept in inventory until you place it in something.

The focus crystal could intensify the 'special' effect of the epic item, so if it was +3xp per hunt, you'd get 4xp. Or if it was 10% discount on attributes, it becomes an 11% discount. Or damage on the epic 20% --> 22% etc.

It would be bid on with the item, so there aren't 2 separate auctions, it's all together.

I do think the epic system is great already, I just thought it would be a nice idea.

How about a blacksmith building? Where each level in the building increases the damage on your main weapon by 0.5%?
And an armoury that increases your absorption by 0.5% for each level? Or, it could be an either or, where you get to pick one building and not the other...
A hozzászólást Phalanxii módosította 2011.04.17. 00:21:44-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
464. hozzászólás - 2011.04.18. 09:46:05
Wouldn't it be nice if the game included some form of manual that gave a better description of different abilities in the game?

Just to give some examples:
Drain soul How does it work? In which kind of battles does it work? Do spell Drain soul and "normal" Drain soul work independently? How does it interact with Soul Protection?
Resistance How does it work?
Absorption and Magic Absorption
Paralysation And Prevent Paralysation. When does it work? How? Is it the same as Stun?
Bonus SE from duels Does this work independently whether I am the attacker or the defender?
Skills A lot of skills could use some more (and better) explanations. Examples: Creative affinity says nothing about that it only works when you are the attacker, Critical hit (and spell) says nothing how they interact with bonus from equipment. And this is not mentioning the spelling and grammatical errors in the skill descriptions.

I know that a lot of this information is available on other (third part) websites, I just think it would be nice if there was an official resource to help people.
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irritatingBash Chelik
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Re: Sugestion box
465. hozzászólás - 2011.04.18. 16:22:18
yeah, that would be nice
what the heck is resistance?
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
466. hozzászólás - 2011.04.18. 16:28:02 (Válasz Bash Chelik #465 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Bash Chelik - 2011.04.18. 16:22:18
yeah, that would be nice
what the heck is resistance?

Resistance protects you from the secondary effects of spells, like -Atk, -Def and similar effects.
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much likedPhalanxii
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Re: Sugestion box
467. hozzászólás - 2011.04.18. 22:47:49
It would be nice to have the ability to demolish the ToP if we didn't want to lose the bonus gained from never having it. Is this possible?
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irritatingBash Chelik
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Re: Sugestion box
468. hozzászólás - 2011.04.19. 15:23:49 (Válasz Sbart #466 hozzászólására.)
i didn`t knew something like that even exist, thanks..
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Re: Sugestion box
469. hozzászólás - 2011.04.21. 16:31:26
I'd love to have a lit button next to my chosen "dress" feature. I can never remember what I'm wearing.
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Re: Sugestion box
470. hozzászólás - 2011.05.01. 13:45:15
One thing missing from the game is actual specialization. Could it be possible to have a choice (after a certain level propably) that really changes the way someone plays the game, both positive and negative? As it is, the game allows anyone to focus on being a builder or dueler or hunter but only by choice of what to develop first or how you use the game resources. At any moment you can start going the oposite direction. This is one of the things i like about the game, this post is not a complain, it is to add more depth to character development.

What i am suggesting is an option that, if taken, will mean the player HAS decided to be this type of player PERMANENTLY (or with a VERY expensive option to switch, to prevent opportunists). You choose one of several paths which will grand huge bonuses to one aspect but severely limit another, meaning you focus on your choice. If at the time you are given the option you decline, then that is permanent too.
Choose to be a dueler: You can develop creative affinity to 100, cost of developing ATT, IQ, THAMA, STR, drops by 10% and your duel points regenerate faster. But hunting se drops by 10%, double se to train a pet, 25% more xp for pet to level and max morale 75 (so if you choose to be this class and not duel frequently your pets will be useless). Also Cost of developing all non combat skills and the rest of abilities goes up 10%.

Naturally this is just a rough example, most will find a number of problems with it so do not go commenting on that. It is there just to make it more clear of what kind of option i am suggesting.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
471. hozzászólás - 2011.05.02. 10:48:12 (Válasz stekkos #470 hozzászólására.)
That is an interesting suggestion Stekkos.

In some sense there are some small specializations in the game - Times when you can chose between one benefit or another, like if you want Disadvanced development or Energy harness (Skills) and Mage specialization or Warrior specialization (AA abilities). Also the choice of Horde can be seen as a choice of specialization.

But giving a more direct way of choosing specialization would still be interesting. The difficulty would be to balance it, and make it so that all available "specializations" are interesting and appealing.
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Re: Sugestion box
472. hozzászólás - 2011.05.03. 00:02:23
I liked stekkos' idea also and I believe it deserves some study. Maybe create professions and each profession would have unique skills?

I would also like to propose some adjustments in the game to make the life of workers, aka the alt+tab experts (like myself)
- Why doesn't the game include, in the toolbar, a countdown for any activity. So, for example, if I am in the duel page, I would see the countdown to no penalty. If I am in the skill page, I would see the countdown for mind boost, etc... This way, I would not need to open the page so often to check the timer, only having to check the toolbar.
- The game should have less disconnections for inactivity. I always have to do the login again if I am out for more than 10-15 min. This time should be extended to 2 hours.
- A third (and harder possibly) help would be to offer an option to see the game with no graphics. Only text. This would also make our lives easier at work.

