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much likedImLittleJon
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Re: Sugestion box
521. hozzászólás - 2012.02.03. 14:34:38 (Válasz Cruel01 #519 hozzászólására.)
Doomlord is definitely starting to follow the same trajectory as other games I have played in the past. There are huge barriers for anyone new joining, and the reality is that people don't stay forever. They get bored, or things change IRL for them, and one by one, they quit. As the pool of players shrinks, it becomes less fun for the remaining players.

Merging the worlds somehow would only be a temporary bandaid, putting off the day of reckoning. The only solution I see is to move everything to a W4-style system, where there is a defined end, and then everyone starts over, with some kind of trophy case for various accomplishments (e.g. highest level, highest abilities, etc.). It doesn't have to include the W4-style speed changes, though. At the time that it starts over, all the new players would be on an even footing with the more experienced players. It would give everyone a chance to experiment with different hordes, player development strategies, etc. And the developers would have a chance to change things up, throw in new wrinkles, etc. on every reset. For example, when they introduced AA skills, they slapped on a minimum level to avoid people complaining about how they missed out on all those potential AA points. With this system, they could just add new features from level 0 at reset time. They should have 2 worlds running, with reset times offset, so new players could join whichever one was going to reset sooner.
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Re: Sugestion box
522. hozzászólás - 2012.02.04. 14:19:50 (Válasz ImLittleJon #521 hozzászólására.)
Some people prefer the open-ended format. Not to mention it is the best place to introduce new stuff, like the recently introduced Castle.
Imo, the best solution would be to merge the 3 worlds into 1 and have a W2 with the same rules of the current W4 (with a little twist of giving players the option to choose between EH and DD) that would be "constantly" open. It would work this way: W2 would start with a set end-goal of killing 50 epics. When it was done, all players would have the option to either transfer the prize to W1 (like it is now) or transfer the char to W1. This transfer would be a little different though. The game would add all SE gathered in W2 and the player would create a brand new char with that SE ((like they are planning for the next W4). The only thing that wouldn't change would be the level. This choice process would take a week and then W2 would restart.

I believe this formula is good because it enables new entrants to join the game at a higher level and be competitive. They get to know the game and play W2. They like it and play again with the goal of transferring the char to W1. As a matter of fact, the 50 Epic kills could eventually be converted to 75, 100, 125, etc... and adjust the average final level of chars so that new chars could be introduced in every level range.

But... There is always a but.
This proposition has an Achilles heel.
Merging the 3 worlds presents an economical problem to the game developers. Some lunatics () play in all 3 worlds with AS. A merger would mean reducing the present revenues from these players by 67% (or 50% from players participating in 2 worlds). This is a valid argument, but if these guys get bothered and decide to quit, the loss will be 100%. Not to mention the people playing only in 1 world who can leave at any moment due to boredom.

I think this debate is very important and should be taken very seriously by the game developers. Otherwise, there is a risk the game will lose many players. And losing players here is devastating because, as I have been trying to say for a very long time, this system where leveling up is not good creates a humongous barrier to new entrants.

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Re: Sugestion box
523. hozzászólás - 2012.02.10. 01:59:27
Please, please, please, include a confirmation buttom for the building.
I have just built 1 using manacon. Absolutely tragic (funny though if it didn't happen to you).
These touch screen devices (certainly designed by the devil himself lol) are very sensitive and I hit the "go buttom" instead of the desired zeros after the 1.
As a matter of fact, I don't know why the confirmation it not there yet.

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Re: Sugestion box
524. hozzászólás - 2012.02.10. 08:23:38 (Válasz Cruel01 #523 hozzászólására.)
I see.

So you accidentally build 1 using manacon and lost your daily try. I know how frustrating it can be. Will ask for a confirmation thingy.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: Sugestion box
525. hozzászólás - 2012.02.10. 18:45:58 (Válasz Kethios #524 hozzászólására.)
This is exactly what happened.
Thank you Kethios.

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Re: Sugestion box
526. hozzászólás - 2012.02.12. 02:21:29
While you're at it, make it so you can't "submit" an answer in the Quiz Olympics without having selected one of the check boxes. that double click thingy screws you over every once and a while.
A hozzászólást Trackur módosította 2012.02.12. 02:22:09-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
527. hozzászólás - 2012.02.18. 09:44:32
in the auction room i have seen the following item 3 times...

Effect: You receive 100 golden ducats.

it is pointless because someone always bids 100 for it.

i suggest a random box instead. that would add some interest.... i don't know maybe color them
IE a RED BOX of golden Ducats.... don't define them let rumor and experience of the box winner be passed around.
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very popularBartessica Slam
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Re: Sugestion box
528. hozzászólás - 2012.02.18. 09:48:55 (Válasz wakhere #527 hozzászólására.)
indeed a nice suggestion!
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Game Clock
529. hozzászólás - 2012.03.02. 01:49:29
What is the deal with the game clock always being wrong?!
Why don't you just link the game page to a timer that actually works?

