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Re: Sugestion box
561. hozzászólás - 2012.07.02. 16:27:55
how about updating Lady Alvariel stats every half hour instead of only once a day?
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Re: Sugestion box
562. hozzászólás - 2012.07.02. 21:23:44 (Válasz manunkind #561 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: manunkind - 2012.07.02. 16:27:55
how about updating Lady Alvariel stats every half hour instead of only once a day?

I could maybe have pinched a silver medal instead of bronze with more up-to-date information.
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Re: Sugestion box
563. hozzászólás - 2012.07.02. 22:17:43
The problem is then we would all be checking every 30 minutes and Casandra would still have beaten you. It's an arms race - we'd all be working much harder and nobody would be any better off
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Re: Sugestion box
564. hozzászólás - 2012.07.09. 06:40:06
how about getting rid or changing the torture chamber ok i know you personally dont lose anything but if thats the case why have it then
its good for the higher players cos they know once they have yuo inside you cant get out reminds me of bullying
thank you for reading and i await your replies regarding this
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Re: Sugestion box
565. hozzászólás - 2012.07.09. 14:06:32 (Válasz Meeson #564 hozzászólására.)
Why would like to get rid of the torture chamber?
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Re: Sugestion box
566. hozzászólás - 2012.07.09. 14:52:48
I would personally like to be able to do something about the torture chamber, It is hard to find enough targets without a scarab to fill it up, so i can then hit scarab carrying targets
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Re: Sugestion box
567. hozzászólás - 2012.07.10. 05:59:24
or just make it optional
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Re: Sugestion box
568. hozzászólás - 2012.07.10. 10:46:24
How would you make the Torture chamber (TC) optional?
If you just introduce an option "Want to be able to use and can be put in the TC" then everyone who think they will benefit will say "Yes" and everyone else will say "No", and in one magical stroke the building has been made pointless, since the ones who said yes will suddenly have no targets to put in there.

Now I do somewhat agree that the TC is somewhat frustrating. Stronger players just gain some "extra" SE, while not so strong players basically cannot get out. But what to do about it? As it stands right now the TC is a kind of "pvp insurance", i.e. if I attack you and you do not have any SE on you right now I will anyhow get some SE from you later*. Not much, but at least some.
The only way for your opponent to stop this is to either have the Scarab of Doom (from the Auction house) or to defeat you in a duel and get out of the TC (I will just eave the Scarab out of the discussion for now). But as said before, the probability that you will be able to defeat the player who put you into the TC is small. So what could be done?

Option A: Just leave everything as it is
Easiest option, since there is no changes needed. But it does not address any problems with the TC.

Option B: Introduce alternative ways of getting out of the TC
At a first glance this might look like a good idea, but is it? If there would be an "Escape TC" skill, or you could automatically get out with the payment of either SE, AP, or DP it would only be a loss of SE for the player put in the TC!
And if the alternative way of getting out does not cost anything, then the TC is pointless (everyone receives a "Get out of jail for free" card)

Option C: Remove the TC from the game
This is a messy option, because how are you going to refund all those Clans that have already build the TC? Removing things from a game like this is always messy.

All in all the Torture chamber might be a bit frustrating (for player who are not strong in pvp), but personally I do not see any good way of doing anything with it that would change anything in a good way.

* And do note that you do not loose any SE from being in the TC.
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everyone's favoriteStorm Firebane
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Re: Sugestion box
569. hozzászólás - 2012.07.10. 11:01:34
for me, the TC is frustrating, due to the scarab.

we have a TC lvl 10, and in the 30 dp a day setting, I hve about 12 opponents i can attack and torture who do NOT have a scarab (and i have infection 100%, others in my range will not even have enough opponents to fill up TC quota). If 3 of those are in catacombs or so, I am screwed.

