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Re: Sugestion box
1041. hozzászólás - 2023.06.19. 20:47:37 (Válasz manunkind #1039 hozzászólására.)
manukind as for answers not told you also didnt answer.how much did he earn for dragging a lvl 30 on the torture chamber?how much do you get from the torture chamber when you attack a lvl20 player?in what logic you earn more from dragging a lvl30 on your torture chamber instead a lvl 150?it is simply math my friend but if you know better math than me pls do explain.
Pontszám: 9.32
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Re: Sugestion box
1042. hozzászólás - 2023.06.19. 21:01:42 (Válasz champion77 #1040 hozzászólására.)
champion77, no, it sounds like you annoyed him because you "started cursing and complaining." it appears the initial attack was simply a matter of seeking active players for the torture chamber. are you deliberately misrepresenting what Gaguška wrote?

torture chamber booty doesn't break down by individual players, so we can't be sure how much we get from each one. but you've received the answer to your question that one reason high-level players attack low-level players is in seeking active players for their torture chamber. i'm not sure what you hope to gain by continuing to publicly complain about it.

i'm done with the runaround: how much SE is lost in subplasma 'attacks?'
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.06.19. 21:30:56-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
1043. hozzászólás - 2023.06.19. 21:37:16 (Válasz manunkind #1042 hozzászólására.)
again manukind u jump to conclusions.how did i started cursing and complaining since i didnt message him?so next time know all the facts before you acccuse someone.secondly you dont have to know individual earn from the torture to know that a lvl150 will give you more than a lvl20.it is simply maths.torture gives you a portion of the players you drag in.so in a best case scenario a lvl 20 might give you 300 SE while a lvl150 more than 2000 and we talk on the best day for both.so do the simple maths.hitting which one will give you more SE?if you are attacking for the torture SE which attack will profit you better?i really dont know how much simplier to explain it to you.
Pontszám: 9.58
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Re: Sugestion box
1044. hozzászólás - 2023.06.19. 21:50:06 (Válasz champion77 #1043 hozzászólására.)
seriously champion you wasting your time.manukind thinks that this is right.at least you are lvl 66 i was lvl15 when manukind was attacking daily until i become premium.so basically i was earning 2000 se on my most active day so how much se he was earning from the torture?does it worth to ruin someone else game and drove him out of the game for 200 se?for manukinf and some 200 lvl i guess it does.and after complaining that there are no active players on their lvl to hit.honestly dont bother to continue argue with manukind,you will hear the same thing.it is legal i can do whatever i want,it is right to hit players 200lvl below me cause i am getting se,there are no active players above players above lv30 that i can hit etc.and manukind as for how much se i was losing when you were attacking me?none.how much you were earning?200 se from the torture chamber.are you so desperate for 200 se?dont you think that hitting someone that is lvl200 or 100 will give you more SE?with my logic you gain more by dragging a lvl100 on the torture chamber then a lvl 15 but i could be wrong according to you.
Pontszám: 9.34
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Re: Sugestion box
1045. hozzászólás - 2023.06.20. 00:46:07 (Válasz champion77 #1043 hozzászólására.)
champion77, i'm not jumping to any conclusions. i have no knowledge one way or another. i was reminding you what Gaguška said. i'll ask you yet again: how much SE is lost in subplasma 'attacks?'
Pontszám: 5.64
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Re: Sugestion box
1046. hozzászólás - 2023.06.20. 00:47:33 (Válasz Dionysos #1044 hozzászólására.)
Dionysos, how exactly does a literally harmless subplasma attack ruin your game? do tell.
Pontszám: 5.64
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Re: Sugestion box
1047. hozzászólás - 2023.06.20. 10:34:49 (Válasz manunkind #1045 hozzászólására.)
no manukind you jump to conclusion and accuse me and champion when you say < are you deliberately misrepresenting what Gaguška wrote?>.so since you say that DELIBERATELY MISEPRESENTING what galuska said i dare you and you and your friend to send the message that i allegedly sent to him cursing and insulted him.cause i never send him any message so before you run to conclusion and accusations you should ask him what was the message that he says i send him.cause there was no message to him from me.you can ask your friend to show the alleged message.i am sure he cannot show you anyhing cause i simply didnt message him.and although you say you have no knowledge one way or another you did say that deliberately misrepresenting
what Gaguška wrote.i would expect an apology from you but i am almost sure you will not give it but at least next time before you accuse someone for anything better have knowledge or dont speak
Pontszám: 9.09
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Re: Sugestion box
1048. hozzászólás - 2023.06.20. 10:38:54 (Válasz manunkind #1046 hozzászólására.)
as for the repeated question how much se anyone lost from those kind of attacks i think already answered although you keep avoiding to answer why you choose to hit someone that is 250 lvl below you instead of someone that is 50 lvls below and he will give you more SE if this the reason.so can you answer this?cause dont tell me that you get more SE from a lvl20 than from a lvl150 and above.it is simply mathematics
Pontszám: 9.04
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Re: Sugestion box
1049. hozzászólás - 2023.06.21. 10:12:53 (Válasz Gerald. #1048 hozzászólására.)
dont expect an answer on that question.he will say again it legal and he can do it,which is true.but dont expect an answer on why he hits playes 230 lvl below him instead of lvl100 and above that wll give him more SE
Pontszám: 9.43
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Re: Sugestion box
1050. hozzászólás - 2023.06.21. 14:57:26 (Válasz Gerald. #1048 hozzászólására.)
Gerald, i've answered repeatedly that i like to get a cut of an active player's SE earnings. it is a pvp game after all. you've yet to answer how much SE is lost in a subplasma 'attack.'