Here is a suggestion:

Note the first sentence. It can be added to any website for free!!
WorldTimeServer.comis the world leader in providing local times around around the world with accurate adjustments for local daylight saving rules. Now we are providing a way for you to upgrade your blog or website with an free analog web clock showing the current time where you are, simply by adding some HTML code to your page or template. It will update automatically for the Daylight Saving Time rules for your selected location. It's FREE and customizable, too!

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Re: Sugestion box
530. hozzászólás - 2012.03.12. 22:20:55
Could you guys implement some sort of cookie so that when we return to our doomlord link we dont have to log in every time? some other browser games makes it so once you log in your browser remembers your info so when you click your favorites for example it goes right into the game without having to log in.
It would just make it a lot less annoying. after 2 years or however long it's been I dont feel like typing my info every time.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
531. hozzászólás - 2012.03.13. 09:43:42
At higher levels it is quite easy to accumulate large amounts of Soul-diamonds, and after buying the few relics available, there are only two types of items left to spend them on: Boots and Helmets
The availability of Helmets is regulated mainly by Helm shards, and boots are only available every 5 levels. So what are we supposed to do with all the soul-diamonds? Just let them lie around, and not do the Adventures because they don't give anything?
I would suggest adding new items to the game that are bought with SD. And I would suggest for these items to not be permanent Relics, because if they are it would just be another race for everyone to get them. Instead I would suggest adding more potion-like items, item that you buy and then use once for some kind of short-term benefit.
Some examples:
Salve of regeneration - Increase HP regeneration by x for y h (For example by 10% for 24h or 50% for 4h)
Elixir of the magi - Same as above, but for SP
Symbol of the Trapper - for x h you gain y% less SE when hunting, but have z% extra chance of trapping
Symbol of the Warrior/Mage - For x h your Critical hit/Critical spell increases by y% while your Critical Spell/Critical hit decreases by the same amount

The important part is that the items should provide a way to "drain" SD while providing a temporary benefit, so that continuing doing adventures is beneficial.

Just an idea.
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
532. hozzászólás - 2012.03.13. 21:45:47
The game clock is an old problem from our system admin. I am pretty angry about it to that he does not fix this. Will talk to him to find a working solution asap. The problem is, that the clock can't be synchronized constantly because it would cause many problems with all the time-based actions, you would lose hunt SE etc. But will try to find a solution. Sorry for that.

Trackur, yes, sometimes I'm also pissed off with that Our programmer prefers security, so the cookies always expire when you close the browser. That is good to protect you if you are in an internet cafe, but for a home computer we could allow a permanent cookie. I will consult Baraty about that. Btw password remember of the browsers work, I just type in the first letter of my username, and my browser pops up the username and remembers the password. So I have to press only one letter.

Sbart: there are armors, shields, helms, boots, focus crystals and relics and even a potion. You have all of that and still have a surplus of soul-diamonds? Sure, we can implement some potions then, I will put it to the planned things list (although its very very long atm but we try to work through them quickly)
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
533. hozzászólás - 2012.03.13. 22:25:32 (Válasz Miklos #532 hozzászólására.)
Miklos: I have the SD armour, Shield, Relics (Black market membership, Adventure orb, Equipment lease, Crystal mug, partial mindshield, Book of beasts, Healing wand, scroll of adaptation, Silver key of knowledge, Essence converter), and 62k Soul-diamonds. Oh, and now the Wheel of Fortune give me soul-diamond packages just for the fun of it.

The problem really is that there is nothing that "drains" the Soul-diamonds, once you have all the Relics SD mostly just stacks up and you can spend a few thousand every 10 levels on new armour/shield (and maybe boots). So the only incentive to do adventures is to get more space-rift potions (and those deletes all you AA abilities associated with DD/EH). So I think that adding some kind of potions for SD would be a good idea. Are you saying that no one else has mentioned this as a potential problem? No complaints on the Hungarian servers?
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2012.03.13. 22:28:37-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
534. hozzászólás - 2012.03.16. 10:31:35
There was recently a change to the way the results of Duels is displayed that added the (absolute) soul-drain after the amount of SE gained/lost from the duel, i.e. "You have won the battle, your reward is XXXX (+YYY) soul-energy and ZZ XP!".
Could this also be added to Dimension gate battles?
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very popularBartessica Slam
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Re: Sugestion box : new building
535. hozzászólás - 2012.03.20. 10:46:03

let's say this is more or less a joke; but anyway... let's do something crazy!

