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Re: Sugestion box
21. hozzászólás - 2010.02.25. 19:47:17 (Válasz nerdears #20 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: nerdears - 2010.02.25. 19:36:36
So I just hit level 19 and now have the infection. I have spoken with some other players and while it seems to be a little bit of a mystery as to what it does, I did get a couple of answers and from what I heard, I thought it might be a cool idea to apply infection to entire clans as well. Perhaps when clan hits a certain building level it gets infected and the same results would happen from hitting 0% or 100%. Just a thought.

"Infection begins at level 19. It starts on 50% infection. At the beginning of each level you will have 24 hours to fight it or it goes up 1%. If you choose to fight it, you must spend the equivalent of your level times 300 SE to make it go down 1%. I do not know all the benefits, but this is what I know so far: If you are 100% infected, you can fight all the doomlords even those of your own horde. If you are 0% infected, you get +5 to your abilities and the potential to loot more SE from infected players."

This was taken from ChaoticGemini web page.

So you have the option to Use it for better duel range or for a +5 on your abilities .
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Re: Sugestion box
22. hozzászólás - 2010.02.25. 19:55:35 (Válasz Ciphas #21 hozzászólására.)
Yep, Caveat (Chaotic Gemini) is who I talked to. I just didn't want to get in to all of the details of what it does. I figured that it would be a cool thing for the clans as well. For example, I am sapphire. If my clan hit, say, level 45 in building, infection would begin. If my clan hit 100% infection, it could attack other sapphire clans and if it hit 0% it could do something like decrease building costs by a certain percentage. You could spend soul well energy to decrease the infection, similar to how it works with an individual.
A hozzászólást nerdears módosította 2010.02.25. 20:42:44-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
23. hozzászólás - 2010.02.25. 20:22:05 (Válasz nerdears #22 hozzászólására.)
Now I see your point !

yeah sounds good to me !!!
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Re: Sugestion box
24. hozzászólás - 2010.02.26. 13:52:20
you might add a special perk for pets, so that not all same lvl pets are the same. For instance, worm pets are harder to hit, manna pets drain small amount of mana as well, some other deal extra acid damage, some loose less hp, some gain more exp..etc. It'd add a lot to diversity
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Re: Sugestion box
25. hozzászólás - 2010.02.26. 17:23:23
Want a new world , where all can start from an equal level .
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Re: Sugestion box
26. hozzászólás - 2010.02.26. 17:46:52 (Válasz Valkyrie #24 hozzászólására.)
I have to admit,this is a fantastic idea! And I never heard it before. Not even on the original HUN server!
The only problem is the realization. Some players have gain brutal advances from it,while others not.This should be a very imbalanced thing... The special abilities are not with the same strength. A damage boostered pet is much more valuable,then a pet,who takes less damage, for example(because there is already a skill for that,it is called Hardened skin. Learning lvl30). BUT! What if players can train their pets with certain abilities? Just as the taming: for X SE the pet gains 1 ability from a list. And as the pet reaches higher levels,he can learn 1 or 2 more others. And the abilities should be improvable,like characters skills! This should bring some life in to the pet related skills...
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Re: Sugestion box
27. hozzászólás - 2010.02.26. 19:07:24 (Válasz Boar #26 hozzászólására.)
I kind of liked the idea of an ability being related to the "race" of the pet (same as hordes give your character something different) of course, after some pet lvl, you could gain ability to train an extra one to your pet. It would make you not to to give up your high lvl pet easily (at this point, there's really no use of a highly trained pet cause it's much more worth to train a new one with much higher base lvl).

I used "loosing less HP" as an illustration, I know you've got hardend skin ability. I agree that this abilities should grow, but I think it's more easier that they grow together with pet gaining lvl but of course, your option is good too. The thing I wouldn't like is that you can train more abilities. I think one basic + one extra one would be enough to make things interesting, and wouldn't complicate things much.
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Re: Sugestion box
28. hozzászólás - 2010.02.26. 19:54:29 (Válasz Valkyrie #27 hozzászólására.)
I really like the idea of more specialized pets! Being someone that HAS a pet, but doesn't really make good use of it, I might be more inclined to put more focus into my little aggressive imp. I think it would be a lot of fun and would even be kind of like running another little minor character.
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Re: Sugestion box
29. hozzászólás - 2010.02.26. 19:58:26
I also like this idea and I vote for it !!!

Also I suggest that when an idea is accepted by the game developers the one that made it should be rewarded with something for his help !!!
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Re: Sugestion box
30. hozzászólás - 2010.02.26. 21:15:55
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Re: Sugestion box
31. hozzászólás - 2010.02.26. 21:28:43 (Válasz Jerko #30 hozzászólására.)
Why are you worried about having EVERYONE equal. The game is already set up so that you can only attack or be attacked by a certain level range. There is never a world, real or fantasy, where everyone is equal. There is no need for me to be at the level or skill of a Stekkos or Caveat, for example. Horde aside, they will never be able to attack me, and I am fine with that. While I may lose constantly to people around my level like Boar or Killerbee, it is my choice to build my character that way. If you want to be involved in the world of the strongest, get stronger and join their clans.

As far as a second world, although I am in no way one of the admins or game designers, I am sure as this world grows with players, another world will be opened.

