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Topic neve: Sugestion box
very populardeadpool21Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
941. hozzászólás - 2023.05.06. 20:20:37 (Válasz manunkind #939 hozzászólására.)
what you suggest has no point manukind.you will not nerf the abuse of the subplasma attacks by double what would normally be your attack range unless if by doing this take out of the game the subplasma completly.if you suggesting to delete completly the subplasma i agree with you.if not nothing will change except that you will be hitting more lower lvls without subplasma.what will stop you to keep hitting lvl20 with your suggestion?
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Re: Sugestion box
942. hozzászólás - 2023.05.06. 22:15:36 (Válasz Dionysos #940 hozzászólására.)
wow, you guys really don't want to win. if my normal range is, say, +/-20 and i'm level 250, then with my proposal, a subplasma would allow me to make an attack at a range of +/-40. subplasmas would no longer allow attacks without regard to level. this would most certainly prevent attacks of 100 level differences. fun fact: 100 > 40. but you go right on arguing about it. smh.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.05.06. 22:21:47-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
943. hozzászólás - 2023.05.07. 09:51:24 (Válasz manunkind #942 hozzászólására.)
as you wrote it it sounded that you want to increase the normal range without using subplasma and keep the subplasma as it is.this is why everyone was arguing.cause to increase the normal range attacks and keep the subplasma as it it wouldnt do nothing.so your proposal is to put a limit range to the subplasma correct or i misunderstood something?if this is the case i agree with that
Pontszám: 9.42
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Re: Sugestion box
944. hozzászólás - 2023.05.07. 10:10:50 (Válasz manunkind #942 hozzászólására.)
if your proposal ist o put a limit on the lvl you can attack with subplasma i agree also.although the developers can easily say to you the simplest thing.Just dont hit lvl20 players this can be done even without changing anything
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very popularmrgreenFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
945. hozzászólás - 2023.05.07. 16:33:00 (Válasz manunkind #942 hozzászólására.)
if you suggestion is subplasma attacks to be limited until 40 lvl below i have no problem,i actually agree on that.although you can do that even if the developer dont do it.Just use your subplasma to hit until 40 lvls below instead of you hitting lvl20.so you see you do have a choice on how to use your subplasma in a fairplay spirit but you choose to abuse the use of the subplasma by hitting players that are 200 below you.as for increasing the normal attacks above your lvl if you think about it it isnt fair for the small clans.a lower lvl player on a big clan with 150 attack and defence bonus from his clan can beat someone that is 40 lvl above him that is on a new clan with 75 bonuses on attack and def.this i why the game is completley unbalanced.you may have an active player actually playing the game and a spider that only do duels and win due to clan binuses.i dont say that clan bonuses shouldnt exist but it will be more fair if there were giving a leverage of max 30 on attack and def.this way an active player or a premium will have a chance.think that a lvl10 player starts with 150 atttack and def which is a huge bonus that no new player that belong to a new clan can beat.this is why championships should be with any clan bonuses but just only the players abilities.but this is another isssue
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Re: Sugestion box
946. hozzászólás - 2023.05.07. 18:24:40 (Válasz manunkind #942 hozzászólására.)
so what are you saying manukind?unless someone put a limit on your use os subplasma you will keep hitting lvl20?cause there is no need to put a limit on the subplasma lvl you can hit players only in a range of 40 lvl lower than you as you ask.it is your choice to hit lvl20.but if hitting a lvl20 cost you 1 sublasma and 40 duel point you must be fool to keep hitting lvl20 players.your suggestion doesnt need to be applied by the developers you can use your subplasma to only hit targets that are 40 lvl below you instead of 220 lvls below you.i still think the increased cost of duel point is the best solution for players 200 lvl and above to stop hitting players that are 200 lvl below them.
