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Re: Sugestion box
1001. hozzászólás - 2023.05.18. 22:22:14 (Válasz john wick #1000 hozzászólására.)
ok, well, there we have it. thanks, john. i paid into our soul well before there was an energy storage building to help. i guess it helps a lot. you've convinced me, the clan bonuses are big at lower levels. the easiest solution, then, is to get those clan bonuses for yourself.

joker22, ok, i'm understanding better now. you don't want to leave your friend-clan to join a big-clan. so my question is why not invest in your friend-clan to make it into a big-clan?

clan bonuses are not free. we can debate about how fair they are. but since players are paying for them, why should they be excluded from championships? it'd be penalizing them for working on their clan when they could've been pouring SE into their stats.

i think the spider problem is a completely separate issue from the clan bonuses. what if the championship reward were lowered from ability points to just some SE? i'm not saying i want that. i'm just toying with possibilities.
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Re: Sugestion box
1002. hozzászólás - 2023.05.19. 08:36:24 (Válasz manunkind #1001 hozzászólására.)
manukind who told you that i am not investing on my clans building?if you remeber the amounts to build are huge,which i understand that and it is logic,so it takes a lot of time to build them.i think you cannot agree on that also.the removal of the clan bonuses will make the championship more fair for all.at the moment you can see that especially on the low lvls the winners are always players from the high clans that are not even playing and just hide on the catacombes.so i hope you undersatnd that even an active stronger player caanot win on the championship a weaker high lvl clan player that doesnt even play.again i will disagree with you with the spider problem relating to the championships.as far as it goes with the chamionships spiders exist only because of the ckan bonuses and the free abilities reward.it is plus 2 on all abilities everymonth.as you see john wick said that already has won 36championships and he is lvl14!we talk about 252 free ability points!tell me a way that a player on that lvl can beat him if he is not also on a high lvl clan?noone.players fom even medium clans like mine cannot beat him that is a fact.now if your suggestion is instead of free abilities the reward to be a medium amount of SE i totally agree with you that will reduce the championship spiders for sure.but in order the chamoionship to be more fair i also believe that removing the clan bonuses ONLY for the championshipsand the reward to be SE instead of free abilities would be the ideal change.but we both know by now that this will never happen.but you cannot blame players that trying to make a change
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Re: Sugestion box
1003. hozzászólás - 2023.05.19. 09:30:58 (Válasz manunkind #1001 hozzászólására.)
clan bonuses are not free. we can debate about how fair they are. but since players are paying for them, why should they be excluded from championships? it'd be penalizing them for working on their clan when they could've been pouring SE into their stats.

you are part right on that.yes you can invest se into the clan and not on your stats BUT even if you dont spend any SE or the ones that remaining on the end of your day or just the log little SE you get you get build your clans building or fill your clans soulwell to be a full bember with the building energy you get if you are active.so filling your clan soulwell can be done without even sacrifice SE as long as you play the game and not just park your character. especially if you do the pit you can get 400.000 BUILDING ENERGY and more in a day easily so you dont sacrifice anything.but if you choose to sacrifice SE you will fill it faster. excluding the clan bonuses ONLY and i repeat that ONLY in clanchampionship you do not penalizing any player you just make the championship more fair for all.otherwise you just reward the spiders and panalizing the new players from smaller clans.i have lost championship from much weaker players that were on catacombes just because thwy have the clan bonuses not because they are stronger or actually play the game
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everyone's favoriteNathan DrakeFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
1004. hozzászólás - 2023.05.19. 09:43:50 (Válasz Nathan Drake #1003 hozzászólására.)
soory not to e exclude on clanchamionships but in normalchampionships.my bad.so you can have the clan bonuses on clanchampionship,on duels on your attacks on epic and antity and any other activity besides the champinships.especially since the reward is free abilities it should be fair for all and not reward parked players fom high lvl clans that dont actuall play the game
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very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
1005. hozzászólás - 2023.05.19. 10:12:29
Those players play the game... They just do it in a diferent way than most. Those are galetkis that couldn't care less about clan disputes, about horde wars, they don't care about xenomorphic or dragon invasions... They are eremites, the kind of martial arts masters that live in seclusion, practicing their art, coming out of their den to test their skills against other masters in friendly competitions. Luckily they are mostly pacifists! Could you imagine the horror if they decided to hunt for soul energy?

