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Re: Sugestion box
341. hozzászólás - 2010.11.24. 19:48:09
How did the Tower of Power get so screwed up? I had visions of epic Clan battles where the towers were being built 15-16 levels high, and there was a legitimate fight to get on top. But with the massive SE cost escalations once you've had the power, even for just one day - there is no value in trying to continually hold it. It's turning into a "once every few weeks, we'll build one level, and win by default" building.

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Re: Sugestion box
342. hozzászólás - 2010.11.24. 20:58:49
agreed the tower or power is an anticlimax for sure lol

only benefit i could see is find the clans that have it and put as many of them in torture chamber as possible.

not even worth building another level with manaconsturction
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Re: Sugestion box
343. hozzászólás - 2010.11.24. 22:34:31
Copper key of knowledge
Type: relic
Level: 50
If you have quiz acceleration, one quiz answer will be enough for 4 hunts instead 2. (wrong answer counts as 4 as well.)
Price: 2500 Soul diamond

I LOVE this item... But it has one flaw - there are still wrong/ambiguous/absurdly obscure questions in the quiz. So I would suggest that a wrong answer count as 1 (instead of 2), while the right answer counts as 4. I would even take a right answer counting as just 3 (instead of 4) if it were to mean that a Quiz error wouldn't hurt as much. It's bad enough when a lousy question kills two hunts - let along 4.

Kethos, you around? The list of suggestions is getting rather long again.
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Re: Sugestion box
344. hozzászólás - 2010.11.25. 10:23:05 (Válasz Viridel #343 hozzászólására.)
I am here, but in the middle of my exams. Dx

Hopefully I can finish them this week so I can be back on track next week. Also my job makes things more difficult. I'd like to ask for a little mre patience.
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345. hozzászólás - 2010.11.25. 12:13:31
It would be greatly helpful if there is a sitter for the account who can manage when you are gone for holidays(more than 15 days). So a clan member or his friend from the same game world can sit for him during his absence.

The sitters of the account should be given the limited access such as hunting and building.

Its not a highly demanding game, i mean the hours spent on the game but these options really help the clan, especially the inactive members.

The sitter function should be valid for a couple of months and if the owner of the account does not comes back the sitter function should deactivated automatically.
A hozzászólást Gladoom módosította 2010.11.25. 12:19:50-kor
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Re: Sitters
346. hozzászólás - 2010.11.25. 15:09:52 (Válasz Gladoom #345 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Gladoom - 2010.11.25. 12:13:31
It would be greatly helpful if there is a sitter for the account who can manage when you are gone for holidays(more than 15 days). So a clan member or his friend from the same game world can sit for him during his absence.

I've been in other games where the sitter function existed, and in every case, it was abused regularly. The lack of a sitter function is a big plus for Doomlord.
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Re: Sitters
347. hozzászólás - 2010.11.25. 18:26:11 (Válasz ImLittleJon #346 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2010.11.25. 15:09:52
Idézet: Gladoom - 2010.11.25. 12:13:31
It would be greatly helpful if there is a sitter for the account who can manage when you are gone for holidays(more than 15 days). So a clan member or his friend from the same game world can sit for him during his absence.

I've been in other games where the sitter function existed, and in every case, it was abused regularly. The lack of a sitter function is a big plus for Doomlord.

There are definitely some potential problems... But if we limited it to Hunting, Spending, Epics, Infection, Pet Management, Infection and current Event only (no Dueling, Adventures or Soul Huckster) - where do you see problems?

Ultimately, there IS a Sitter Function - giving your User/Pass to someone to look after your account. So while it would be nice to have a defined structure for Sitters, in reality, it's probably pretty ineffectual and a waste of what would likely be a lot of programmer time.
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Re: Sugestion box
348. hozzászólás - 2010.11.25. 20:18:54
The sitter function is unnecessary I think. 68 AS will buy you premium for 3 weeks and 800 AP storage meaning you could leave your game for 16 days and still not lose anything. This is a game where you don't have to be at the computer all the time, which is what a sitter can be used for.

Here are some more suggestions- some could be for comfort functions if you want I don't know!

Call all pets to fight option
- Keep the select all pets option but then instead of just heal pets, add a call to fight button too. You could merge the exercise option into this too, but I'm not too sure I'd like that; it works the way it is now.

Add a timer for the infection battle
- There isn't much room on the top banner (with AP, DP, Dim. Gate, Mind boost and torture chamber) but this would be the best place to have it. If not possible, keep the infection under its yellow highlight and keep the misc page red whilst you have a chance to beat the infection.