Realize though, that this will not solve the equality problem. It may start that way, but eventually as more people join it will be just like this one with a wide range of levels and player types.

So lets be honest with each other, you don't want equality, you want to be in the strongest group, which is fine, but let's just call it what it is.
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Re: Sugestion box
32. hozzászólás - 2010.02.26. 21:37:52
Well this game started in January 2009 in Hungary version . The game has been developed for International version since december 2009 ( I think ) . This is what I was talking about .
A hozzászólást Jerko módosította 2010.02.26. 21:38:40-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
33. hozzászólás - 2010.02.27. 01:09:07 (Válasz Jerko #32 hozzászólására.)
And there is 4 Hungarian servers. The reason is the next: on the #1 server there is more than 6000 players! Also a few thousands on the other servers. So,until we reach this number here, don't count on other server...
Equality: what for? If I want to play some random-controlled game,I go to the casino and sit next to the roulette table. No,that is nonsense.If everyone is equal,there is no goals, no competition.In a game like this its impossible!

Oh,and just to keep you informed:
- The Hungarian version started in September 2008!
- In the beginning everyone is equal in the game,so your wish came true!
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Re: Sugestion box
34. hozzászólás - 2010.02.27. 18:26:59
I have an idea focus around the hunt :

- as we hunt an animal we can take at random some part of him -- for exemple :I hunt a greater tiger and he gives me his tusks or skin ...

Then we use them to make weapons or amulets ( from tusks ) or even armor ( 5 skins makes a tiger armor ) and so on ....

- this will bring new skills in game that will focus on this side of work -- also this will bring the admin team a new way to insert new items of low or medium power bring a bigger diversity and make players use more often the hunt !!!

What do you think ?
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Re: Sugestion box
35. hozzászólás - 2010.02.28. 07:44:40 (Válasz nerdears #20 hozzászólására.)
That might cause a lot of strife between clan members since some might want to fight the infection and others dont. Plus new members thta have no idea what the infection is could find themselves in a situation that does not fit their plans and cause a lot of clan switching. So infection is too complicated choice for clans.
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Re: Sugestion box
36. hozzászólás - 2010.02.28. 11:19:56 (Válasz Ciphas #34 hozzászólására.)
That is another game. The Doomlord has its own system, your idea might change it radically,which maybe not the greatest idea.
The releaser of the game is already working on a project,which includes the things you mentioned,but it takes time to finish it!(From the game Land Of Survivors,which was the forefather of the Doomlord's world in Hungary.) We saw some blueprints from it last year, hope its going to released soon...
But the Doomlord is still Doomlord. Not every idea is realizable in it!
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Re: Sugestion box
37. hozzászólás - 2010.02.28. 14:11:15 (Válasz stekkos #35 hozzászólására.)
I thought about that, Stekkos, but there are a couple of things that would help with lower level players being involved in a clan infection. First, if you start the infection for a clan at 45 or 50 building, most (I know, not all) clans won't have as many, if any, lower level players. Secondly, if they do have lower level players in the clan, those players wouldn't get the effects of the infection until they fill their soul wells, just as they don't get any other clan benefits. By the time they fill a soul well for a clan with 45 or 50 building, they will know what to expect from the infection.

As far as all clan members not agreeing which direction to take on whether to fight it or accept it, don't clans disagree on things all the time? That's kind of the fun of being a part of a clan.
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Re: Sugestion box
38. hozzászólás - 2010.03.01. 10:34:37

The new skin is ok, kinda like it
However it take some time until I will get used with
What gives me problems is when I have to answer to questions, the little dots are the same, marked or unmarked.
It would be great if you could change it.
Thank you.
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Re: Sugestion box
39. hozzászólás - 2010.03.01. 10:53:18
Isnt there a way to stop more than one questions being answered with the same multible click of the answer button? Up to now it counts the answer of the current question (lets say option 2) as my choice for the next one which i never see, i just get the wrong or correct reply. More people had this so is good if something can be done about it
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Re: Sugestion box
40. hozzászólás - 2010.03.01. 13:59:56
new building, skills ideas:

a clan after completing the 'Masterful architecture' could build a 'Workshop'. In the workshop you could customize and create unique weapons with a 'Blacksmithing' skill. with this skill you could enchant a selected weapon and have a 'mithril jewelblade +1' for example.
+1 could mean plus stats on the weapon divided randomly. the plus stats could be something like (weapon level/10)+2. and this way u could get a +2, +3 weapons. of course the enchanting would cost SE and ancient stone (1 or 2 for +1, 2-4 for +2 etc). the level of 'Blacksmithing' could reduce the enchanting cost. premium weapons are already so much filled with magic, that they could not be further enchanted.

why? in the game if u want to have a better hit, a higher damage you always have to buy a new weapon on every, or almost every level. for role-playing reasons is not so clever, coz we never have warriors, wizards etc. with this system (developed properly of course) you could keep your magic wand and magic cloths that increase magical stats for another 3-4 levels (for the price of the SE that would cost you a new, higher level weapon) and your mage dont have to fight by a sword. we could slightly move towards different classes.

the same could be done with spells in a building called 'Laboratory'.

i think the enchanting and randomly giving a couple of stats to items would not be too hard to program.

what do u think?
Pontszám: 5
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