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Topic neve: General complaint
much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1081. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 12:53:34
The reward for doing that Task (attack someone using 50 Subplasma, so you have to attack someone much lower level than you) is:
50 Ancient stones, 50 burnt out ancient stones, 20 potions of dueling, 50 minion crystals, about 1 M Soul energy, and a squeezing medal.

The alternative is paying around 20-90 Ancient stones or about 1-5 M Soul energy to skip the task (and making all other Task in the event more expensive to skip).

I would say this is quite a lot. Does he not gain a lot from the attack in itself? Yes. Does he gain a lot from doing the Attacks? Yes.

Note that the Game forces you to use a Subplasma to attack a much lower level player. Is this good design? That can be discussed. But that is a discussion about game mechanics.
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Re: General complaint
1082. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 13:30:06 (Válasz Sbart #1081 hozzászólására.)
can we stop with the excuse the game forces you to use subplasma?yes the task demands to use subplasma but not hitting players that are 240 lvl below you that just started the game.you can complete the task easily with much higher lvl players.from lvl100 until 250 that manukind is there must be at least 200 players active or inactive so stop using the excuse of the event.you can complete the task without bullying new players.so he can do the task without hiting new players and even get more gains from his torture chamber since you worry so much about the gains.how much you will get for dragging a lvl11 on the torture chamber?no more than 10 SE.what manukind gain for hittting the whole clan with lvl19 to lv8?maybe and it is a big maybe 200 SE.even me without torture chamber i get more when duels with a player on my lvl.so it is not a matter of the task or on how much he gain for hitting lvl10 players.

Note that the Game forces you to use a Subplasma to attack a much lower level player. Is this good design? That can be discussed. But that is a discussion about game mechanics.
you have plenty of targets to hit on much higher and logical lvls.it should be a limit on how much lower lvl you can hit with subplasma,maybe 20,but as you said this is moderators decision but when you get the answer that you learn somethnig when someone 230 lvl higher than you attacks you it looks that they dont care.so the problem is not the task of the event or that you have to use subplasma but the players decision to bully much lower lvls
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1083. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 13:57:10 (Válasz Dionysos #1082 hozzászólására.)
Can you hit higher level players? Yes (maybe)
If I go to the Duel screen and check the "Random lower level players (Subplasam attacks)" the game gives me a suggestion to attack level 11-79 players (as a level 222-ish) (If I refresh it it gives me a suggestion for level 10-80).
So I can either attack these people (with Subplasma, so they loose nothing) or I can manually go through the Highscore list and look for people to attack (most of which I cannot, and I do not know why).

I can only agree that this is not very good. But if I want to do the "Attack 50 times with Subplasma" what do you suggest I do?
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Re: General complaint
1084. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 14:16:30 (Válasz Dionysos #1082 hozzászólására.)
if you attack higher level players with subplasma, you cannot drag them into your torture chamber.
if you attack inactive players, there is no point in dragging them into your torture chamber.
i have concluded that you have no objective. you just want to complain.
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Re: General complaint
1085. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 14:19:41 (Válasz Sbart #1083 hozzászólására.)
come you really asking me this?you tell me that lets say from lv100 to lvl250 you cannot find any targets?are you telling me that the only way to complete the task is by hitting lvl10 players?lets get serious about that.besides even if i wanted to agree with you,manukind hit the whole clan not just me so you cannot justify it as a random attack.the attacks were intentionally not random.so the thing that you are saying it is not stand.but even as you say need to attack lvl10 just to complete the task cause let be honest you dont gain any serious se,maye 10 se, by hitting a lvl10 you have at least 300 players inactive.so again you can complete the tsk wihtout bulling new players.the truth is that those attack is only to feed the ego of a higher lvl hitting a new player cause if it is for the task there are many solutions as you see
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Re: General complaint
1086. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 14:38:09 (Válasz manunkind #1084 hozzászólására.)
read before you speak.i said attack higher players than lvl 10.i am sure there are many players active or inactive between lvls 100 and 250.as for attacking an inactive player and gain nothing it is almost the same when you attack a lvl 10 player and drag him on your torture chamber.or you hit lvl10 players just to get 2 SE?are you so desperate for se?even if you hit an inactive player lvl150 i am sure you will get more se than the 2 SE you will get from attacking and drag onto your torture chamber a lvl10
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Re: General complaint
1087. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 16:49:31 (Válasz Sbart #1083 hozzászólására.)
i am sorry Sbart but are you saying that there are not enough players between lv100 and 250 for someone to duel and complete the task?
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Re: General complaint
1088. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 17:49:03 (Válasz zeus76 #1087 hozzászólására.)
What I get back from the game when I try to do so is that there isn't.
If that is true or not I don't know, and I do not have the time to look through every single character between 100-250. The few I checked I could not attack with subplasma.
Pontszám: 6.47
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Re: General complaint
1089. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 18:47:21 (Válasz Sbart #1088 hozzászólására.)
although i found it hard to believe that within 150 lvls,from 100 to 250, that you cannot find 50 or less targets let me ask you another thing.do you also attack or you find right a lvl250 to attack a lvl 10 or 20 or a whole clan that constist of those lvls on a daily basis?
Pontszám: 9.29
much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1090. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 19:23:07 (Válasz zeus76 #1089 hozzászólására.)
Attacking every day for a month just because? That would maybe be weird.
Two days because there is a task that means you have to use subplasma? Not really.
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Re: General complaint
1091. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 19:44:35 (Válasz Sbart #1090 hozzászólására.)
so you do attack players that are 200 lvl below you?and the excuse is that is because of a task that you can do hittng lvl with much less difference than you?active or no active,since hitting a lvl 10 it doesnt make so much difference with an inactive player.i mean if the SE is the reason that you choose to hit an active lvl10 instead someone inactive.so you do justify the attack of manukind on me?i remind you that he is lvl250 and i am lvl 11
Pontszám: 9.38
much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1092. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 20:04:22 (Válasz Dionysos #1091 hozzászólására.)
The subplasma task does not differentiate between if you attack a target 10 levels or 200 levels below.
If I would do the subplasma task I would use the possibility on the Duel page, and then I would attack level 10-ish players.

