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much likedLydonB
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Re: Sugestion box
441. hozzászólás - 2011.02.13. 15:40:16

Currently, if one intends to build via soul-well and by mistake or if the radial tick doesn't register; all that players' SE is built instead.

Please change the programming, so an error is returned if the value written is lower than the amount of SE a player has available. Or remove the default radial button altogether - meaning that one must select an option before being able to build.
A hozzászólást LydonB módosította 2011.02.13. 15:40:45-kor
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much likedPhalanxii
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Re: Sugestion box
442. hozzászólás - 2011.02.13. 20:16:09 (Válasz LydonB #441 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: LydonB - 2011.02.13. 15:40:16
Or remove the default radial button altogether - meaning that one must select an option before being able to build.

That seems like a good idea and I like it. Even though I've never fallen for that, it's an accident waiting to happen!
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Re: Sugestion box
443. hozzászólás - 2011.02.14. 00:26:48
Happened to me twice already whilst building from the well, clicked the radial button and it didn't register.

It's a major pain going to 0 SE, have to hunt my way up before doing anything else.
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Re: Sugestion box
444. hozzászólás - 2011.02.14. 09:02:33 (Válasz Phalanxii #442 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Phalanxii - 2011.02.13. 20:16:09
Idézet: LydonB - 2011.02.13. 15:40:16
Or remove the default radial button altogether - meaning that one must select an option before being able to build.

That seems like a good idea and I like it. Even though I've never fallen for that, it's an accident waiting to happen!

I second that. There shouldn't be any default option set for building. I never lost major amounts of SE due to this, but going to 0 when I need some in my possession isn't fun.
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Re: Sugestion box
445. hozzászólás - 2011.02.14. 13:19:40 (Válasz LydonB #441 hozzászólására.)
I have fallen victim to this too. Not having a default button selected seems like the best choice to prevent the dreaded 0 SE problem.

I did this once in reverse too. I selected the outer-button, but didn't realize I already built with my SP for the day and ended up building chump-change from the soul well.
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Re: Sugestion box
446. hozzászólás - 2011.02.27. 19:47:00
I read somewhere that we don't have a trade system in the game because it allows cheating. Well, if this is the case, I have a suggestion that would address the issue and allow players to trade.
Players would be able to trade as long as they had a "Merchant" skill, which would be available at the same Learning level as the Trade skill. For every point in the skill, the player would be allowed to buy/sell 1% better than normal. It means that buyers would be able to buy at 100% - % from Palace - % from Skill (20 max).
Sellers would be able to sell at 25% + % from Skill (25 max - from 20 to 25, buyers receive no benefit).
The mechanics would be the following: when a player wants to sell, he/she will simply click a button and the price would be defined automatically by the Merchant skill. Item will be placed in the market for 24h and the listing would cost 1 AP. Items will be listed chronologically. Buyers would then have a list of all available items, but only the first one of each in the list and without the name of the seller. Any difference between the price to sell/to buy would be taken by the huckster. This way, the transaction would be completed at a price defined by the skills and both buyer and seller would only interact with the game. No cheating would be possible.
I believe this would enable the market, which is a very important feature in terms of balancing because lower level players can have access to cheaper items.

Premium items:
This is where it gets tricky. After all, the company has to make money.
The simplest solution would be not to allow the sale of any premium items in the market.
Another possibility would be to allow those transactions with burnt AS (and create a mechanics similar to the one I described for the SE). That could even boost sales as more burnt AS could be converted into actual AS.

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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
447. hozzászólás - 2011.02.27. 21:36:24
well, either way, players would buy the same items they can buy from the huckster - the difference would be only that they could buy cheaper. So if someone wants to cheat, he does not buy directly from the huckster, but his "slave" character buys it - and then he buys it from his "slave", thus saving SE. No trade system can prevent cheating. Trade systems work only in non-competitive games, where transferring goods in any ratio is allowed and do not hurt the game.
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Re: Sugestion box
448. hozzászólás - 2011.02.27. 22:30:30
I don't think you understood the suggestion.
From a buyer's perspective, the player would pay, in a best scenario, 50% of the item value (-30% from Palace - 20% from Skill). That would be the price no matter who the seller is. As a matter of fact, he would not have the chance of buying from his "slave", because as I said, the sellers would not be disclosed. This theoretical "slave" would put the item in the market and his sale would enter the list at the bottom, after all the offers previously posted.
What you are saying would only apply in case one specific item was not in the market. Such situation would never happen in a competitive game because there would be enough offers to sell.

