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Topic neve: General complaint
everyone's favoriteAxe L
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Re: General complaint
561. hozzászólás - 2012.01.10. 12:36:20
@Kethios - of course not.
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Re: General complaint
562. hozzászólás - 2012.01.10. 17:57:17 (Válasz Axe L #561 hozzászólására.)

Well I think I'm having the same problem.
33 player was registered on the base of your recommendation.

The new one just did not appear last time.

I have contacted the admins, they'll look after it.

Axe L → what is your ingame name? and the world you are playing on?
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everyone's favoriteAxe L
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Re: General complaint
563. hozzászólás - 2012.01.10. 18:09:40 (Válasz Kethios #562 hozzászólására.)
@Kethios - thanks for help in advance. My nick is Axe L in World 1. One player registered in my recommendation long time ago but he decided not to play. And the second (last one) registered about week ago.
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Re: General complaint
564. hozzászólás - 2012.01.10. 18:14:28 (Válasz Axe L #563 hozzászólására.)
I see.

Will ask the admins tomorrow. (7:32 PM GMT+1 atm)

Also feel free to contact me via PM here. I happen to see new PMs faster than new posts
A hozzászólást Kethios módosította 2012.01.10. 18:14:58-kor
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Re: General complaint
565. hozzászólás - 2012.01.12. 15:01:10
Good afternoon

I might be on a good place, so the complain is that:

I have seen a new buttom near my animals, and i could redistribute the animals skill points. OMG! new thing!
I did try and it was working. whoooo
Now when i checked the AA points, i saw, my AA points are disappeared.
Is it okay, or i did something wrong?
I thought i have to increase the animal related AA ability, the re-specialisation, to do such a thing.
But you might already see that, i did not increase any of those.
Can i have something explanation how it can happen, and how can i avoid such a mistake?

thank you!
Leviathan, w1
A hozzászólást Falco módosította 2012.01.12. 15:03:22-kor
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Re: General complaint
566. hozzászólás - 2012.01.12. 15:18:37 (Válasz Falco #565 hozzászólására.)
I'm not really sure what the problem might be - so I'll ask the admins.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: General complaint
567. hozzászólás - 2012.01.12. 16:04:17 (Válasz Falco #565 hozzászólására.)
I think you used the Respecialization AA ability.

You can redistribute the skill points of a pet (Can be used multiple times, it shows as a button under your pet skills)

Max. level: 1
Cost: 3"

It is a bit odd ability, since it is actually used from the Pet tab, and not the AA ability tab. It can actually not be chosen from the AA tab, even if you have enough AA points.
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Re: General complaint
568. hozzászólás - 2012.01.12. 16:26:08
Animal related skill
Combat healing 0
Quick healing 0
Alchemist 0
Respecialization 0
Surgeon 0
Strong bones 0
Harder skin 0

It suppose to be difficult to use with zero point on it.
"Can be used multiple times, it shows as a button under your pet skill"

Can be used multiple times... - I cant use it any more
..it shows as a button under your pet skill - That was true

There is something unknown in the MATRIX
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Re: General complaint
569. hozzászólás - 2012.01.12. 17:51:55 (Válasz Falco #568 hozzászólására.)
As far as I understand it works a bit strange. You actually never gain any levels in the Ability, but every time you use the ability (from the Pet tab) it costs you 3 AA points.

Personally I would suggest that the skill would instead work like this:
1) In the AA ability tab you can buy the "Respecialization" ability for 3 AA points, with no maximum on how many times
2) When you do this you gain 1 Respecialization point in the Pet tab, that can be used with a drop-down list to wipe the skills on one pet

This would make things a bit more complicated, but also clearer at the same time (so people would not accidentally use the ability).
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Re: General complaint
570. hozzászólás - 2012.01.13. 10:29:46
Last night i had internet access without proxy, and on the hun server i have seen how might this work, and of course i didnt try there.

I have one word for that:

And the proxy filter caused to me that its not possible to see everything what is written there, i am a bit disappointed with that solution of aa point usage.
Cost too much for, as temporary solution....

Thanx for the attention, i afraid that could not be solved...
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Re: General complaint
571. hozzászólás - 2012.01.13. 10:39:27 (Válasz Falco #570 hozzászólására.)
Wait.. this means it isn't a bug or what? o.O
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: General complaint
572. hozzászólás - 2012.01.13. 10:42:51 (Válasz Kethios #571 hozzászólására.)
It does not actually look like a bug, more like bad implementation of how the AA ability works.
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Re: General complaint
573. hozzászólás - 2012.01.13. 13:33:16
I see the problem.
On the HUN version, after the Respec button there is an explanation (it will cost 3 AA points). Here, it is missing. We are adding it right now, sorry for the inconvenience. Falco please toss a mail to our GM with your char name / world if you did not want to change the pet skills and want the AA pts reimbursed.
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Re: General complaint
574. hozzászólás - 2012.01.13. 14:06:16
Thank you all.

I'll write where i have to.

Have a good day.
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everyone's favoritebaggybag
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Re: General complaint
575. hozzászólás - 2012.01.15. 19:33:50
dear admins, i am getting sick of this limit for the SE you get from duels. Look the best side of this game is you dont have to login everyday. but when i accumulate 40-50 DP and if i even have one duel in which i get around 30-40k i begin to get about 1/2 or 1/3 of SE i should get from duels. i am even giving away my APs to be in the range of other players. this way i am loosing my advantage of being a dueller.
you have made this rule because some other players were abusing it but i am a legitimate player, i have never cheated. why am i being punished? you have to look to this topic. increase the limit or think another way but please solve this problem.
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everyone's favoritebaggybag
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Re: General complaint
576. hozzászólás - 2012.01.15. 19:34:44
and i am hunchback from w2
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everyone's favoritebaggybag
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Re: General complaint
577. hozzászólás - 2012.01.16. 15:15:12
i hate it writing again and again the same things. İ CANT SEE THE CRYSTAL CLAN İN THE DUEL PAGE. this has been going on now for weeks. could you please fix this problem.

hunchback w2
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Re: General complaint
578. hozzászólás - 2012.02.03. 17:21:36
For this quest:
Deal at least 50 spell damage to your opponent's pet in 10 of your duels!

Why doesn't it count when someone attack you? I doesn't say "duels you initiate" so shouldn't it count all duels?
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: General complaint
579. hozzászólás - 2012.02.03. 19:50:15 (Válasz TheLion #578 hozzászólására.)
All quests that require duels only count the duels you initiate (Critical hits, Critical spell hits, Stuns, Pet damage, x SE won etc etc)

It is like that for all Quests, and I suspect it is so that you cannot trade hits with other players to get the Quests done faster.
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Re: General complaint
580. hozzászólás - 2012.02.10. 15:46:19
i submited this post previously:

"i have trade skill 80 and the following relics: Golden necklace of bargain (30 trade) Velvet belt of the huckster (40 trade) Bronze necklace of bargain (10 trade)

but i get only 70 trade bonus... why?"

and after that u just deleted my bronz necklace!!!!!! WTF???? i pay money to play and u just delete my items????
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