- Alternatively, you could have a small infection icon next to mind boost which, if present, means you are still under the 24 hour timer. Even better, when hovering over this icon, it shows how long you have left.

Show when the Lady Alvariel's event ends
- Yes, you can find out when the last championship was and add a month, but it's awkward navigating to another page so it would be good to add a date to the Lady's page as to when it finishes.

Make Auction House button turn red when new items arrive
- I'm sure that those who are familiar with the auction house check regularly, but to ease others into the market, it might be nice to have a reminded, especially as they only come once every 5 days.

Make Auction House button turn red when work is available
- I don't know if this is desirable as it's part of the game being active enough to find the work yourself, but I know it would be nice to have a reminder and this would certainly remind me. There could be an option to turn it off if players find it annoying/don't work at auction house. It also balances out the redness of the buttons, the auction house button is never red!
A hozzászólást Phalanxii módosította 2010.11.25. 20:22:43-kor
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Re: Sitters
349. hozzászólás - 2010.11.29. 20:56:06 (Válasz Gladoom #345 hozzászólására.)
I think the Sitter Option is a horrible idea for one reason - GLADOOM suggested it!!!

Seriously, I could see this being abused. I have all ready heard of players who share there log ins with people in other countries during wars and beat the heck out of there enemies. Do to the fact that ya know the time zone issues and the fact that gamers have to sleep sometimes it just seems like any SHARING of account info at all should be grounds for termination. This game requires so little time, and it so so easy to exhaust your AP's and DP's (at least at my current status) that even if it wasn't abused, do you really think there would be any benefit. The reason for playing a game is to play it!!! It does NOT seem right that just because you are bored with it or need a break someone else can come in and help you keep up. If I was managing a game like this any character that was inactive for more then a month (with out providing an excuse) would go into some sort of temporary deleted state and then if still no log in for another month be permanently deleted and then it would be necessary to start over. I suppose that might cause other problems with only 10 - 15,000 actual users but whatever just a thought.

OK GlaDoom go ahead and attack, cause I know you will Lets see if I got your current timings down correctly you should be attacking me in appx 3.5 hrs. lol

Does anyone know if there are plans to upgrade forums. Forum Management functions are nearly none existing. Also in a game like this where many either avoid forums or do to langauge barriers (whatever) or do to infrequent logins, communicate is limited. (Maybe its just my clan I don't know) I think what this game needs more then anything else is a MASS MAIL FUNCTION so that clan leaders can be some what certain that everyone has got the same information.

Whatever, Nevermind ... Sorry what was this discussion about? I forgot
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Re: Sugestion box
350. hozzászólás - 2010.11.29. 21:01:58
Whatever, Nevermind ... Sorry what was this discussion about? I forgot

OOPS I all ready posted this. Sorry
Does anyone know how to delete a post?
A hozzászólást Hexonx módosította 2010.12.01. 01:14:24-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
351. hozzászólás - 2010.11.30. 23:28:58
^ At least edit it again to shorten the post!

Suggestion: It's a fairly core aspect of the game to interfere with, but killing epic's should contribute a little bit more towards a clan than they do (in terms of direct benefit to the clan). For instance, after every epic monster killed, a clan's soul-well capacity increases by 1k. This makes the epic battles a little more epic, since the 4k SE that goes into the soul-well is less than I can channel from just a normal dimension gate monster (2k * 3 with building = 6k).

A clans strength should be reflected by a number of things, instead of just how much soul-energy they put into building, and I think that the number of epic's killed is a good indicator of the quality of the clan. So if my way won't work, can you make the battles more important some other way? At least making the rewards +10k more SE or something like that.

EDIT: In case it doesn't already, when you have a quest to hunt down lesser monsters, can you change it so that the higher the luck, the greater the chance to find lesser monsters? To combat this, when there is a quest to find greater monsters, luck has even more of an effect. It just makes sense that you're luckier to find what you're looking for which is normally big monsters, but not always.
A hozzászólást Phalanxii módosította 2010.12.01. 01:22:13-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
352. hozzászólás - 2010.12.01. 03:28:03 (Válasz Phalanxii #351 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Phalanxii - 2010.11.30. 23:28:58
^ At least edit it again to shorten the post!

Suggestion: It's a fairly core aspect of the game to interfere with, but killing epic's should contribute a little bit more towards a clan than they do (in terms of direct benefit to the clan). For instance, after every epic monster killed, a clan's soul-well capacity increases by 1k. This makes the epic battles a little more epic, since the 4k SE that goes into the soul-well is less than I can channel from just a normal dimension gate monster (2k * 3 with building = 6k).