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much likedImLittleJon
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Re: Sugestion box
449. hozzászólás - 2011.03.01. 20:14:33
OK. I just went through every post in this thread and picked out what I think are the best suggestions that haven't been either implemented yet or officially shot down.

Repeat suggestions:
- ability to PM multiple players. See posts 19,81,93,123,124,237,337. Effort: Low.

- in-game chat. See posts 68,92,93,169,223. Post 230 says it's on the todo list, but we haven't heard anything since. Effort: Medium (search for "open source php chat" shows a gazillion options)

- ability to see duel targets while resting. See posts 314-316,319. Effort: Trivial.

- edit clan forum post. See posts 148-153. Effort: Low.

Epic discussions:
- fix clan wars. See posts 161-163,167-168,181. Effort: unknown, needs discussion.

My favorite minor tweaks:
- auction closing times are not convenient for all time zones. Posts 47,237,238. I propose three possible solutions. 1) instead of waiting 120 hours between auctions, wait 121. 2) wait 108 hours + random(0..24). 3) assign a time of day for each major slot, so 1 ends at 0:00, the next at 6:00, etc.

- better coordination of clan building. Post 118. Post 222 says this is on the todo list, but nothing further.

- remove default radio button for building from personal SE. Posts 441-445

Other minor tweaks:
- delete inactive accounts. Posts 41, 419
- ability to equip no weapon at all. Post 41
- awardable medals. Posts 84,115
- a la carte premium options. Posts 114,397
- challenge championship. Post 145
- make secondary attack/spell optional. Posts 164-166
- higher level catacombs. Post 187
- show what type of item the entity rewards are (ring, necklace, etc.). Post 254
- call all pets to fight/rest/exercise/heal. Posts 348,430
- some display for time remaining to fight infection. Post 348
- notice when new auction items arrive. Post 348
- notification if overbid in treasury. Post 406
- ability to interrupt pet exercise. Post 434
- save up mana construction points. Post 438
- display focus crystals by what they go in. Post 440
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much likedPhalanxii
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Re: Sugestion box
450. hozzászólás - 2011.03.07. 16:56:07
I don't know what happened to the quiz olympics (did you stop it because it was too easy to google answers?) or the quiz categorization, but when they are re-implemented, it could be a good idea to host quiz olympics with themes. The theme could be a category basically, and instead of the questions being totally random, they could be on books, films, sports, science, capital cities etc.

In addition to this, the quiz medal could be specific to the category, so if you win the quiz medal, it says which category you won it for.

All that sounds quite easy to me but not a high priority (unlike some of the things ImLittleJon said). You could even change the foundations of quiz medals so that you only get +1% SE from hunts on questions from the category that you won it in.
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Re: Sugestion box
451. hozzászólás - 2011.03.07. 18:25:18
think it was stopped cos people were using a script
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Re: Sugestion box
452. hozzászólás - 2011.03.07. 18:28:24
I have an Auction house suggestion

the prices are getting stupid in auction now, there is nothing on w2 thats worth the prices being paid for them.

how about a new set of items to reflect the average cost more effectively, or level specfic bidding groups mayb e based ont he championship level groups?.

Also how do players of lower level ever hope to compete for things when they get the auction? they end up having to compete with players with 100s of ducats up there sleeve so they really have no chance
A hozzászólást D00ml0rd módosította 2011.03.07. 18:33:03-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
453. hozzászólás - 2011.03.07. 20:06:19 (Válasz Phalanxii #450 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Phalanxii - 2011.03.07. 16:56:07
I don't know what happened to the quiz olympics (did you stop it because it was too easy to google answers?)

No, it was stopped due to people cheating. A bunch of people were using a script during their normal quizzes which sent in the questions and answers into a big database. Then, during the olympics, their script could just look up the answers in the database, so it would automatically mark the correct answer for them, unless nobody had ever gotten that question before. A long time ago, I posted an approach that I think would solve the issue without too much programming - the key being that instead of displaying text for the questions and answers, you would generate images with unique urls.

Idézet: Phalanxii - 2011.03.07. 16:56:07
or the quiz categorization

Last I heard, those were just held up by a minor bug or something. I thought they would be launched a long time ago. Kethios, any news on that front?
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Re: Sugestion box
454. hozzászólás - 2011.03.09. 08:33:50 (Válasz ImLittleJon #453 hozzászólására.)
Quiz categorization/Quiz olympics

Still no news but we'll have quiz olympics soon.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: Sugestion box
455. hozzászólás - 2011.03.09. 16:18:10
Suggestion for the programmers: A major thing that is missing from the game is the lack of things to do if you are resting/hunting. If you start a 50ap hunt, for 3 hours you cannot touch anything else. If resting for even longer! So i suggest an activity room to be created. It could be anything from mini games with highscores to keep competition between players going, casino rooms (maybe bet se for items or more se??) or any other way players can compete and have fun without limits of abilities, level, hp, sp etc.
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very popularPiko
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Re: Sugestion box
456. hozzászólás - 2011.03.09. 20:11:49
Hi, i have few building suggestions. If there was already idea for this buildings sorry.