Now If it would be possible to actually torture a scarab player, (who always negates being captured, and as such does ot fill up the cells i have), it would be an optio to duel a few of those without SE on me, no gains, but at least i can fill up the cells), Or, option D would be:

throw away my key to the torture chambers, I will not use it (with a reset option once every 7 days or so.

with general torture gains of about 10k SE a day, this is not an easy option to use, but might be an option at least.

Seeing i am getting most of my SE with duel/ repeatable quest/ energy harness (W3, there are only a few opponents where i would gain more than energy harness allowance in a duel anyway), not being able to fill up the TC and thus gain more safe targets is not just hampering my progress, its crippling it, o i would gladly lose out on the 10k SE a day from TC to be able to duel 50 times a day
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very popularBartessica Slam
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Re: Sugestion box
570. hozzászólás - 2012.07.10. 15:25:51
Hi everyone,

Read very carefully your arguments! It’s not the TC what is the real problem; after all why making a fuss trying to escape a TC? What harm does it do to you, to stay into one? After all; you don’t lose any SE do you?

The real point is, as Storm did mention, that the number of opponents is too low to have a real full benefit out of this building …and for a DD-player; the SE-compensation out of the TC isn’t in relation of the XP you get (most of the time). So; yes… as for me; I do not focus upon the TC (most of the time it’s filled by 1person to fulfill the requirement of the “wheel of fortune”); nor I do attack people just to put into the TC; it’s not worth it… if you do not have any “cows” in range .
In regard of the Scarab; yes… that is indeed a nifty one and if lack of opponents I can imagine, one get frustrated… because (without potion) you can’t but attack those opponents when filled up ….sight; yes; when filled up your TC with (non-active) players.

I hope this opens a bit the perspective of this topic.

Btw, I wonder if at W1 and W2 this makes sense too?
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Re: Sugestion box
571. hozzászólás - 2012.07.12. 12:51:12 (Válasz Bartessica Slam #570 hozzászólására.)
To help on world 3, could there be an introduction of a Crystal clan? This world does not have one and I think that it has helped on the other 2 worlds for higher level characters with attack options.
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Re: Sugestion box
572. hozzászólás - 2012.07.12. 21:20:32 (Válasz Dolp13 #571 hozzászólására.)
@Dolp13 : Brilliant. That should solve the problem (make 2 clans if necessary), without touching on the current game dynamics.

@Bartessica Slam : In W1, 30DP setting, I have no problem filling a TC 15 at lvl 71. No idea about W2 ... I'm too young there.
W1 - Kalann
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Re: Sugestion box
573. hozzászólás - 2012.07.13. 05:10:25
There is no Crystal clan on W3? There should be! Of course we will add it asap, sorry for the wait.

About the Scrarab - TC problem. Precisely thats why we added the AA ability which reduces the negative effect of scarab. But maybe its level prerequisite was set to high (lvl 100), and maybe it would have more levels with further reducing the negative effect.

And yes, the TCs purpose is to increase the SE reward for dueling, but it is a pretty random thing. We might chance how it works but we will not remove it. We look forward to suggestions.
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Re: Sugestion box
574. hozzászólás - 2012.07.13. 15:44:26
I would like an option for the torture chamber to say:

I will not use my otrture chamber to capture plyers at all, players with a scarab will NOT lose SE in a duel if they are among the number of targets in a day that would be needed to fill up my torture chamber.

this will make the scarab still usefull, but it will also allow me to duel them (and only gain the energy harness SE instead of their real SE) they should also be immune to drain soul during those duels ofc.

the AA ability is lacking on 2 points:
lvl 100 is to high (i am running into this problem since lvl 78)
It still does not allow to really drag them into the TC (and thus not fill it up), well, at least i can forget about scarabs during the huckster wars:)
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Re: Sugestion box
575. hozzászólás - 2012.07.16. 21:26:38
hello everybody and thanks for your views on the torture chamber
I must admit I hate the torture chamber however having read the views posted on here
it would be wrong to remove it so perhaps this may be a solution
torture chamber give it a 50% percent chance of working if it works then the usual occurs
if it fails then it doesnt work
scarabs again give them a 50% chance of working
if they work then they work normally
if not then the protection is lost and the torture chamber works normally if it as worked itself
i think a solution should suit ALL players and not just the ones who benefit from the tc
your views and feelings are more than welcome
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Re: Sugestion box
576. hozzászólás - 2012.07.17. 15:34:02
Well I know people hate random things, if torture chamber sometimes work and sometimes not that would drive them mad also I would still not atk someone with scarab because if it works it does not help me that there was a chance it will not work.