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much likedChaoticGeminiNő
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Re: Sugestion box
473. hozzászólás - 2011.05.03. 02:35:49 (Válasz Cruel01 #472 hozzászólására.)
Cruel, may I suggest checking your browser settings. I have to be gone for over an hour before I get logged out. Several browsers also offer the ability to turn off images.

I too have been pondering Stekkos' idea. I do not have a super high level character where I think this would be implemented, but it does sound like an interesting and workable idea to keep things fresh at the very high levels.
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Re: Sugestion box
474. hozzászólás - 2011.05.03. 06:34:25 (Válasz stekkos #470 hozzászólására.)
Would make events more difficult to balance. More player types → more whining about advantages/disadvantages. I don't say it is a bad suggestion, I'm interested in the staff's opinion.
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Re: Sugestion box
475. hozzászólás - 2011.05.03. 17:06:45 (Válasz Cruel01 #472 hozzászólására.)
Cruel, at my page on top i have countdown timers for duel, skill, hunt, etc. Dont you?
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much likedstekkos
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Re: Sugestion box
476. hozzászólás - 2011.05.03. 17:17:29
The professions idea is a very nice way to implement what i suggested. It solves many imbalance issues also since it can easily be excluded from events, or group players according to it.


Choice of 5 lets say professions (6th option ofcourse not to choose one). Unique skills/items/bonuses to each profession. Profession becomes visible on player page, and, like horde, can be used by the developers to group players. It can also be coded in such way as to be ignored at certain events, to make their life easier. At the same time it can open many opportunities for new events.

But the best thing about such an addition would be the fact that players will have something to choose which will make them escape the fact that whatever they do, other players can do it given enough time. They will know that, whichever does not have the same proffesion, will not have their unique path, and can adapt their general game stradegy accordingly. In short, more ways to feel they are not doomed to live in the shadow of other best players
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
477. hozzászólás - 2011.05.03. 19:19:25 (Válasz stekkos #475 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: stekkos - 2011.05.03. 17:06:45
Cruel, at my page on top i have countdown timers for duel, skill, hunt, etc. Dont you?

He want it in the tab itself, so that you can see in your different tabs when you are a 0 penalty, when next hunt is over, when you can attack the epic etc etc
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Re: Sugestion box
478. hozzászólás - 2011.05.04. 01:32:26 (Válasz Sbart #477 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Sbart - 2011.05.03. 19:19:25
Idézet: stekkos - 2011.05.03. 17:06:45
Cruel, at my page on top i have countdown timers for duel, skill, hunt, etc. Dont you?

He want it in the tab itself, so that you can see in your different tabs when you are a 0 penalty, when next hunt is over, when you can attack the epic etc etc

As a matter of fact, I want to see the timer in the windows toolbar, so that I can check, for example, how long it will take until I can heal the pets again, without having to open the internet browser many times until I actually can do it.

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much likedstekkos
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Re: Sugestion box
479. hozzászólás - 2011.05.05. 15:33:59 (Válasz stekkos #476 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: stekkos - 2011.05.03. 17:17:29
The professions idea is a very nice way to implement what i suggested. It solves many imbalance issues also since it can easily be excluded from events, or group players according to it.


Choice of 5 lets say professions (6th option ofcourse not to choose one). Unique skills/items/bonuses to each profession. Profession becomes visible on player page, and, like horde, can be used by the developers to group players. It can also be coded in such way as to be ignored at certain events, to make their life easier. At the same time it can open many opportunities for new events.

But the best thing about such an addition would be the fact that players will have something to choose which will make them escape the fact that whatever they do, other players can do it given enough time. They will know that, whichever does not have the same proffesion, will not have their unique path, and can adapt their general game stradegy accordingly. In short, more ways to feel they are not doomed to live in the shadow of other best players

Any thoughts on that?
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much likedPhalanxii
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Re: Sugestion box
480. hozzászólás - 2011.05.10. 15:11:54 (Válasz Cruel01 #478 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2011.05.04. 01:32:26
Idézet: Sbart - 2011.05.03. 19:19:25
Idézet: stekkos - 2011.05.03. 17:06:45
Cruel, at my page on top i have countdown timers for duel, skill, hunt, etc. Dont you?

He want it in the tab itself, so that you can see in your different tabs when you are a 0 penalty, when next hunt is over, when you can attack the epic etc etc

As a matter of fact, I want to see the timer in the windows toolbar, so that I can check, for example, how long it will take until I can heal the pets again, without having to open the internet browser many times until I actually can do it.


This is a fantastic idea! I've thought about it before and I don't think it would be too difficult to do since I've seen it on other games.

The professions sounds super difficult to balance, but it is surely doable.
I like the idea of it being a bad thing if used improperly, so it actually requires some skill to balance and exploit.
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