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much likedPhalanxii
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Re: Sugestion box
401. hozzászólás - 2011.01.10. 23:50:35
Builders choose to sacrifice certain aspects of the game (buying new weapons, dimension gates, adventures, dueling, entity battles) as it is a game strategy that they take with the intention of winning. Their ultimate goal is surely the ability to defeat everyone in a duel? They sacrifice losing the championships now with the idea they will win them all in the future.

I don't think events should be for builders particularly, there's no competition in building. When the servers mature even more, the number of builders will reduce and most players will be fighters, making the events designed for builders obsolete.

I've read the many complaints about the championship; people think it's ridiculous and the outcome is resolved by the toss of a coin instead of statistics. Even so, we all enjoy taking part, an event is an event!

Instead of having a championship in a split second, why not have it over the course of a week? The event would be a burst of activity and it only draws from already implemented ideas (map pieces = filled totems, leaderboards like zarknod, knockout system like the championship)

Not heard an event suggested from the players for a while so I thought I'd kick start something anyway

EDIT: oops I just realized I posted this in the wrong thread, but since I can't delete posts I'll leave it here.
A hozzászólást Phalanxii módosította 2011.01.11. 00:13:59-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
402. hozzászólás - 2011.01.11. 00:24:07 (Válasz Phalanxii #401 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Phalanxii - 2011.01.10. 23:50:35
Builders choose to sacrifice certain aspects of the game (buying new weapons, dimension gates, adventures, dueling, entity battles) as it is a game strategy that they take with the intention of winning. Their ultimate goal is surely the ability to defeat everyone in a duel? They sacrifice losing the championships now with the idea they will win them all in the future.

You assume that the eventual goal of every builder is to be a Dueler... I doubt this is true at all. Personally, I've never been a fan of PvP - I don't find it particularly enjoyable to beat up others... That's why I liked the Crystal Clan so much. And beyond that, there are MANY people - myself included - who find the Clan aspect by far the most rewarding part of the game.

So we have all these events that are attack, attack, attack... And even this current farce - my math in the Xeno thread clearly proves that the "Building" portion of the event is clearly to the advantage of attackers too... Meaning they get TWO rewards for participating.

Not heard an event suggested from the players for a while so I thought I'd kick start something anyway

Well, if they are just going to bastardize our ideas (and remember, this Xeno event was supposed to be BY the players), then what's the point? Admin is just going to do whatever they want anyways.

I am really disillusioned with this game. The communication with Admins in this game are the worst of any game I've tried. And it's not a language thing - Miklos is quite capable in English - they just don't listen or communicate.
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Re: Sugestion box
403. hozzászólás - 2011.01.13. 01:30:00
Premium HP regeneration is really frustrating. If there is option to choose weather you want your regen to work faster during hunts or not shouldn't there be option to turn off regeneration all together. There is reason players go to low HP and I don't want to check back every 1 hr after setting hunt just so that I can do another round of hunts.
If it say 3 hrs when I go to low HP and start hunting I d like it to stay 3 hrs hunting or not, and if I want it to regenerate faster there is the option to choose so.
A hozzászólást dark22 módosította 2011.01.13. 01:30:22-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
404. hozzászólás - 2011.01.13. 08:37:50 (Válasz dark22 #403 hozzászólására.)
Not in any way.

Everyone would just turn off regeneration and hunt/improve below 15%.It would totally kill the PvP part of the game. The system is good as it is now. Slower/faster regen rate options.
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Re: Sugestion box
405. hozzászólás - 2011.01.13. 22:49:11 (Válasz Kethios #404 hozzászólására.)
You are aware that you as a game representative just told me that only way I can get what I want is to stop buying premium and get normal HP regen rate?

Edit: I realized you misread my question (or I asked the question poorly).
I want option to turn off enhanced regeneration given by premium, not an option to turn off regeneration all together.
A hozzászólást dark22 módosította 2011.01.13. 22:53:53-kor
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much likedPhalanxii
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Re: Sugestion box
406. hozzászólás - 2011.01.15. 17:02:12
If you're bidding on an item, you should receive a notification if you are overbid. This could be in your events, or a separate box in the misc tab (this page could lead you to all your bidding history, your current bids or whatever).

