Idézet: Miklos - 2010.10.05. 06:35:41 Please, If you have a suggestion, question, or anything else, that you want a direct answer from us, write us an email. This is our customer service (as you can see under the Help button).
Listen - you have this forum. It's a place where we can share ideas, and determine the best ones to put forward fr review. Do you really want 100 of us to send you e-mails on how WE think the game should improve? Or do you want a place for discussion, where a consensus opinion can be developed first? Beyond that, when we send an e-mail - exactly two of us know if you responded, me and you. If you respond on the Forum, then we ALL know that you're taking us seriously.
This forum is for YOUR benefit as well.
The forum is for general game discussion. Don't expect an answer from me to each post, I can't do that. Regularly I read the forum, and I answer some posts, but I can't provide customer service through a forum. Kethios is here to help you and he can help in most questions, he is the admin here. But he can't do much with bug reports.
We don't want an answer for EVERY POST!!! But when we post a Quiz Problem, and 4 months later, it hasn't been resolved - it's simply proof that you DO NOT "Regularly I read the forum".
Also, if we're discussing a change that we think it would be advantageous - don't you think it would be a good idea if you would reply, and say whether or not it's even viable in the coding of the game? This is one of those "duh" things that is getting people pissed off.
Or how about we post it on the Forum to determine whether it's a bug with the game, or a glitch in the browser? A quirk, or something that can be replicated? If you get 100 Bug Reports, there might only be one
actual bug. If there are 100 posts on the forum regarding a bug - then it IS a bug! Why should we have to write you an e-mail at this stage???
Please include the world you play on, character name and as much details as you can. Be assured, we correct bugs quite quickly.
If only you would manage your quiz - which seems to be one great big giant bug.
About adventures evaluation: earlier on, there were very few adventures submitted. (This surprised us as well.) It was more than enough to check them only once every 3-4 days, there were 1 or none. Now as we have more and more adventures submitted, we are switching to more regular evalution. However, please note, it is not just a click (yes or no). The entire adventure must be read, corrected, and in case of too many errors, it have to be returned and explained. So please be more patient on this. Also it helps a great deal if you read the explanation if your adventure was rejected, and try to correct the errors before resubmitting it. Thanks for your patience with
Interesting that player #1 (Dakaan) on World 2 posts something and there is an Admin reply in hours. But me, the #2 player in World 2, can post on a regular basis, and get nothing. Last I checked, my money was just as good as Daak's. Just one of the many things that makes people want to quit the game.
PS. You've created this tool (the Forum). In fact, when we're finished Hunting, you even suggest "While you wait, visit the Forum!". And then you treat it like an unwanted child. Ignored, malnourished, and generally neglected. Maybe if you would consider the power of popular opinion, instead of waiting for people to individually write you, then morale wouldn't be sub-zero.
PPS. I've e-mailed this conversation to you as well - just for your convenience, of course. Naturally, it adds an extra step for me - but what do I matter - I'm only a paying customer.
Customer service is of maximum priority to us!
HORSESHIT! If that was true, you would listen to us telling you how we would like the game managed. Instead, you're telling us that nothing we do on this forum has any value, and will be ignored!
Ignoring the customers is NOT Customer Service!!!