especially for the high lvl there are enough tergets,i thought this is why you added the crystal have the high lvls targeting daily the new players wilth 200 lvl difference to drag them to the torture chamber as repeatedly manukind said and actually pay tribute to the high lvls through the torture chamber is just miuse of the the subplasma on the new players.because this is been told before what exactly a lvl20 facing a lvl250 will learn?there is no strategy to make,or any stats that could help or even the support from his clan can help him in such a my question still remain.what will a lv20 will learn from facing a lvl250?so seriously you were considering giving ectra reward,besides the SE from the torture chamber,to the lvl200 and above to keep hitting the low lvls?
arew e serious?instead of finding a way to stop those kind of attacks you were actually thinking to reward the high lvls for hitting players that are 200 lvl below them??
so let me see if i understand correct.i am lvl 22 and if i get hit from a lvl200 and above you reward him with extra reward additional with the SE he will get from the torture chamber?so instead of finding a way to stop him from attacking me or even punish him you will actually reward him????if this is your suggestion let me know so i can delete my account and actually leave from this is literraly the only game i know that you actually thinking of reward the ones that driving players to leave the game!!by rewarding the high players hitting players 200 lvls below them you actually encourage them to increase even more the attacks instead of reduce them
Consider it a practicing lesson for a superior master. We even considered giving reward for this, but it would be too easy to exploit
how exactly a lvl20 practicing when get attack from someone 200 lvls above him?there si nothing he can do to defend himself and you were actually thinking to reward them?and that would be easy to be exploite while the subplasma attacks on players that are 200 below it is not ?there is a simple thing to do that could actually work and everyone will be happy even manukind agree on that.PUT A LIMIT ON HOW MANY LVS BELOW YOU CAN USE THE SUBPLASMA.for example 30 lvls below the lvl of the a lvl 200 can hit only lvl170 and above with is so simple!
oh, Beholder has taken action as we requested, but let's be outraged some more!! SMH. facepalm. i think you're all misreading Miklos. they had considered (and rejected) a reward for the player being attacked with subplasma because it would be too exploitable. chill. take a deep breath.
the supposed fix that would reduce the high lvls attacks on new players is only that you cannot see when someone attakc and drag you to the torture chamber so basically the high players can keep hitting the new players but they cannot see it to complain or stop the new players keep paying tribute to the high players for contnue to attack them.Great fix guys next time punish the new players for being attacked by the the high lvls and keep rewarding the high lvls for bullying the low lvls!
if this is true.this is the worst solutions that you could instead of stoping the high lvls bulligng the nea and low lvls you simply hide it.this is the famous fix that would solve the problem?not to know who hit you?even if someone on your lvl hit you and you canescape from the torture room yyou will never know it?seriously if this is the famous fix that would solve the problem the game is getting worse instead of getting better
so if i understood correct even if you have a chhance to get out of the torture chamber you dont know it since you dont know that you are in the torture chamber?great solutions guys i think i stay in the catacomves for the next 2 years in case you try to improve thing instead of getting them worse just ot please the high lvl bullies
confirmed this is the fix and solution for the high lvlattacks on low lvls but also effect every even on a normal duel that you can escape from the torture chamber by duel back you dont know that you have been dragged to the torture chamber so you cannot escape EVEN IF YOU again instead of choosing from all the solutions that have been made the choose to please the high lvl bullies.anyway i will be back in the catacomves wait for a while and if nothing change i will delete my character.i will not keep paying to be premium to avoid the lv200 leep hitting and again to be dragged to the torture chamber and pay tribute to someone althoug i could escape from the torture chamber IF I KNEW I WAS dragged into.i will agree with mrgreen that this was the worst solution and the game instead of improving is just getting worse and all the changes favor tthe high lvlbullies instead of protecting the new players
so now the lv200 can attack us but we dont know so we cannot complain?and even if someone on my lvl drag me to the torture chamber and i might had a possibility to get out now i cannot even do that cause i simply dont know that i am IN the torture chamber?and this was the best solution that came up after all the compains and the solutions that was given to stop the lv200 and above hitting new players?seriously??
this game indeed getting worse.instead of fixing thing even with so many proposals they choose just to reward more the high lvls and punish the new players!!!!
i am out guys.i am getting tired of seeing the high lvls taking advantage of my playing while they sit and collect SE from my playtime.i will delete my character cause this game keep getting worst.if anyone want to meet me i will be waiting you in lineage,just check the VALHALLA clan or in battleknight at least there the game is more fair and without bullies that the developers actually reward them instead of punish them.see ya!!
....and i was wondering how come manukind didnt attack me or the rest of my least now i know that even if he did attacked i would never this the fix and the solution to stop the bully attacks?the low lvls not to know that are getting attacked and dragged to the torture chember?from all the solution that have been said this is the one thaat you chhose,which by the way noone proposed?
i have to say that i agree with earth.although i will wait for a few days to see if the developers understood the mistake and try to fix it.otherwise i will also delete my account and propose the same thing to the rest of my clan.the game is simply keep rewarding high lvl bullies and punish the low lvls.i honestly had enough.if anyone want to chat or join me on another game you can find me at torn.or if you have a better game to propose wish at least it is more fair to all the lvls and not only to the high lvl bullies
i will not wait for the developers to understood that this was a mistake.i am out also.not only the attacks from the high lvl bullies not stop but now you dont even know the normal attacks so that you can escape from the torture chamber even if you can cause you simply dont know keep rewarding the high lvls and puish the low lvls and the new clans.have fun playing on empty servers.i am out.
so now i could be getting attacked by manukind like in the other event or any other lvl200 and i will not even know it?and this will stop the bully attacks on the new players?great solution guys next tell us how much SE you want us to send directly to the lv200 so they will not bother to spend their subplasma.