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Re: Sugestion box
781. hozzászólás - 2015.10.05. 19:31:10
Suggestion for new event:

I was talking to Fatmonk and he said he was very excited about W4 and that it was more fun for new players because of the huge level gap in the regular world. That is an interesting input from a new player and even though I reckon it is hard to address this issue, I believe it is possible to create a "W4 event" to "level the field" temporarily and allow everyone to have fun because clan W4 can be a lot of fun! I love its dynamics, where clans fight to see who can kill a certain number of Epics faster. The only real problem with W4 is that it requires 2-3 months of intense dedication for a ridiculous prize (+1% SE on hunts). So why not create a short event combining both W4s with a decent prize to be carried into the regular world? Basically, this is what I am thinking:

- Event would last for 2 weeks (between the existing W4s)
- Every player would get a certain amount of SE to build a new char at level 60 --> this addresses the main issue with clan W4, which is the amount of time it takes to develop a char from 1 to 60.
- The objective will be the same: killing epics faster. 30 maybe? At 3 per day, 42 can be killed in 14 days.
- To make it more interesting, create a cap on clan size (WT 2 or maybe even WT1?)
- All clans able to kill all 30 epics would get a decent prize to carry into regular world. Fetish shard?
- Winning clan would get an awesome prize. New fetish perhaps? Or 5 fetish shards for the second time, third, etc...

As I said earlier, prizes need to be good to attract interest. How cool would it be to have a vibrant competition with 8/10 teams fighting for the top prize? Honestly, the game has been lacking this competitive edge and this is a little boring...

Pontszám: 9.11
much likedTallia
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Re: Sugestion box
782. hozzászólás - 2015.10.06. 06:56:14 (Válasz Cruel01 #781 hozzászólására.)
I always admire your ideas.
Pontszám: 9.95
very popularKhineNő
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Re: Sugestion box
783. hozzászólás - 2015.10.06. 10:10:57
I love how his ideas start "well" and end up leading towards what he needs/wants, like , fetish shards

No offense meant of course, just mho...
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
784. hozzászólás - 2015.10.06. 12:52:41
We could try a shorter W4, but don't forget, in lvl 60 W4s it is pretty good prize that you can xfer your character to a new world, so it can be a real quickstart for new players.
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Re: Sugestion box
785. hozzászólás - 2015.10.07. 00:32:39

Fetish shards was just an idea. The point is giving a relevant reward to create an incentive for players to participate in the event.
And I don't need it any more than other players Actually, I do need them less than most, since I already have my Bronze Fetish and the upgrade from Bronze to Silver is extremely less beneficial than the Fetish itself and the additional abilities it gives.

Transferring a lvl 60 character is a good prize for new players. I don't disagree with that. But my suggestion has nothing to do with it. It is 100% focused on veteran players who want some competitive fun

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everyone's favoriteFatmonkFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
786. hozzászólás - 2015.12.10. 13:06:08
Championships. There has been complaints about players that stay on same lvl just to do championships. There are already penalties if you win same category several times but these "spiders" are mostly in good clans so they have good bonuses. I have been lucky so far to stear away from most of the spiders on my path but I have seen spiders as low as lvl 10. For new players this may be the hurdle that makes them give up already before they get really started.

I suggest:

- Add huge XP reward to championship winner (like 20-40 x duel XP)

This way the spiders gets flushed out to next lvl and makes room for new players.
A hozzászólást Fatmonk módosította 2015.12.11. 10:06:30-kor
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everyone's favoriteFatmonkFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
787. hozzászólás - 2015.12.10. 13:16:07
New fast track relic.

Add new relic to the game that is awarded when lvl'ing up and is time limited to a week (or a formula depending on lvl).

Relic bonus:
++ to all abilities based on lvl
+ % SE on hunts

This gives the player lvl'ing up some time to deal with spiders and other strong slow developers.
It will be a nice incentive to lvl up and keep moving on.

Relic could be limited to first 60 lvls maybe, I don't really know what matters in the top of the game yet
A hozzászólást Fatmonk módosította 2015.12.10. 13:21:03-kor
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everyone's favoriteFatmonkFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
788. hozzászólás - 2015.12.10. 13:35:20
Clan sleep walkers. If you join a new clan you can become full member real fast. After a year or more the clan might have grown bigger with nice bonuses but not all players might have contributed a "fair" share. New players joining the clan have to pay the size of the soul well in SE to become full members and benefit from the buildings, so they might have to pay more for same benefits than players who entered when clan was small and didn't contribute.

I suggest a similar rule to apply for all members of the clan. It could be that you need to have a building score of at least 50% of the soul well to benefit from bonus building. If your building score is less bonus will be reduced. Access to buildings that does not give direct bonus could remain unrestricted.

*** no more new ideas for today - LOL
A hozzászólást Fatmonk módosította 2015.12.11. 10:09:58-kor
Pontszám: 5
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
789. hozzászólás - 2015.12.11. 15:02:52
Huge XP for championship reward sounds a good idea. However, most players dislike nerfs, and this would be definitely one If you get a large amount of XP to the stat increase, then the point of getting the championship medal would be lost.
The same is true for clan members, if you punish people for being less active, it will reduce their desire to continue further.