World: W3
Player: Wizbane
Level 97

This (dedicated) player beated the system / the game (no more higher levels in the storyline). Now, I suppose it must be possible to give those kind'a players a reward?
Couldn't we make a kind of new building for them?

suggestion: old people's home

A hozzászólást Bartessica Slam módosította 2012.03.20. 10:47:35-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
536. hozzászólás - 2012.03.29. 01:05:38
How about a pet skill that makes pets more susceptible to generating essences?
So if I squeeze a lvl 20 pet, with 25 skill, I would have a 25% chance of getting 3 essences instead of 2. That would be on top of the AA skill, which means I could potentially get 4 essences if I were very lucky.

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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
537. hozzászólás - 2012.03.29. 09:42:37
How about adding a summation at the end of Hunting?
Something like:
(Line 1) "You Hunted x times, for a total of y SE and z XP."
(Line 2) "During these hunts you also trapped (a) pets (and auto squeezed them for (b) SE, and the following essences: xx, yy, zz, and aa)."
(Line 3) "You also found the following special objects: (Map pieces, singulary anomaly, seasonal treats, etc etc)"

Line 1 would always be there, Line 2 only if you have trapping, and Line 3 when applicable.

All this information is there, but it is a bit tedious to go through 20, 50, or even a 100 hunts (with the AA ability!) to find this information.
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2012.03.29. 10:33:42-kor
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
538. hozzászólás - 2012.03.29. 14:04:50
A nice idea, Cruel, but right now we are happy with the speed of essence collecting, don't want to accelerate it further.

Summary of hunting: it is also a nice idea, I write it down to the future developments list.
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very popularFurlozza
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Re: Sugestion box
539. hozzászólás - 2012.03.29. 21:36:50
I would like to put forward a possible answer to the fun and games of attracting newbies to the game and getting them to stay around for more than..."Oh this is too hard this advancement thingy" ... kicks in.

New Clan members have to contribute to the Soul Well, which isn't too bad if they are joining a small/newish clan. BUT if the clan is well established and its Well is over (say) 550K SE, that's a lot of hunting/duels to do as well as buying equipment and building stats/abilities along the way. "But they get the benefits when they finally fill the Well." Yes, if they stick it out, but think back to what SE you got as a level 10 for a gigantic critter; way less than 1k SE. SO, my suggestion comes in two parts.

PArt ONE: For every ten percent of their soul well obligation, they get 10% of the total benefits (rounded down) that Ramparts, Training Grounds and Necrofun Focus give along with Soul Shield and Aura Shield. That way, they get a reward along the way and not just the big bang at the end. Alternatively, the gain could be 3 pts per 10% meaning they have an additional 27pts at 90% contribution and still get a nice bang for final 10%. (This could only be applied to Ramparts and Training Ground with the ten percent applying to the other buildings)

Part TWO: How often have you looked at a Clan member and noticed he is struggling and yet if he had an old armor/weapon/shield that you would normally sell to the huckster......

Initiate a new Clan building. Call it "Freeloaders Haven". In this building is the unwanted equipment of older players. Well, some older players' equipment. Weapons, shields and Armor plus any attached focus crystals up to level 30, available to players of level 25 or lower. The Original players donate, but do not lose title/ownership of, their old equipment to the Haven, and the newbies rent it from the huckster's shadowy offsider for 10% of the normal huckster sale price. The maximum advanced level they can have is 5 above their current level.

In another section are the rings and necklaces, again with any attached focus crystal. This is level unlimited since the effects are not as generous as weapons etc. Again they can be rented for 10% of normal Huckster sale price, but only for four hours a day. The original owner does not lose ownership of these items as well. As the items are unlimited in this category, there is no limit on what item a newbie can rent for the 4 hrs.

At anytime, the original owner may withdraw the item/s from the Haven and sell it either to the Auction House or Soul-huckster as desired.

Once the "Freeloader's Haven" is built, regardless of how much SE the newbie has put into the Soul Well, he/she is entitled to rent from there. And this will not only help newbies, but also builders and sometimes even fighters of higher levels who need a boost in just one area for a short stretch of time. It becomes an added bonus as it makes Clans a more important functioning body within the game as well and adds something that is not all that apparent at times: Camaraderie within the clan.

Yes, this would involve a fair bit of programming, within the Haven itself, along with the original owner's page and the renter's page, but the benefits for the players and the business side will grow as more join in.
The ONLY Wombat on W3
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
540. hozzászólás - 2012.03.30. 09:24:02
Are there any plans to update the Soul Huckster interface? Because some more filter options for Focus Crystals would be nice, for example:
Focus crystal ->Type (Weapon, shield, armor, spell, boots, helm, any)
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