Ok story apart I'm neutral about the use or not of the clan buildings in championship for the most part... One of those buildings' bonuses seems very strange to be used... I mean training grounds having effect, sounds good, you train more and with better technics, so you become more skilled in attack, great. Necro focus and its IQ bonus, no comments... But ramparts having effect seems, strange... I mean what are you doing? Dragging your clan's fortress to the championship's place?
A hozzászólást DoomlordFos módosította 2023.05.19. 10:15:06-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
1006. hozzászólás - 2023.05.19. 11:30:48 (Válasz DoomlordFos #1005 hozzászólására.)
i agree.i mean big clans have also the minions so you get abilities from that.those abilities and the minios can be included.but the attack,def and iq bonuses from cln building should be excluded.regarding the filing of the soulwell i think it has been laready answered the building energy let you fill the soulwell easily without sacrificing SE unless you want to.Manukid you could fill also your soulwell without sacrificing SE or even before the building that had been said before,although i dont see that building on my clan maybe unlocked later,but since you did you did increased your luck also which effects the battle alot so you did benefit also in away
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Re: Sugestion box
1007. hozzászólás - 2023.05.19. 14:47:11 (Válasz Nathan Drake #1003 hozzászólására.)
what if there were some sort of spider penalty? an increasing disadvantage for not advancing levels? perhaps a percentage of total ability points? right now, the only one i'm aware of is if you win the championship too many times in the same category, you get penalized 10 times your champion medals, but that's obviously not a sufficient deterrent for everyone. do we even agree that spider-play is something we should actively try to prevent? is it illegitimate or just frustrating for players trying to advance?
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.05.19. 14:47:55-kor
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very popularthor77Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
1008. hozzászólás - 2023.05.19. 15:13:42 (Válasz manunkind #1007 hozzászólására.)
i thik one way to stop the spiders is to put a limit on how many medals you can win on your category.for example if you win 10 medals on your category you cannot participate on the championship unless you move on to the next category.the penalty that exist obvioously does nothing to the high clan players,the clan bonuses eliminate any penalty,unlessas it was suggested the clan bonuses that give extra abilities are excluded.as for your last question i think it is both,new players that actuall play the game cannot win any chamionship from parked players from the high clans if they play and advance category the meet the same problem.so as thing are now championships are only for players from high clans who are not only have huge advantages from clan buildings but also get rewaded with free abilities for not actually playing the game
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much likedskotos77Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
1009. hozzászólás - 2023.05.19. 16:15:56 (Válasz manunkind #1007 hozzászólására.)
maukind as you can see the panlty dont work.even the one that exist dont do nothing.the clan advantages are too high to be eliminated or reduced enough for a championship to be fair.see the basic abilities bonus 150 attack and def,15 iq those are a huge problem on their own.i will not mention the minion bonuses from the magic hut and the underworld pit.for me those can stay.but the attack and def and iq bonuses should be exluded from the championship so even new players from new ckans can actually have a chance to win a championship.and also the free abilities is wrong.basically ou reward the parked players from high clan with free abilities and punish the new players from smaller or new clans.for me the best solution fro a fair championship and eliminate or reduce at least the spiders is either the reward to be an medium amount of SE and the abilities from clan bonuses,attack def and iq, to be excluded or what thor suggested after winning an amount of chamionship on the same catecory not to be able to participate unless you advance to the next category
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Re: Sugestion box
1010. hozzászólás - 2023.05.19. 20:19:31 (Válasz thor77 #1008 hozzászólására.)
thor77, i actually like that one. hard cap the number of medals a player can win in each category. if someone really wants to squat, they aren't required to go up, but they can no longer compete where they are.
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everyone's favoriteNathan DrakeFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
1011. hozzászólás - 2023.05.20. 09:17:10 (Válasz manunkind #1010 hozzászólására.)
i have made this suggestion and nothing was done.sometimes i wonder if they ever look the suggestion we make or they simply dont care to improve things.so i dont get your hopes up that something might change guys
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very popularslayer666Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
1012. hozzászólás - 2023.05.20. 12:10:20 (Válasz Nathan Drake #1011 hozzászólására.)
same here i have made several suggestions over the years and nothing have changed.you get the answer that it will sent to developers but you dont see your suggestion done or anything similar.you dont even get an answer if your suggestion was declined or why it was declined.anyway i stop bothering to make any suggestions since nothing is changing.i like that the developers add new things from time to time like the gods of ghalla but i would like to see something to be done with the suggestions that have been said or something for the complains that are said here or i supposed said with tickets.
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Re: Sugestion box
1013. hozzászólás - 2023.05.20. 19:43:42 (Válasz Nathan Drake #1011 hozzászólására.)
i have had some success through the in-game help button. you can at least expect a response that way (although not over the weekend).
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very popularwater mistressNő
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Re: Sugestion box
1014. hozzászólás - 2023.05.21. 10:42:50 (Válasz manunkind #1013 hozzászólására.)
i got response about the reward of the championships instead of free abilities to be SE.literally was dissapointed.