However, the "fast track" relic sounds very original, never thought of anything like that. I will think about how we can implement something like this and if there is any way to exploit it. Thank you
Pontszám: 7.63
very popularKhineNő
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Re: Sugestion box
790. hozzászólás - 2015.12.11. 18:04:07
Another choice would be not to include guild bonuses when fighting at championship. That way the penalties for too many medals would be noticeable... anyways, that would be a big nerf for many low level spiders
Pontszám: 9.50
everyone's favoriteFatmonkFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
791. hozzászólás - 2015.12.13. 02:28:47
@Miklos: I see your point about nerfs. Glad however that you like one of my ideas

@Khine: I like too that clan bonusses should be excluded from championships, but it has been suggested before, so I don't think we will see that implemented
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everyone's favoriteFatmonkFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
792. hozzászólás - 2016.05.06. 12:55:05
Defender of the clan:

New clan building that gives benefits to only 1 member of the clan for 1 week.

Member is either selected by voting or by competition.

Competition tasks could be:
- added most SE to clan buildings
- fought most fights in clan championship
- attacked most enemies in clan war
- dealt most damage to epic monster

Tasks would be running for 1 week after which the Defender would be chosen (winner of most tasks or by voting)

After 1 week of being the Defender of the Clan there could be x (2?) number of weeks cooldown period so same player cannot keep the title forever

Bonuses could be (depending on building lvl):
- xx damage to epic monsters
- bonus to building skill
- bonus to ATK, DEF, IQ when fighting other doomlords in clan war
- bonus to SE from adventures

There could be a cost to initiate the process like xx% SE from the soul well!?
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much likedTallia
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Re: Sugestion box
793. hozzászólás - 2016.05.06. 13:04:46 (Válasz Fatmonk #792 hozzászólására.)
It's a very good idea.
Pontszám: 9.71
very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
794. hozzászólás - 2016.05.06. 16:12:41
Loved the idea Fatmonk.

Maybe the Defender of the clan could also help fellow clan members on defence...

An hostile doomlord attacks a clan member
Random chance the defender will aid the clan member. If the defender does not help, the duel goes as normal.
If the defender helps the clan member. A message apears "I m the Defender of Clan Crusader , this doomlord is under my protection back down now."
The attaker gets the option of fleeing the scene (lossing the duel point and getting the fatigue penalty, maybe paying a token amount of SE...)
If the attaker still wants to attack The defender of the clan assists the clan memeber by doing 0-3 actions in combat (luck dependent)
Possible actions :
-Cast a spell at the start of the duel (equipped spelll)
-Reduce enemy defence (flank attack)
-Parry an enemy attack (no damadge done)
-Order his pets to attack the enemy ( doing the normal damage)
-Disarm enemy ( enemy loses is weapon bonuses for one attack only)
-At the end of the battle the defender of the clan tends to his allies wounds (based on the defender of the clan heal skill)

Just an idea

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Re: Sugestion box
795. hozzászólás - 2016.05.06. 18:49:25 (Válasz Fatmonk #792 hozzászólására.)
interesting idea, Fatmonk. how would it work in big clans vs small clans or in clans of one? how would it work in clans with both high- and low-level players in order to make competition fair?
Pontszám: 7.90
everyone's favoriteFatmonkFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
796. hozzászólás - 2016.05.09. 01:58:53 (Válasz manunkind #795 hozzászólására.)
The bonus would depend on the building lvl, big clans have more resources to build to higher lvl thus gets higher bonus than smaller clans (this is the same as for the other existing clan buildings).
In clans of one active player that player could hold the title only every xx week depending on cool down period.
The clan would benefit more if a higher lvl player holds the title since the bonus would be worth more, my idea was that this would be something like "do good for your clan and the clan will do good for you" The low lvl player in that clan would benefit by having the best player in the clan holding the title. The cool down period was thought of as a way of having the best 2, 3, 4 players in the clan all getting the possibility to hold the title.
Pontszám: 10
everyone's favoriteundertaker77
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Re: Sugestion box
797. hozzászólás - 2016.05.10. 11:25:22 (Válasz Fatmonk #796 hozzászólására.)
the think is that any new building that is added is only for the big clans.the new building for example that help the minions can only build by the 3-4 big clans all the other claans ill need at least on year to build all the other necessary builds before their can buld the new buildings.every new building that is added is only for the build clans ruinging even more the balance(the minios was a good add though brought some balance but with the builds ruined again for the smaller clans)
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Re: Sugestion box
798. hozzászólás - 2016.05.11. 15:47:35 (Válasz Fatmonk #792 hozzászólására.)
I like this idea. I would also suggest this new clan building could allow not only a Defender of the Clan, but also a Clan General, which would be chosen by the clan members through vote. The Clan General would have only one special bonus, which would be full visibility of the current percentages (for the clan) in each war territory.

Pontszám: 8.75
very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
799. hozzászólás - 2016.05.19. 11:18:07
Regarding the pet page, it would be nice to have a way of selecting multiple pets (a check mark next to them), and a send all selected pets to rest/fight/ train button(similar to the heal all selected pets button)

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everyone's favoriteNaho
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Re: Sugestion box
800. hozzászólás - 2016.07.05. 23:46:34
Cam we please have it that whenever you spend ancient stones you are given the siimilar amount of burned out ancient stones?
Pontszám: 10
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