Pontszám: 10
very populardeadpool21Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
947. hozzászólás - 2023.05.07. 19:16:11 (Válasz joker22 #946 hozzászólására.)
i have to agree with joker increasing the normal attack range will one give more benefit to the low lvls from the high clans to hit higher players from new clans and win because of the huge bonuses of the clan and drag them in the torture chamber.besides why you need someone to put you a limit on the subplasma when you can use the subplasma to hit only the range you mention?it is your choice to abuse the subplasma to hit lvl20.the increased cost is the best solution cause this will actually cost when you hit a player that is 100 lvl lower than you or more.if a lvl200 attack a lvl20 and the attack cost him subplasma and 18 duel points it will be foolish to attack since with 18 duels points can actually hit 18 players close to his lvl or the crystal clan or the clanchampionship and get more SE.i still believe that the increased cost on duel points or even a combination of increased cost of duel point and increased subplasma need will definately if not eliminate the attacks of lvl200 to lvl20 or at least dramatically reduced it.
Pontszám: 9.06
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Re: Sugestion box
948. hozzászólás - 2023.05.07. 22:48:08
there is no point in debating further if you think that deterrence will be more effective than prevention. good luck though.
Pontszám: 5.44
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Re: Sugestion box
949. hozzászólás - 2023.05.07. 22:54:59 (Válasz manunkind #948 hozzászólására.)
sorry, i can't help myself. how many fewer subplasma attacks do you hope to reduce from two this year? i have over 6000 subplasmas, over 2000 lesser duel potions, and nearly 4000 duel potions. if i want to hit you, a few extra resources are not going to be an effective deterrent. if you want to prevent it, alter the game mechanics of subplasmas. or make yourself someone high level players don't want to attack. i've spent months speaking with honesty, transparency, and patience. consider listening.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.05.08. 13:30:24-kor
Pontszám: 5.35
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Re: Sugestion box
950. hozzászólás - 2023.05.08. 14:13:22 (Válasz manunkind #949 hozzászólására.)
i dint want to debate with you again manukind but you are provoking for answers.in what way me a lvl24 make you to attack me?did i hit you or someone on your clan?no.when you say i have so many duel potions and so many subplasma and i will attack you no matter what really show that your excuses about task and that the game forces you to attack playesrs that are 200 lvl below you are just BS.you just enjoy hitting players that cannot fight back so be man enough to admit at least that
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Re: Sugestion box
951. hozzászólás - 2023.05.08. 14:37:01 (Válasz zeus76 #950 hozzászólására.)
zeus76, consider listening. i didn't say i'd keep hitting you; i said greater cost wouldn't be a deterrent if i wanted to keep hitting you. why would i attack just twice back in january if i enjoy it? i'm literally telling you what change to the game would prevent me from attacking you (and what one wouldn't), and people are arguing with me. it's astonishing.
Pontszám: 5.35
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Re: Sugestion box
952. hozzászólás - 2023.05.08. 15:56:02 (Válasz manunkind #951 hozzászólására.)
first of all the only reason you stopped attacking me is because you cannot since i become premium before i go to the catacomves.so this the reason.i think someone on the other topic already said that everytime he stopoed being premium you were keep hitting him so here is your answer from someone besides me.now when you say that you will prefer to spend subplasma and 80 duels points just to hit a lvl 20 instead using them in a way that you will earn more SE only shows that you enjoy it and because of a task all the other excuses you are saying.you say that the only way to prevent you from attacking me is only if the developers stop you so all the excuses that you dont have enough targets,although there is also the crustal clan for completing duels task and even tasks,are just excuses while you still can stop hhitting lvl20.if you cannot understand the difference between right and wrong or use and abuse of a game feature by now i cannot teach you that.for you it right n every way to hit someone that is 200 lvls below.so if finally end up playing on emty servers only wih your clansmate dont wonder why this happenned since you do everything you can to get rid all the new players.dont expect to find new targets soon since nonew players will stay in the game but your ego will be satisfied.cause this is the only matters to you right?your ego
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Re: Sugestion box
953. hozzászólás - 2023.05.08. 16:16:15 (Válasz zeus76 #952 hozzászólására.)