Thanks for the suggestion! However, if the reward would be SE instead, higher levels would get a lot more still, so the system wouldn't change effectively. Players earn a lot more SE at high levels, you can't give them the same amount as at lower levels.

but the amount to be a medium amount of SE that will be equal with the SE you will get from lets say 20 hunts according to your lvl.so the amount is not all for all,it is a good amount of SE that dont change the balance and it is more fair.then the answer from the development went again to the penalty of winning too many chamionship.But for some reason they dont seem to understand that the penalty doesnt actually work on lower lvs.imagine how many championships someone will win with 150 on attack and def before the penalty have an actual effect and meanwhile the free abilities will reduce even the penalty.i really dont understand why this is not clear
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Re: Sugestion box
1015. hozzászólás - 2023.05.23. 14:13:01 (Válasz water mistress #1014 hozzászólására.)
the problem that from what it seems develpers adding new thing and dont try to fix things that are wrong.some of the new thing are great like the gods of Ghalla but some are only for high clans.in additons some new abilities are cancelling the existing ones that some of us invested resources to increase them and now are useless due to the new abilities that added
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very populardeadpool21Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
1016. hozzászólás - 2023.05.23. 18:28:27 (Válasz manunkind #1007 hozzászólására.)
actually manukind it is not frustrating for players that trying to advance it is unfair for players that actual play the game and might be in smaller clans to lost championships and free abilities from parked players from big clans.this must be the only game that actually rewards the players that dont play the game and punish the ones that actually play the game
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Re: Sugestion box
1017. hozzászólás - 2023.05.25. 16:37:02 (Válasz thor77 #1008 hozzászólására.)
the response i received: "Thanks for your suggestion, I will forward it to the developers."
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Re: Sugestion box
1018. hozzászólás - 2023.05.26. 19:31:04 (Válasz manunkind #1017 hozzászólására.)
yes this is a typical answer.but still you dont know if they even read your suggestion since you almost never get a response back or even see your suggestion happening or something similar to your suggestion.if i remeber correct you have suggested also the quiz to be removed,fyi many we have made the same suggestion even send proposals here and iin tickets for removal of the quiz event since i dont think that anyone is interested with suggestion for other events or new championships with SE rewards instead of free abilities since noone wants another championship for the few.nothing chaged as you see.the quiz is still here and nothing new besides the gods of ghall have been addded
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Re: Sugestion box
1019. hozzászólás - 2023.05.27. 11:41:42 (Válasz manunkind #1017 hozzászólására.)
manukind i have made several suggestion even for new fetish and championship and some changes so the game to be more fair for all,new and old players,i got the same response to my tickets as you and thats it.nothing changed.i never got a feedback on my suggestions for not to be able to be done and might need to modified it or see any change similar to my suggestion.so the answer that it will be forward to the developers is typical but evn if it is forward to the developers you dont get a feedback.
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Re: Sugestion box
1020. hozzászólás - 2023.05.31. 20:49:58 (Válasz maxhths #1018 hozzászólására.)
maxhths, they added a premium relic so you don't have to do the quiz questions. i think that was their answer.

valorian, i've seen some of my suggestions implemented, and some not. some have received feedback, some not. some of that feedback was positive, some not. the one thing that's been consistent is the in-game help button gets a swift response - within 24 hours during the week. in the forum, don't hold your breath.
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