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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
961. hozzászólás - 2021.05.14. 21:54:03 (Válasz Alicia de Lamb #959 hozzászólására.)
you may find some if you change hucksters.
Pontszám: 7.97
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Re: General complaint
962. hozzászólás - 2021.05.25. 08:17:23
I cant fight anyone in duels, it says something about the already finished war each time I try
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Re: General complaint
963. hozzászólás - 2021.05.28. 21:33:02
why on every tasks have to train 4 or 5 pets?i understand to be once evey few lvls but everytime i lvl up and new tasks appear it is always you have to train 4 or 5 pets!!!!!!
Pontszám: 10
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Re: General complaint
964. hozzászólás - 2021.05.31. 07:25:26 (Válasz nhsos #963 hozzászólására.)
You don't have to make everything, if it's a problem for you.
It's a challenge, for some is easy for some is difficult, that's the game.
Pontszám: 8.10
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Re: General complaint
965. hozzászólás - 2021.06.04. 15:03:34 (Válasz nhsos #963 hozzászólására.)
if it bothers you to not complete the task, how can you change your strategy to make the task easier to complete?
Pontszám: 6.98
very popularGreekmanFérfi
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Re: General complaint
966. hozzászólás - 2021.07.06. 08:20:20
Serioysly now it should be a huge penalty for the big lvl difference attacks.Every year during any event the same problem with the same guy hitting lvl that are always 100 plus levels lower than him.it should be some protection from lvls not to be able to attack players with so much difference.I dont something like after 20 lvl difference the attack cost more like 1 attack point for every additional lvl of differnce,for example a lvl 224 is attacking a lvl 124 then his attack wil cost 81 attack points( 1point for the attack and 80 points penalty for the 80 lvl difference,20 lvl difference will not take any penalty).it is not fair someone to try for the event and high lvl players to feed from his efforts
Pontszám: 8.89
much likedTallia
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Re: General complaint
967. hozzászólás - 2021.07.06. 09:39:11 (Válasz Greekman #966 hozzászólására.)
With such a high level difference you can be attacked only with subplasma, and this way you don't lose SE, you and your pets don't lose HP, and burnt-out AS can't be stolen.
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very popularnexus77Férfi
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Re: General complaint
968. hozzászólás - 2021.07.06. 09:56:30 (Válasz Tallia #967 hozzászólására.)
yes but you cant go out of the torture as well.so as you struggle to go well on the event the bullie that attacked you feed from your effort this is even worse than the spider,at least after years of complains the developers did something about the spiders on the championships but with this nothing have been done.I think the penalty is a good suggestion,i dont hink someone is willing to loose 80 attack points just to drag a low lvl on his torture,he will loose more that he will possibly gain
Pontszám: 8.89
very popularnexus77Férfi
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Re: General complaint
969. hozzászólás - 2021.07.06. 10:05:14
At least you expect from more experience lvl to have some respect to the lower levels,if this not happening then the developers should do something about it otherwise more and more players will leave.But like a said before the torture chamber is the biggest mistake of the game cause actually giving the reason to the high lvl players to bully the lower lvlrs and feed from their effort to play the game
Pontszám: 8.89
very popularnexus77Férfi
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Re: General complaint
970. hozzászólás - 2021.07.06. 10:06:40 (Válasz nhsos #963 hozzászólására.)
wait when you get in higher lvls ......7 pets to train.the amount of SE that you spend to train them dont worth the final reward of the final task rewards
Pontszám: 6.67
very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
971. hozzászólás - 2021.07.06. 10:55:11
The only way i know for you to protect from high level subplasma attacks is if you check the following options in settings

"As long as I am a premium member, I do not want to be attacked with subplasma:
(your subplasmas will be destroyed automatically, and you can't get more subplasmas while this option is on!)
If your premium membership expires, this function will turn off automatically."

It destroyes your subplasma, but you look like someone that does not believe in preying on the weaker (lower level) doomlords só it shouldn't matter.
Pontszám: 9.89
very popularnexus77Férfi
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Re: General complaint
972. hozzászólás - 2021.07.06. 11:02:19 (Válasz DoomlordFos #971 hozzászólására.)
true and i personally do that but not everybody can be premium all the time to avoid the bullying.