Storm what you write is a possibiility, but would players use that option? Losing the torture chamber entirely is worse than losing some SE to the scarab. Yes I will lower the lvl limit from 100, it is indeed to high. And I think you WILL drag the player to the torture chamber, the AA ability does not prevent that, or does it?
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Re: Sugestion box
577. hozzászólás - 2012.07.17. 19:12:21

the scarab prevents being dragged into the TC, not the AA ability.
If i attack someone with scarab and my TC is not yet filled up, I will lose a lot of SE (not all luckily, but the 500SE/ lvl) and I will NOT drag him into the TC.

as such, the AA ability will not fix my problem, just lower the loss, and being on W3, the scarab ammount is not recoverable by reattacking that player (hoping he has not spend it meanwhile) after I fill up the TC. I am lucky If i get more than the EH ammount on any duel i do, due to the max lost SE formulae here.

about that as well, I do not mind the peacefullness of W3, but I would like to limit the safety zone to something like level x 1000 SE or so if that is possible.

Another thing, why is it not possible to declare wars on same horde clans, or curse same horde players? I mean, I can attack them with 100% infection, So why not war or curse them?

about the option to stop using the TC (only to drag into it, not to prevent being dragged into it) if it is an option with a 7 day timer to change, and a change to take effect 24h after flipping the switch, I would use it, I am losing 40k SE a hit on a scarab player, the TC can give me about 5 to 10k a day. the saturation of scarabs on my playing field is that high, I am almost forced to use it at the high duel setting.

maybye make the option to turn it off an AA ability
A hozzászólást Storm Firebane módosította 2012.07.17. 19:20:24-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
578. hozzászólás - 2012.07.18. 10:42:49
Dear Storm, please read the description of the scarab. "If Someone drags you to the torture chamber, he loses all his SE..." So the scarab DOES NOT prevent being dragged to the TC.

But the scarab works ONLY if you drag the target to the TC (so if it is already full, you are safe to duel him).

Making war on clans of the same horde is not possible, since most of the players couldnt attack even if some have 100% infection, this is pretty logical. About cursing, yes, we should allow that, I write this down and hopefully we can add it in the future.
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everyone's favoriteStorm Firebane
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Re: Sugestion box
579. hozzászólás - 2012.07.18. 12:10:54
it might not be intentional, but the scarab triggers when dragged into the TC, he/ she gets the SE and somehow does NOT end up in my holding cells (even if the battlereport tells otherwise).

Its not in the description, but it is in the effect, at least it is like that on W3, might be a small programming error or so, dunno.

another option might be, to make a scarab carrier immune to scarab effects, however that would mean a scarab is a mandatory auction hall item (if ye do any duelling that is) and well, I do not think any auction hall items should be mandatory.

and as off today the crystal clan is there on W3, however, since those are not dragged into the TC, it still wont help on my TC problem (thou I do gain more duel targets, so at least it helps out a bit)
A hozzászólást Storm Firebane módosította 2012.07.18. 12:13:26-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
580. hozzászólás - 2012.07.18. 13:01:31
As long as the Scarab works as intended (i.e. you loose SE but drag him into the TC) there is another way around it. If you attack with 0 SE on you you will not loose any SE (although you will not gain any). After this the player with the Scarab is already in your TC, so you should be able to attack again, without the Scarab triggering (since he is already in your TC you cannot drag him into your TC).

But that is only if the Scarab works as it should.
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