Do I think that is good from the game? No. But at least the players I would attack does not loose anything (if they would it would be even worse)
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Re: General complaint
1093. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 21:17:28 (Válasz Sbart #1092 hozzászólására.)
so you are telling that it is a tactic of all the 200 and above lvls to attack the lv10 players and the rest of the new players or just your clan?and this is not bulling?i am asking so i would know if it is worth staying on the game or i jut wasting my time.cause i am not planning to pay all the time just to avoid bulling from the 200 lvls.
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Re: General complaint
1094. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 21:37:53
I can't believe we are doing this again. The subplasmas are in the game for around 10 years now, and someone who started playing 2-3 months ago wants the rules to be changed. It just doesn't make sense. It's part of the game, if you can't accept it, it's not going to be your game unfortunately. I know that these attacks are frustrating in the beginning, but there are some things that you need to get used to. I have a level 20-ish character so I know what it feels like for a beginner, and it's not easy, but just hold on and do your stuff.

Talking about bullying, my main character was attacked from level 50-70 above by 4-5 different players on a daily basis for more than a year, just because they didn't like one of my posts in this forum. That's what I would call bullying, but I'm still here.
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Re: General complaint
1095. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 22:35:52 (Válasz Antidote #1094 hozzászólására.)
first of all you have a lvl115 on the same clan with manukind.so dont say that you are a lvl20.secondly did you ever think that when your lv200 plus are bulling others all the time and they can hit back doing the same thing to you or other members of your clan that can win they wouldnt do it?me if i could hit back and win someone of your clan i would do it as a payback for the bully attacks of the 200lvls.and search the meaning of bulling before you speak.when a lvl 200 hitting a lvl 10 daily it is worse than be a lvl115 and getting hit by someone 50lvl above,although in both cases it is bulling.and as your clan mate manukind said to check the previous comments he actually do this all the time and he simply dont care cause he can.third you said that you have insulted someone with your comment or they didnt like it i never insulted or send message or even attacked any of your clan.unless you call insult a message that i received from belfur in a language not english and i told in english that i dont understand and write me again in english.now if you think that as an insult then i am not the one with the problem
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Re: General complaint
1096. hozzászólás - 2023.01.18. 22:48:36
dude, i hit you twice, nearly a week ago, costing you nothing. how long are you going to carry on?
Pontszám: 5.52
very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1097. hozzászólás - 2023.01.19. 08:56:57 (Válasz POSEIDON22 #1093 hozzászólására.)
Regarding your question. As far as i know everyone ignores people outside of their normal, non subplasma, duel range... Except during ruler of the planet event... Some people even ignore people inside their normal duel range.
Pontszám: 9.48
very popularjack sparrowFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1098. hozzászólás - 2023.01.19. 12:11:53 (Válasz DoomlordFos #1097 hozzászólására.)
i dont come to forum unless a task require it but from what it seems it has been very activelate lately.
FOS i wish what you said wa true but unfortunately it is not.manukind has been attacking me even before the event.second day looks like he invited another lvl200 plus to join him and to be clear i never message him or insulted him.could be a coincidence but you have to admit that from my side of view it looks strange.so i have to be premium all the time to avoid attacks like this.i am not planning to buy any AS to keep beeing premium so when my AS finish either i will go on catacombes until i gather enough AS with the shard of loyalty to get enough AS to be able to be premium for at least one month or simply i wll leave the game.there are plenty games that you dont see this kind of players attitude.
ZEUS and DIONYSOS there is no point of wasting your time talking about the attacks,as you see manukind thiks that what he does is ok and from the comments you are not the first and you will not be the last.so argueing is pointless.make your review about the game on the gamers corner or any gamer site that you are following and just warn the other of what to expect if they join the game.after that is is their decision if they want to join the game or not but at least they will know what to excepct.especially the part about the doomlord battleknight and torn sections are very active and give you an idea of the game and what to expect when joining from the players and from the game.my mistake was that first joine and then read the forums.
Pontszám: 8.33
very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1099. hozzászólás - 2023.01.19. 12:24:48 (Válasz jack sparrow #1098 hozzászólására.)
Sorry about that, it seems i was poorly informed.
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Re: General complaint
1100. hozzászólás - 2023.01.19. 17:28:17 (Válasz jack sparrow #1098 hozzászólására.)
Jack, i did not invite anyone to attack you, and i'm not sure what you're talking about with attacks before the event.
the only thing i can think of is you may have been earning a lot of SE that caught my attention and i wanted a piece of it.
after all, that is what subplasmas are for - more targets.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.01.19. 17:56:26-kor
Pontszám: 5.67
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