It should apply to the auction house as well as the treasury (too many times I see a player bid 1 TP over another player and win the item because the other player doesn't realize or something similar)
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Re: Sugestion box
407. hozzászólás - 2011.01.15. 18:58:10
I have received this notification when overbid. Both in Treasury and Auction House.

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much likedPhalanxii
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Re: Sugestion box
408. hozzászólás - 2011.01.15. 23:22:22
Really? I just got overbid in the treasury and there was no notification (the reason I found out was because I checked the treasury).

Can't really speak for the auction house, I've only bid on one item and I don't think I was overbid.
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Re: Sugestion box
409. hozzászólás - 2011.01.15. 23:37:23
the treasury doesn't generate any message.. AH does
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Re: Sugestion box
410. hozzászólás - 2011.01.16. 07:02:21 (Válasz dark22 #405 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: dark22 - 2011.01.13. 22:49:11
You are aware that you as a game representative just told me that only way I can get what I want is to stop buying premium and get normal HP regen rate?

Edit: I realized you misread my question (or I asked the question poorly).
I want option to turn off enhanced regeneration given by premium, not an option to turn off regeneration all together.

Unless you have ticked the option to apply enchanced regeneration/healing sanctum during hunting, the default is that when you hunt your hp regenerate A LOT less. 1.5Hours of normal time until i hit 15% from 1hp become 3.3 hours when hunting. So what you are asking is already in the game
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
411. hozzászólás - 2011.01.16. 14:45:35 (Válasz stekkos #410 hozzászólására.)
Stekkos, he wants an option to turn of the premium HP regen all together, i.e. buy the premium but be able to not have the faster HP regen (hunting or not). He doesn´t want to turn off the Basic HP regen, just the premium part.
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2011.01.16. 14:45:52-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
412. hozzászólás - 2011.01.16. 15:55:10 (Válasz Sbart #411 hozzászólására.)
Will ask the coder if it is possible or not.
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Re: Sugestion box
413. hozzászólás - 2011.01.16. 18:18:09 (Válasz Sbart #411 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Sbart - 2011.01.16. 14:45:35
Stekkos, he wants an option to turn of the premium HP regen all together, i.e. buy the premium but be able to not have the faster HP regen (hunting or not). He doesn´t want to turn off the Basic HP regen, just the premium part.


It gets frustrating with non dueler char with premium in the middle of war while afk. You get hit twice as much just for being premium.
Also bit frustrating part is that with maxed elem. fus. I can squizze 3x20 hunts in the low HP time. But if I m not on line the same second I stop hunting enhanced regeneration makes it not possible/complicated, so I have to go to low HP again, and that does not suit me (in this case I can't go to low HP just before I go to sleep).
And there is no option to remove it completely, only option to turn it on while hunting as well.
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much likedPhalanxii
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Re: Sugestion box
414. hozzászólás - 2011.01.17. 22:48:43
There should be an item that has the same effect as a space rift potion but instead of EH and DA, it swaps your horde hatred orientation.

It could be a relic, a potion, event reward, whatever.

Also, how about crystal horde hatred? Not sure I personally would go for this one but it could be an idea...
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Re: Sugestion box
415. hozzászólás - 2011.01.19. 03:01:52
hello all just wondering is there another server planned for the game?
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Re: Sugestion box
416. hozzászólás - 2011.01.19. 04:05:37
i think the next english server will be a speed game @ 3 times normal speed.
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Re: Sugestion box
417. hozzászólás - 2011.01.19. 05:27:52
thank you for the imfo any idea when it starts
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irritatingBash Chelik
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Re: Sugestion box
418. hozzászólás - 2011.01.19. 17:37:02
is there a way to make option
where players can exchange action for duel points and vice versa?
5 AP for 1 DP, or something like that
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Re: Sugestion box
419. hozzászólás - 2011.01.19. 18:11:11
Can we please have a purging of:
All Level 1 Characters that have not logged on in a month
All characters L4 or less that have not logged on in 2 months
All characters L10 or less that have not logged on in 6 months

Obviously these characters are a complete waste of space, and just clog up the High Score list. Plus there is no point attacking them, since they've been bled dry already - meaning it's a waste of DP for active low-level characters.
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Re: Sugestion box
420. hozzászólás - 2011.01.19. 19:01:08
i think we should be able to sell relics we bought (or we won from eg Zarknod event) from auction house for golden ducats.
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