Pontszám: 8.33
very popularGreekmanFérfi
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Re: General complaint
973. hozzászólás - 2021.07.06. 11:51:01 (Válasz Tallia #967 hozzászólására.)
...and the 100 plus lvl that attacked you getting free se because you try to play the event and he will continue to attack you everyday ruining the event for you because he is not attacking players that can fight back
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much likedTallia
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Re: General complaint
974. hozzászólás - 2021.07.06. 13:30:58 (Válasz Greekman #973 hozzászólására.)
I really don't get it what is your problem, you lose nothing, so why bothers you if a higher level player attacking you?
Because he/she gets SE from the torture chamber, that makes me laugh.
A hozzászólást Tallia módosította 2021.07.06. 13:32:16-kor
Pontszám: 6.28
very popularnexus77Férfi
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Re: General complaint
975. hozzászólás - 2021.07.06. 15:13:34 (Válasz Tallia #974 hozzászólására.)
so you say that you laugh when someone is bulling the lower lvls?you think that a 200 plus lvl is ok to hit lv20 or lv50 or lvl100 and this is funny for you?I understand that you try to justify the actions of your clan member but to say that this makes you laugh is...i really cannot find the word!You justify and find funny the bullying of low lvl players!!
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Re: General complaint
976. hozzászólás - 2021.07.06. 15:37:35 (Válasz nexus77 #975 hozzászólására.)
Your attitude makes me laugh.
I repeat you lose NOTHING with that attack, so relax and play the game, don't go mad about it.
This is nothing more than an entry in your previous battles log.
And this is not bullying at all, when you lose SE, HP from repeatable attacks on daily basis, that can we call bullying.
Pontszám: 6.28
very popularsrothFérfi
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Re: General complaint
977. hozzászólás - 2021.07.06. 16:35:40 (Válasz Tallia #976 hozzászólására.)
the fact that this guy is bulling ,and yes it is bulling, the lower lvls and makes you laugh and find it funny it makes me more angry with you than with him.in 2 events i had him hittig me everyday sometimes 2 times per day and when i asked him why the answer was if you dont want to give me your se thats your problem, i had to become premium to get rid of his attacks.we had more than 100 lvl difference he was hitting me everyday and this is not bulling and this is fun for you?Anyway i give up with you and him i am not the one to teach you what ethics mean.And the excusethat you dont loose money is stupid have someone 100 lvls above you hitting you everyday just for his fun and after tell me if this is funny.this is one of the reasons that the active players gettinf fewer after events or that when we actually bring new players to the game players like you drove them away
Pontszám: 8
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Re: General complaint
978. hozzászólás - 2021.07.07. 04:18:18
the game has a torture chamber. the game added subplasmas so that players could make attacks outside of their range. hitting an active player outside your range once per game day is not bullying - it's playing the game. you do realize this game is competitive, right? you lose NOTHING from subplasma attacks. if your game is ruined because someone else is benefitting, that's on you. wait until you climb into someone's range with a load of SE and they can make regular attacks instead of subplasmas. that's gonna sting.
Pontszám: 7.17
very popularsrothFérfi
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Re: General complaint
979. hozzászólás - 2021.07.07. 07:56:06 (Válasz manunkind #978 hozzászólására.)
so because you are afraid to attack someone on your range on a fair fight you are attacking all the active players that are 100 lvls lower than you during the events?And dont tell that one attack cause last year you were hitting me for 5 days during an event so i had to get premium to avoid your attacks and play the event.ok the excuse that you dont loose nothing it is a little lame ok i you are right i dont loose something i just play for you to win free se and keep hitting me everyday since i have no chance to get out of your torture chamberand i want to play thethe game especially during events like the one running now
Pontszám: 10
much likedTallia
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Re: General complaint
980. hozzászólás - 2021.07.07. 08:33:00 (Válasz sroth #979 hozzászólására.)
Sadly this game has very few active players, so if somebody taking advantage over when attacking a much lower level player for torture chamber SE, well that's part of the game.
Get over it, there are much bigger problems in life.
I don't follow this path in the game, but i don't disapprove.
Pontszám: 7.29
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