champion77, my duel point settings only allow attacks above. aside from a handful of subplasma attacks in january, ALL of my attacks are above my level. yet here you are still carrying on. subplasma attacks above my level do not benefit my torture chamber, so they are less efficient than below. take up game mechanic issues with Beholder.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.06.21. 15:04:27-kor
Pontszám: 5.16
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Re: Sugestion box
1051. hozzászólás - 2023.06.22. 12:11:11 (Válasz manunkind #1050 hozzászólására.)
manukind the answer to how many se lost from those attacks it has been already answered if you read the comments.but you still avoiding to answer my question.so let me repeat it as simple as possible in case youdecide to answer.my question is why you keep hitting active players that just started the game and are below lvl30 instead of active players that are above lvl100 that will actually give you more SE.i honestly cannot ask more clearly than this.as for your setting you choose to have 30 duels points so that you can hit equal or higher lvls than you but this only refers to your duel search.you can still do subplasma attacks so basically the setting you refer have nothing to do with your SUBPLASMA attacks.and still you can benefit more with an attack on a lvl100 and above than from a lvl30 and below so again your excuse about which attack is more efficient still not stand.so again why you choose to hit new active players and lvlbelow 30 than active players lvl100 and above?you keep avoiding answer this question.
Pontszám: 9.23
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Re: Sugestion box
1052. hozzászólás - 2023.06.22. 14:20:35 (Válasz Gerald. #1051 hozzászólására.)
Gerald, why is it you're so reticent to just say zero? i'll tell you my theory. if you admit there's no loss, then you have to face that your entire complaint is about your ego.
Pontszám: 5.16
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Re: Sugestion box
1053. hozzászólás - 2023.06.22. 14:29:20 (Válasz manunkind #1052 hozzászólására.)
it was already answered that it was zero se lost but i guess you read whatever is convenient for you.and again you avoid to answer why you targeting active players below 60 and mostly below 30 instead of active players above 100.why are you so afraid that these attack only fullfill YOUR EGO?cause in matter of SE gaining through the torture chamber you get more from a lvl100 than from a lvl20,or you gonna deny that AGAIN?btw i am still waiting an apology from you for your false accusation about galutska saying.are you man enough to admit that you hurry to accuse me and champion for mispretending his lies or you gonna avoid that also?
Pontszám: 9.21
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Re: Sugestion box
1054. hozzászólás - 2023.06.22. 14:37:47 (Válasz manunkind #1052 hozzászólására.)
in the matter of question not answered i think you are the one avoiding the answers manukind.although it was answered i will answered that again for you again.no se were lost only the ones gained from the torture chamber.now it is your time to answer why you targeting active players lv30 and below instead of active players lvl100 and above which will give you more se if this is your goal and not to fullfill your ego.it is simply math.a lvl100 gains more than a lvl20 or you going to deny that also?and as gerald said i am also still waiting and apology from you for your accusation or are you going to avoid that also?
Pontszám: 8.83
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Re: Sugestion box
1055. hozzászólás - 2023.06.22. 14:59:02 (Válasz champion77 #1054 hozzászólására.)
just because you don't like my answer doesn't mean i'm not giving one.

champion77, you continue to use the word "instead." what makes you think i don't target higher level players as well? just because they don't complain in the forums like you do? i only get to active lower level players after i run out of active higher level ones. and of course, as we've discussed ad nauseum, i don't need any justification anyway.