zeus76, i figured you'd say that. do you see anyone else complaining about my subplasma attacks since january? i told you back then i did them as part of an event task and i wouldn't make a habit of it. i have no idea if you've been premium since because i haven't been looking to subplasma attack you since. my handful of subplasma attacks over the past few months have been against higher level targets because i had no need to dig deeper. if you want to keep being premium to prevent the occasional attack that costs you no SE, be my guest, but don't blame me. you keep wanting to argue, but there is no argument - the attacks are legal. this is a suggestions thread, and i have offered a suggestion that would solve the problem - one that would prevent me from ever hitting you again. why in the world would you not support it?
Pontszám: 5.35
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Re: Sugestion box
954. hozzászólás - 2023.05.08. 20:30:05 (Válasz manunkind #953 hozzászólására.)
seriously manukind?did you just say that?do you see how many low lvl players have a problem with your attacks?not only me and zeus?players are complaining about your attacks at the forum even before we join the game.you keep telling that only me and zeus are complaining about your attacks but do you read the forum?many players are complaing about you and your tactic to hit players that just join the game and are 200 lvls below you.didnt another player said befoe that everytime he stopped being premium you keep attacking him?or you choose to forget that also?as for your suggestion we have to agree with your suggestion or you just keep hittting lvl that are 200 below you?we have no right to disagree with you just because we are much higher lvl below you?
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Re: Sugestion box
955. hozzászólás - 2023.05.08. 20:48:50 (Válasz manunkind #953 hozzászólására.)
i also figured youd say thata gain manukind but did you bother to see how many were compaining about your attacks even before january?i did search on the other topic and just to remind you the recent post of pyro666 about your attacks?

Complaints -> General complaint
Date: 2023.01.28. 17:12:09

i dont want a respond,i dont even see a point to debate you if what you do is right or wrong i have seen your previous answers but at least tell the truth.you say that you usually dont hit lower lvls and you have been hitting me from when i was lvl12 if i wasnt premium.if i stopped being premium within the week i would get attacked by you at least once and then i got to be premium again.yes you play according to the rule and the developers might be happy cause you make new players being premium all the time but most of them either leave the game or do what i do go to catacomves until they have enough loyalty to get AS to be premium again either way no money is coming on the server.as for me misremembering i am telling you that i remember very well cause you were the only one of 200 lvl that was hitting me so for me it is very easy to remember you for you might be more difficult since from what it looks you hitting many low lvl players.like i said i wil not debate with you about the hits but at least tell the truth about hitting low lvl new players

shoould i search and remind you all tthe ther players that were complaining about you?the post are still there you can read them again. as for your comment about make yourself someone high level players don't want to attack just because you hit players that are 200 lvl below you and cannot fight back doesnt mean that they dont want to hit you,there are just new players much lower lvl than you and cannot fight back.dont think you are mister popular that all the players like him,i am sure your clan like you but as it looks many players dont like you.so instead of giving me lessons of how to be a player that high lvls want hit better try to larn how to respect the other players that just started the game
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Re: Sugestion box
956. hozzászólás - 2023.05.08. 21:10:42
right, from previous events where i had to use subplasmas. your memories are inaccurate as to the frequency which is why i've directed you to posts about the number of subplasma attacks since january's event.

this is a suggestions forum, and you have turned it into complaints 2.0. you are making no suggestions. you are just complaining that you don't like my (legal) gameplay. i don't like your turtle gameplay and forum whining, but they're legal, so they're your call. to each his own.

i have made 2 suggestions to help with your perceived problem of losing no SE in these subplasma attacks: 1) remove subplasma tasks from events, and 2) alter how subplasmas work so that they merely double normal attack range. do you have a response to these suggestions or do you simply wish to express more sour grapes?
