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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
241. hozzászólás - 2010.10.05. 00:36:24 (Válasz D00ml0rd #240 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: D00ml0rd - 2010.10.05. 00:28:36
Sounds like we should all learn hungarian and join that server for better customer support.

One of my Hungarian clanmates says the support isn't any better there.
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Re: General complaint
242. hozzászólás - 2010.10.05. 06:35:41
Customer service is of maximum priority to us!
Please, If you have a suggestion, question, or anything else, that you want a direct answer from us, write us an email. This is our customer service (as you can see under the Help button).


The forum is for general game discussion. Don't expect an answer from me to each post, I can't do that. Regularly I read the forum, and I answer some posts, but I can't provide customer service through a forum. Kethios is here to help you and he can help in most questions, he is the admin here. But he can't do much with bug reports.
If you find a bug, please send us a bug report


Please include the world you play on, character name and as much details as you can. Be assured, we correct bugs quite quickly.

About adventures evaluation: earlier on, there were very few adventures submitted. (This surprised us as well.) It was more than enough to check them only once every 3-4 days, there were 1 or none. Now as we have more and more adventures submitted, we are switching to more regular evalution. However, please note, it is not just a click (yes or no). The entire adventure must be read, corrected, and in case of too many errors, it have to be returned and explained. So please be more patient on this. Also it helps a great deal if you read the explanation if your adventure was rejected, and try to correct the errors before resubmitting it. Thanks for your patience with this.
A hozzászólást Miklos módosította 2010.10.05. 06:37:39-kor
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Re: General complaint
243. hozzászólás - 2010.10.05. 07:38:38 (Válasz Miklos #242 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2010.10.05. 06:35:41
Please, If you have a suggestion, question, or anything else, that you want a direct answer from us, write us an email. This is our customer service (as you can see under the Help button).


Listen - you have this forum. It's a place where we can share ideas, and determine the best ones to put forward fr review. Do you really want 100 of us to send you e-mails on how WE think the game should improve? Or do you want a place for discussion, where a consensus opinion can be developed first? Beyond that, when we send an e-mail - exactly two of us know if you responded, me and you. If you respond on the Forum, then we ALL know that you're taking us seriously.

This forum is for YOUR benefit as well.

The forum is for general game discussion. Don't expect an answer from me to each post, I can't do that. Regularly I read the forum, and I answer some posts, but I can't provide customer service through a forum. Kethios is here to help you and he can help in most questions, he is the admin here. But he can't do much with bug reports.

We don't want an answer for EVERY POST!!! But when we post a Quiz Problem, and 4 months later, it hasn't been resolved - it's simply proof that you DO NOT "Regularly I read the forum".

Also, if we're discussing a change that we think it would be advantageous - don't you think it would be a good idea if you would reply, and say whether or not it's even viable in the coding of the game? This is one of those "duh" things that is getting people pissed off.

If you find a bug, please send us a bug report


Or how about we post it on the Forum to determine whether it's a bug with the game, or a glitch in the browser? A quirk, or something that can be replicated? If you get 100 Bug Reports, there might only be one actual bug. If there are 100 posts on the forum regarding a bug - then it IS a bug! Why should we have to write you an e-mail at this stage???

Please include the world you play on, character name and as much details as you can. Be assured, we correct bugs quite quickly.

If only you would manage your quiz - which seems to be one great big giant bug.

About adventures evaluation: earlier on, there were very few adventures submitted. (This surprised us as well.) It was more than enough to check them only once every 3-4 days, there were 1 or none. Now as we have more and more adventures submitted, we are switching to more regular evalution. However, please note, it is not just a click (yes or no). The entire adventure must be read, corrected, and in case of too many errors, it have to be returned and explained. So please be more patient on this. Also it helps a great deal if you read the explanation if your adventure was rejected, and try to correct the errors before resubmitting it. Thanks for your patience with

Interesting that player #1 (Dakaan) on World 2 posts something and there is an Admin reply in hours. But me, the #2 player in World 2, can post on a regular basis, and get nothing. Last I checked, my money was just as good as Daak's. Just one of the many things that makes people want to quit the game.

PS. You've created this tool (the Forum). In fact, when we're finished Hunting, you even suggest "While you wait, visit the Forum!". And then you treat it like an unwanted child. Ignored, malnourished, and generally neglected. Maybe if you would consider the power of popular opinion, instead of waiting for people to individually write you, then morale wouldn't be sub-zero.