Gerald, i know the answer is zero. you know the answer is zero. YOU had refused to say it. i'm not playing your games of outrage and demanded apologies, and i've long grown weary of your whining. this entire conflict is about feelings, not rules, not even game impact. i wasn't even the one who attacked. perseverating helps you not at all.
Pontszám: 5.16
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Re: Sugestion box
1056. hozzászólás - 2023.06.22. 16:22:05 (Válasz manunkind #1055 hozzászólására.)
manukind i am not afraid to say i already did although you got the answer many times before since you are used to hit new players below lvl30andd many have complained.as for the apology is not for the attacks but for your false accusations,but i bet you have to be man enough to admit that you have made a mistake and apologise.anyway i didnt expect that you have the decency to even admit that you made a mistake for accusing me that i lied and admit that your friend is the one that was lying.as you said you were not even the one that attacked but yet you are the one that jumped immediately to justify that attacks since it is something that you do also,and you cannot deny that.just see all the complains that have been made for you.and again although i answered your question you keep avoiding why you prefer to hit lvls below lvl30 instead of lvl100 and above.and dont say that you run out of targets cause i can count at least 16 players above 100 that are active so again your excuse will be lame.so are you at least man enough to answer the question or you keep bubbling again that you can do it?ofcourse you can do it,this is developers mistake for me but i dont blame you for that.but to choose lvl30 and below to attack instead of lvl100 and above which will actually give you more SE is just your choice.i do expect an answer from you as i did answered you question unless you are afraid to answer.as you see i already answered your question,will you answer mine or you keep avoiding to answer?
Pontszám: 9.09
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Re: Sugestion box
1057. hozzászólás - 2023.06.22. 17:00:45 (Válasz manunkind #1055 hozzászólására.)
manukind the reason that i am saying instead is
1. because as you can see all the players that have compaining about your attacks are low lvls and it is not just me and are from different clans.should i remind you that even a lvl12 made the same compaains about you?seriously how much se did you expect to get fom the torture chamber from a lvl12? 2SE?
2.maximum players that you can drag in the torure chamber are 16 this you cannot deny it.from vl100 and above are more than 16 active players that you can drag so again your excuse that you dont have enough players is just lame.
3.ofcourse you dont have to justify your attacks since as you repeatly say it legal,this is your excuse that you say all the time.and yet you keep avoiding to answer why you hit lvl30 and below players and you dont hit lvl100 and above.dont tell me that yoou expect to get more than 10 SE from a lvl12 or lvl20 or that you are so desperately in need for that 10 SE.
4.i did answered all your questions and yet you keep avoiding answer my question.as for the apology for you false accusation,i guess you have to be a man to admit that you made a mistake.at least next time before you accuse someone check all the facts.
5.you really think that a lvl12 or lvl20 player dont have the right to comlain to complain when someone 230 lvl above him hit him daily,especially during every event?
Pontszám: 9.22
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Re: Sugestion box
1058. hozzászólás - 2023.06.23. 10:28:00 (Válasz manunkind #1055 hozzászólására.)
just because you don't like my answer doesn't mean i'm not giving one.

the thing is manukind that you never gave an answer to the question asked although it was very clear.are you so afraid to say that those attacks are just to fullfill your ego?
Pontszám: 9.26
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Re: Sugestion box
1059. hozzászólás - 2023.06.24. 18:08:40 (Válasz champion77 #1057 hozzászólására.)
clearly this is not an issue between gerad,championm,manukind and galuska cause i have seen many complains also in the past.i have seen also many suggestions that could help.i dont understand why the developers havent done anything for that problem since too many many players especially new complaining.i mean i have seen suggestions like putting a limit on the lvl of subplasma that can be used,not to be able to drag players to the torture chamber after a lvl difference,the scarab to be on the relics section you can buy so even new players to be able to buy it or a relic that you cannot be dragged to the torture chamber.i mean solutions have been suggested but nothing has been done
Pontszám: 9.71
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Re: Sugestion box
1060. hozzászólás - 2023.06.24. 19:55:58 (Válasz champion77 #1058 hozzászólására.)
so if i understood correct galuska got angry because champion or gerad put a curse on him?he got afraid that they will hit him?
meanwhile galuska put curses all the time in me and in many other i suppose but i dont get angry.seriously even if they put a curse on him why he got afraid?i mean both are more than 200 lvls below him,even if they were crazy enough to try to attack him they couldnt even scratch him.seriously the excuse that he was hitting them daily because one of them or both put a curse in him is just got laughs.
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