Pontszám: 5.35
very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
957. hozzászólás - 2023.05.09. 10:05:21
If we are premium and buy the comfort function we can "change complete dress with a single click", maybe this function could also save ( and change) the minion we have selected.
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Re: Sugestion box
958. hozzászólás - 2023.05.09. 11:17:38 (Válasz manunkind #956 hozzászólására.)
first of all the suggestion was made some we have suported the first suggestion and some didnt you turned it in personal argue not me i responded to your comments.i read the previous comments about your attacks from other new players even before january and not all are on events.there is only one event that have a task for subplasma and even that doesnt mean that you have to hit lvls that are 200 below you.so obviously you are the one that whinning when someone says that a lvl200 hitting a lvl20 cause basically you know you are the only one or one of the few that do such ridiculous attacks.as for your proposal i have answered but seems you do not understand so lets make it as clear as possible to you and this time l hope you understand it.1 removing the subplasma task from an event will not stop you hitting new players since you dont do it only in the events as other players said so so dont say that it is personal since many new players compaining about your attacks even when not an event is running.secondly if your suggestion about the subpplasma mean that using subplasma to hit max 40 lvl below you i agree.so as you see you are the one that you dont admit that you enjoy hitting low lvl players and try to find excuses for your attacks.and last regarding your lame excuse that the event task forces you to use subplasma on lvl20 and you suggest that the range of the subplasma to be only until below lv40 you can do that even if the developers dont change the anything.you can hit players only in that range and not hitting players that are only 200 lvl below you.and should i remind you that there is also that the crsyal clan was created for that reason also?
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Re: Sugestion box
959. hozzászólás - 2023.05.09. 16:25:37 (Válasz manunkind #956 hozzászólására.)
manukind i hear you all this time to say that you dont hit lower lvls except from time of events and i didnt want enter theis argument but honestly i couldnt keep hearing you that you dont hit new players except on events..on the carnival event there is no need for subplasma attacks and i was lvl18 and you were hitting me until i got premium to stop you.obviously moderators dont care cause complainings for your attacks to new players have been done from me from my clansmates and as i see on the forum from many others.they dont plan to do anything and you keep hitting new players for any reasons you might have and not only on events at least dont blame the events or say that the event force you to attack new players.and i have to agree with the others even if the event ask you to do subplasma attacks,although your hits are not always on the event time, you can hit with subpasma higher lvls than me when i was lvl18 or for other new players.try to hit the crystal clan or someone that is lvl200.again you can d your supposly task and the duel to be more fair.and i will ask you another thing that you said try not to be a player that higher lvls want to hit?what exactly do you mean?how can a lvl20 that never provoked you or you clan makes you want to hit him?and i talking formyself and your attacks on me.in what way did i make you want to hit me?
Pontszám: 7.50
very popularpyro666Férfi
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Re: Sugestion box
960. hozzászólás - 2023.05.09. 16:42:40 (Válasz manunkind #956 hozzászólására.)
since my comment was used and because you keep saying that you were only hitting me and i suppose many other low lvl players on event time i will remind you manukid that for your attacks on me this isnt true.i dont speak for anyone else since i dont know what you did with them.like i already said you were hitting me the moment that i was not premium no matter if event was ruuning or not.i dont know how that i provoked you cause i didnt even send you a message.those are facts that both of us know.why you did it i dont know and honestly i dont care anymore but as i see you keep doing it to others and you use the same excuse that an event force you to hit players that are 200 lvl below you which both know it is not true.as for your suggestions now.eliminating the subplasma attacks on the event will ot change anything since you hit no matter if an event running or not.as for the range of the subplasma to be limited,if i understood correct,i agree but even if the moderators dont do anything you can stop hitting such low lvls as mine and hit on your proposal range.it is not so difficult and it isnt necessary someone to actulally change something for you to stop doin it.you actually admit that unless moderators unable you to attack new players you keep doing it cause you can and simply dont care
Pontszám: 8.68
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