PPS. I've e-mailed this conversation to you as well - just for your convenience, of course. Naturally, it adds an extra step for me - but what do I matter - I'm only a paying customer.

Customer service is of maximum priority to us!

HORSESHIT! If that was true, you would listen to us telling you how we would like the game managed. Instead, you're telling us that nothing we do on this forum has any value, and will be ignored! Ignoring the customers is NOT Customer Service!!!
A hozzászólást Viridel módosította 2010.10.05. 07:47:43-kor
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Re: General complaint
244. hozzászólás - 2010.10.05. 09:03:18 (Válasz Viridel #243 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.10.05. 07:38:38

Listen - you have this forum. It's a place where we can share ideas, and determine the best ones to put forward fr review. Do you really want 100 of us to send you e-mails on how WE think the game should improve? Or do you want a place for discussion, where a consensus opinion can be developed first? Beyond that, when we send an e-mail - exactly two of us know if you responded, me and you. If you respond on the Forum, then we ALL know that you're taking us seriously.

This forum is for YOUR benefit as well.

Listen. If you are working on something that you would like to be implemented - write a detailed e-mail to Miklós. If you just drop in a post here with an idea, people will reply to it and after many many posts it'll disappear.

If we players are discussing an idea here after some time the detailed e-mail is still needed towards Miklós because people tend to post a raw idea here and the other users are trying to help improving the idea to be something that can be implemented. If you do so, they'll have an easier way to make it happen.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: General complaint
245. hozzászólás - 2010.10.05. 09:59:01 (Válasz Viridel #243 hozzászólására.)
Viridel I don't think he said that you are ignored.

About bug reports:

It is good if someone asks if the phenomenom he/she saw is a bug or not. When more people agrees it indeed is a bug. But.. it needs to be reported via e-mail to the developers so they can correct it 1-2 days. A bug report shall be look like this:

Ingame charakter name: the name of the reporting person
World: in which world you found the bug
Location: Where can the bug be found
Priority: Importance of the bug
Reproductable: Can you reproduce he bug or not.
How you encountered the bug: What did you do when you find it.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: General complaint
246. hozzászólás - 2010.10.05. 15:23:14
I'm ok with most of the points you posted, but in the end Viridel is right on some too. If every player will start emailing about every little bug correct or imaginary then your email will get fast spammed. It would be a great idea to keep the bug reports in the forum and if a bug is confirmed the forum admin to forward it to the developer (this way allot of false/positives and unnecessary mails will be avoided).

I'm sure that the Admin answer after my post was probably just a coincidence since the other topics where related so i don't think you must take it personally Viridel (i know you're a little upset because i'm #1 but i promise i'll let you there for a week or two if you calm down ).

Anyway it's good to finally see some answers from the "big" peoples in here and i hope to see more involvement in the future (trust me, we greatly appreciate it). Also check the suggestion topics and i'm sure you'll find allot of great ideas to improve the game. I know that not every one of them is easy to implement and i surely know how hard is to put in every new feature, but bringing new features for us to explore makes this game awesome and to be honest this is what made me play it:

"Doomlord is an open ended fantasy game. We hope we will always develop it, making new objectives and goals, so it will be a neverending game."

I'm sure that there are players like me that hope to see new features developed and not play just another boring game that get's a t a point where you do the same things over and over again.

Thanks for the reply guys and keep up the good work.
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Re: General complaint
247. hozzászólás - 2010.10.05. 15:49:43 (Válasz Dakaan #246 hozzászólására.)
Lots of new features are waiting for implementation. I created a new topic for events. Feel free to post your event related ideas there. About suggestions - I'll focus more on them. Promise.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: General complaint
248. hozzászólás - 2010.10.05. 19:32:07 (Válasz Kethios #244 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Kethios - 2010.10.05. 09:03:18
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.10.05. 07:38:38

Listen - you have this forum. It's a place where we can share ideas, and determine the best ones to put forward fr review. Do you really want 100 of us to send you e-mails on how WE think the game should improve? Or do you want a place for discussion, where a consensus opinion can be developed first? Beyond that, when we send an e-mail - exactly two of us know if you responded, me and you. If you respond on the Forum, then we ALL know that you're taking us seriously.

This forum is for YOUR benefit as well.

Listen. If you are working on something that you would like to be implemented - write a detailed e-mail to Miklós. If you just drop in a post here with an idea, people will reply to it and after many many posts it'll disappear.

If we players are discussing an idea here after some time the detailed e-mail is still needed towards Miklós because people tend to post a raw idea here and the other users are trying to help improving the idea to be something that can be implemented. If you do so, they'll have an easier way to make it happen.