A clans strength should be reflected by a number of things, instead of just how much soul-energy they put into building, and I think that the number of epic's killed is a good indicator of the quality of the clan. So if my way won't work, can you make the battles more important some other way? At least making the rewards +10k more SE or something like that.

Viridel likes this

EDIT: In case it doesn't already, when you have a quest to hunt down lesser monsters, can you change it so that the higher the luck, the greater the chance to find lesser monsters? To combat this, when there is a quest to find greater monsters, luck has even more of an effect. It just makes sense that you're luckier to find what you're looking for which is normally big monsters, but not always.

Viridel thinks this makes perfect sense.

Unfortunately, neither are likely to be implemented. Admins don't seem to like tweaking established parts of the game to something that is more logical.
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Re: Sugestion box
353. hozzászólás - 2010.12.01. 10:21:04 (Válasz Viridel #352 hozzászólására.)
So you want to have a feature like premium/non premium HP regeneration?


Normal luck: better chance to find bigger monsters, spells do more damage, spells are more succesful

Quest luck: better chance to find lesser monsters

like this?
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Re: Sugestion box
354. hozzászólás - 2010.12.01. 14:11:42
Even if the option existed, I don't think the loss of SE due to finding smaller monsters than you would with your luck working as normal, will be compensated by the quest bonus.
So even though I agree to the option being sensible I don't see the necessity of implementing it since using it will only be setting you back.
A hozzászólást MsPiggy módosította 2010.12.01. 14:12:19-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
355. hozzászólás - 2010.12.01. 14:35:04 (Válasz MsPiggy #354 hozzászólására.)
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Re: Sugestion box
356. hozzászólás - 2010.12.02. 17:26:56

Say it was for the hunt 15 lesser creatures, with a high luck, I could do that in 100AP instead of 200AP (2 days instead of 4) and every 2 days on average a quest gets completed, so doing this option could mean you complete 2 quests in the time it takes someone to do 1. So yes, you might lose 5% SE from hunts, but is that SE worth more or less than a quest? If possible, you wouldn't be negating the effects of luck, simply better at targeting a specific type of monster (+10% boost to getting that monster)

I don't know. But the option could still be there for when the "Kill a dragon by hunting!" quest comes up. The premium/non premium HP regeneration sounds good, or you can also do it like trapping does (at level 20 in spectral manipulation, you can specify a monster type to trap).
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Re: Sugestion box
357. hozzászólás - 2010.12.04. 01:59:14
For the equipment sets, it would be nice if Pets were included in that setup. That way, when you set up a "Suicide" kit your pets will go to rest, and with the "Standard" kit, your best come back in.
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Re: Sugestion box
358. hozzászólás - 2010.12.04. 08:08:46 (Válasz Phalanxii #356 hozzászólására.)
True, if it were to only affect the chances of finding the desired creature (at the expense of normal monsters) it would help.
Personally I would like it to give equal chances to find the desired creature as to if you had 0 luck. I see no need to increase your chances even further, luck gives more than enough benefits already, but removing the negative effects would be ok.

As for Viridel's suggestion, if it were to be implemented it should give a warning message if you want to use pets that aren't available at the time, they could be in the kennel or healing (while you don't have an item that allows for healing & fighting at the same time in the desired equipment set)
I'm not sure what happens when an item isn't available anymore (if you sold it) when using equipment sets as I don't have the option myself, but it should give a warning message in that case too. And maybe also when you sell an item at the soulhuckster that is included in one or more of your equipment sets, so you'll be reminded to adjust them.
A hozzászólást MsPiggy módosította 2010.12.04. 08:16:49-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
359. hozzászólás - 2010.12.06. 23:47:46
I thought it was strange when I was losing duels I normally won when I just realized my saved equipment had my old spell! I have 3 equipment sets; healing, hunting and epic battles and the only difference between them is the rings and necklaces I have equipped. However, I realized today that it's actually quite difficult to make small changes to your equipment: You have to delete the dress and create a new one.

That's a faff, is there any way we can have an 'edit dress' button instead of delete a dress. On this screen, you would see a list of your items (equipped and unequipped and you could simply drag and drop (or some other mechanism) to swap around equipment.
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Re: Sugestion box
360. hozzászólás - 2010.12.08. 12:51:00
I find it a bit inconsistent that you can attack someone once you've already challenged them, but not the other way around.
It'd be better if it you could do it the other way around as well.
And if it were to be made possible, adding a dropdown/checkbox on the duel page would be nice. You could pick if you want to be shown opponents you can duel, opponents you can challenge, or just all of them with at least one available option.
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