1.) Pet bazaar - it can be clan building or option for all players (i would prefer this). Here players could put their trained pets for sale. Currency could be ducats, AA points, treasure points...(it is to be decided). It would work like auction house and one player could put only one pet for sale. Reason for buying could be different like i would like to have pegasus or i would rather buy than train pet.

2.) Temple - clan building- here clan could buy blessing for members. Blessing could be +strength or +attack or +1% to hunt. Clan leader would choose blessing to activate and that blessing would stay active for few hours or days( that would depend on temple level). After that there would be cooling time affected by level of temple. Cooling time could be shorten down with praying ( player would go to pray for 2 hours shortening time for 2% - example) or putting mana in temple mana pool.

3.) Brewery - clan building- here potions could be developed. With level of building strength and number of potions will rise. For every 5 levels clan could choose 1 potion and that potion will every day at first log in go to player inventory. So at building level 25 we would have 5 potions to boost our attributes. Clan leader will chose potion and that decision could be changed only once a week or so. This building could be build with ancient or burn-out ancient stones.

I hope that you like some of the idea and that we could se something like this in future.
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much likedImLittleJon
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Re: Sugestion box
457. hozzászólás - 2011.03.09. 20:41:11 (Válasz Piko #456 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Piko - 2011.03.09. 20:11:49
1.) Pet bazaar - it can be clan building or option for all players (i would prefer this). Here players could put their trained pets for sale. Currency could be ducats, AA points, treasure points...(it is to be decided). It would work like auction house and one player could put only one pet for sale. Reason for buying could be different like i would like to have pegasus or i would rather buy than train pet.

Anything involving transferring resources between players is a non-starter. You might get a little farther if you modify your proposal so that it's just the soul huckster selling pets. That would kind of replace the ability to target specific pets with your trapping skill, which is useless as currently implemented.
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
458. hozzászólás - 2011.03.09. 21:08:23
The Alchemy Labor - when your clan will build it - will be a very similar thing to the brewery you suggested. Squeezed animals will drop essences, which can be used to boost skills and give other potion-like effects.

Pet bazaar: As ImLittleJon says, transferring resources can be a bad thing. However. We are running a semi-promo event on the Hun servers, called Relics. Soon we will give access to it on the English servers as well, where you can buy a few special pets too. I know its not like a full pet bazaar, but thats what we have now...

Temple: I do not see the difference between this and other buildings which already give stat bonuses...

Sorry about the quiz olympics! We have rewritten the complete system, so people cannot use scripts to cheat. We tested it on the Hun servers and it works now, it will transfer to the Eng servers very soon!
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Re: Sugestion box
459. hozzászólás - 2011.03.09. 23:08:19 (Válasz Miklos #458 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2011.03.09. 21:08:23
Sorry about the quiz olympics! We have rewritten the complete system, so people cannot use scripts to cheat. We tested it on the Hun servers and it works now, it will transfer to the Eng servers very soon!

This is music to my ears! Is the idea of having themed olympics a dead end then?

I actually think a brewery would be great. Potions which give effects like +10 transcendal projection are much too similar to the essences, but there is no building that generates potions themselves. Everyone always needs a healing potion at some point and mana potions after manaconstruction.

Perhaps the brewery could automatically generate 2 potions each week (one mana, one healing) and players bid on them using treasury points. The players receive the highest level potion available to their level. Higher levels = increased frequency of potions.

Level 1 = 1 potion every 14 days (alternates between mana and healing)
Level 5 = 2 potions every 14 days
Level 10 = 2 potions every 10 days
Level 15 = 2 potions every 6 days
Level 20 = 2 potions every 2 days
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Re: Sugestion box
460. hozzászólás - 2011.04.09. 17:20:37
How about if you have a certain amount of luck, you get extra options in quests to make them easier/you luckier.

Some examples: If luck is the same as your level or higher (not too tricky to do), then during the 30 quiz questions, 2 correct answers count as 3 (so you only do 20 questions).

If your luck is twice your level (or higher), then you could get a 10% bonus from a single duel (you activate this) when you have to loot a certain amount in a quest.

Or in using a healing potion 10 times, you have a chance to find it when hunting. Things like that.
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