And this would be the job of the FORUM MODERATOR. To sift thru the piles of crap, and determine what actually needs to move up the ladder. The Game Admins don't need 1000's of e-mails detailing any little suggestion change, non-existent bug, or quiz error. They need a SPOC - a Single Point of Contact. Until otherwise decided, Kethios, that's you.

Why have a Forum at all when posting on it is worthless?!?

I'm sure that the Admin answer after my post was probably just a coincidence since the other topics where related so i don't think you must take it personally Viridel (i know you're a little upset because i'm #1 but i promise i'll let you there for a week or two if you calm down).

Don't worry about it - I'll just bitch-slap you around the house in the Championship
A hozzászólást Viridel módosította 2010.10.05. 19:33:43-kor
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Re: General complaint
249. hozzászólás - 2010.10.05. 20:32:57
FROM MIKLOS, via E-Mail:

You probably misunderstood something. Forum is not= customer service. Not for any company. Forum is for game discussion. I regularly read the forum, and post there, as other admins like Kethios do, but I can't read all posts. What I wrote I dif because I do not want anyone fool into believing that if he writes something on the forum that will be handled as a direct message to me and will be answered. This is the same in every game, forum is primarily for game discussion.
Of course it is excellent for discussing ideas - if there is a good development idea, be assured that Kethios will forward it to us.
About Quiz, we have a separate admin, Hatsepsut, who does nothing else but works on Quiz. Same applies here, don't expect her to answer every post. She reads through the forum, and makes the necessary adjustments and corrections in the database. If there is a problem and it wasnt resolved, maybe it wasnt a problem...

Actually, you are completely wrong in saying that companies don't use forums as a customer service tool. But whatever. The issue is that you HAVE created that expectations due to things like Bugs, Quiz, and Suggestions (duh, why ask for suggestions if you have no intention on reading them) sections. These are areas of the forum that require Admin supervision. Otherwise, there is absolutely no purpose in having them in the Forum. Here is what you don't get:

You are doing damage to your game by having a forum where players expect their posts will be reviewed - and you fail to do so.

This is not a fault of the player - you tell them to visit the forum. Ok, fine, maybe this was never your intention - but it is what it is. It's like giving a child a game at Christmas that ONLY works with two people - but then you never play with them. This makes the child sad and eventually angry. So even if you made a mistake in giving it to them, you HAVE to say "Ok, I guess I'll play".

There are only a few dozen (at lost) posts in a day. Throwing up your hands and saying "there are too many" is pure and simple crap.

"About Quiz, we have a separate admin, Hatsepsut, who does nothing else but works on Quiz. Same applies here, don't expect her to answer every post. She reads through the forum, and makes the necessary adjustments and corrections in the database."

More "piles of Cow Patties". If this was the case, then we wouldn't be having re-posts of wrong answers 4 months after the first complaints.

The solution:
Kethios MUST be able to "schedule" a meeting with the Game Admins.
He has indicated that he has tried to do so, but nobody listens. When your own damn moderator can't communicate with you, that's a problem in the upper group.

Basically, you are taking time and money from players, but not fulfilling expectations. The time component is the key. If it was only money, we would just walk away - but we've invested our time as well - therefore we don't WANT to quit... But anyone who is pushed hard enough will surely do so. I doubt that losing paying customers is a positive part of your business plan - so the change needs to happen with the 5 of you - not the thousands of us. We are clearly telling you the Forum is an important communication tool with the developers - you need to accept that as your new reality.
A hozzászólást Viridel módosította 2010.10.06. 16:57:27-kor
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Re: General complaint
250. hozzászólás - 2010.10.06. 04:44:29 (Válasz Viridel #248 hozzászólására.)
Viridiel please stop using words that are curses.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: General complaint
251. hozzászólás - 2010.10.06. 04:56:02 (Válasz Viridel #249 hozzászólására.)
Okay here is the solution for the problems listed above.

I'm in daily contact with the staff. I'll read your posts and reply to the ones worth replying. When something needs an admin to take action, I'll forward the post to their private e-mail in case that the problem could be solved asap.

On the other hand, if someone will use curses I'll just simply modify his/her post and delete the words. Here are children playing so therefore we cannot allow those words shoving up.

As a side note:

I do have a real life job so I can't be here all day. It would be easier for me too if you'd forward your post to me in a PM or let me know if a serious problem occurs so that I can go directly to that post and it will speed up the process.

Thank you.

Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: General complaint
252. hozzászólás - 2010.10.06. 12:12:38
I got robbed in the Championship!!!
I lost the final duel to a character that doesn't exist!!
And it was loaded with Magic Items not even available (I believe) for a lvl 9.

What is the point in having the championship if non-human characters, who are much stronger than us, will also "compete"?

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Re: General complaint
253. hozzászólás - 2010.10.06. 12:44:43 (Válasz Cruel01 #252 hozzászólására.)
Please post here the complete battle description and which world did it happen.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: General complaint
254. hozzászólás - 2010.10.06. 15:55:55
The links are below:

After the battle, I checked for the other doomlady's name and received the following message: "There is no doomlord with this name"

A hozzászólást Cruel01 módosította 2010.10.06. 16:07:07-kor
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Re: General complaint
255. hozzászólás - 2010.10.06. 16:55:32 (Válasz Kethios #251 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Kethios - 2010.10.06. 04:56:02
Okay here is the solution for the problems listed above.

I'm in daily contact with the staff. I'll read your posts and reply to the ones worth replying. When something needs an admin to take action, I'll forward the post to their private e-mail in case that the problem could be solved asap.

Perfect. Better than perfect. That's all any of us can ask for. I would ask that you also post on the Forum that "This has been submitted to the Game Administration for their action":
a) People on the forum can stop talking about it
b) People can have a reasonable expectation that there will be a solution
c) If nothing happens in a reasonable amount of time, then we can (rightfully) ask for a status update

On the other hand, if someone will use curses I'll just simply modify his/her post and delete the words. Here are children playing so therefore we cannot allow those words shoving up.

Well, if something is horse$#!^, then I'm going to call it horse$#!^. However, in the sake of compromise, I will attempt to use "a pile of Cow Patties" as a replacement.

As a side note:

I do have a real life job so I can't be here all day. It would be easier for me too if you'd forward your post to me in a PM or let me know if a serious problem occurs so that I can go directly to that post and it will speed up the process.

Thank you.


I don't think anyone is asking for permanent moderation, and I doubt that 36-48 hours is unacceptable to any of us except in the most unusually dire circumstances - in which case, we should be contacting info@ anyways - not using the forum.

I think that as long as a moderator/admin presence is seen, and issues get dealt with in a reasonable matter, this would be such an improvement over the current system - we're not going to have issues with reasonable timelines.

Thank you to the Admin/Mod group for taking action in this regard - you will have a stronger community for it.
A hozzászólást Viridel módosította 2010.10.06. 16:59:24-kor
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Re: General complaint
256. hozzászólás - 2010.10.06. 17:08:59 (Válasz Cruel01 #254 hozzászólására.)
Well this is something that doesn't happen often. It wasn't enough players nominating in your category in the championships so the system cloned an AI from a player's stats from 1 category below yours then to hide his/her character name it got a name from one of the Zarknod AIs. (Hence the gender and profile pic difference ) Sadly it was stronger than you and it won.
A hozzászólást Kethios módosította 2010.10.06. 17:16:20-kor
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Re: General complaint
257. hozzászólás - 2010.10.06. 17:09:57 (Válasz Viridel #255 hozzászólására.)
We'll do our best.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: General complaint
258. hozzászólás - 2010.10.06. 17:30:24
Don't get me wrong. I don't mind losing. It is part of the game.
But the game CANNOT decide to create fake characters just because there are not enough contenders.
You are saying it is a clone of a lvl 8 character (which btw is another category and should not be fighting in mine!), but it doesn't matter. It is not a real player registering for the Championship.
This is simlpy unacceptable and very frustrating.

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Re: General complaint
259. hozzászólás - 2010.10.06. 17:32:31 (Válasz Cruel01 #258 hozzászólására.)
If the system wouldn't have been cloning that one, there wouldn't be championship in your category. At least 4 players needed in a category for the champs to be held.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: General complaint
260. hozzászólás - 2010.10.06. 17:40:16 (Válasz Cruel01 #258 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2010.10.06. 17:30:24
Don't get me wrong. I don't mind losing. It is part of the game.
But the game CANNOT decide to create fake characters just because there are not enough contenders.
You are saying it is a clone of a lvl 8 character (which btw is another category and should not be fighting in mine!), but it doesn't matter. It is not a real player registering for the Championship.
This is simlpy unacceptable and very frustrating.


Dude - You can't have it both ways. Either "fake" characters are invented to have a championship that you might win, or your group gets canceled. When there are two viable options, you can't complain about both of them. The horse is dead - quit beating it.
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