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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
341. hozzászólás - 2010.11.22. 18:27:20
ok.. so if you fail an adventure and you do it again, even tho it sais : "you completed this test earlier" or something like that, you still lose Crystal points. So.. if i already spent crystal points on those tests, why do i need to spend them again? You can't repeat fights in adventures, so you shouldn't lose cp either.
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Re: General complaint
342. hozzászólás - 2010.11.23. 23:20:37 (Válasz Inv_ #341 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Inv_ - 2010.11.22. 18:27:20
ok.. so if you fail an adventure and you do it again, even tho it sais : "you completed this test earlier" or something like that, you still lose Crystal points. So.. if i already spent crystal points on those tests, why do i need to spend them again? You can't repeat fights in adventures, so you shouldn't lose cp either.

Agree with this completely.
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Re: General complaint
343. hozzászólás - 2010.11.24. 13:15:52

Crystal points cost duellers valuable SE in order to challenge opponents. And since the only option is to buy diamond potions, we are paying money for them.
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Re: General complaint
344. hozzászólás - 2010.11.24. 17:45:14
Well with simple math my clanmate did it is acctually far easier to get crystal points as dueler:)
Decent dueler gets the SE needed for crystal potion in about 3 or 4 fights, while with challenges it takes at least 17 duels (50/3) and most likely in range 20-35 due to random number of CP you get when you won a challenge. This number only goes up if you have crystal mug or whatever is the name of it. With optimizers as myself buying potions is better as well as I get SE needed in about 10 duels while from lvl 30 to 40 I won around 650 challenges and had around 1100 CP (which brigs it more to a bit under 2 CP per won challenge in average).

So I think that ratio is acctually good, and while I know that DP are main income source to duelers it is more or less balanced with Aps optimizers and builders lose to auction house and reentering DG or reactivating mind boost or whatever.
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Re: General complaint
345. hozzászólás - 2010.11.24. 18:17:54 (Válasz dark22 #344 hozzászólására.)
But you're forgetting the greatest enemy of optimizers, the XP. With challenges, you get CP for no XP, whereas if you spend SE on them, you get XP, and you lose valuable SE which you could have spent on your abilities or skills.

Anyway, I agree with the ones who don't like having to spend crystal points again and again on tests they have already completed.
Doomlord wiki: http://doomlord.wikidot.com

I need contribution to the list of adventures from anyone who's willing to share information with others. Please help me expand this list.
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Re: General complaint
346. hozzászólás - 2010.11.24. 20:37:11
Yeah I agree on that but spending 15 more DP is worse than few XP points for dueler:D

And I agree on the spending CP on test you already passed as well, to stay on topic:)
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Re: General complaint
347. hozzászólás - 2010.11.26. 15:07:21
Apparently the extra spending of CP on re-doing the same tests is intentional :

"It's not a bug, the adventures works this way, we are not plan to change it."

great to see double-logic in action.
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Re: General complaint
348. hozzászólás - 2010.11.26. 19:56:45 (Válasz Inv_ #347 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Inv_ - 2010.11.26. 15:07:21
Apparently the extra spending of CP on re-doing the same tests is intentional :

"It's not a bug, the adventures works this way, we are not plan to change it."

great to see double-logic in action.

Ok, so we as the users of the game have stated our opinion. Can the Admins please indulge us with their reasoning?
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Re: General complaint
349. hozzászólás - 2010.11.29. 12:25:43
level 79 learning test ... really? when max learning is 60 (under special conditions)...
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Re: General complaint
350. hozzászólás - 2010.11.29. 17:22:50
lol i stopped doing adven tures

700 skills and 900 stats and can blow 100 plus cp in one adventure no probs

i have 23 CP and not enough duels to even build that up so i can complete a single adventure

the leve;s of t he tests are set way to high

it just seems soemthing to get players to blow SE or stones on buying the potions

i have my boots, i have my pet equip i dont need diamonds at moment
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Re: General complaint
351. hozzászólás - 2010.11.29. 17:24:54
Quints site


is awesome resource to let u filter thru adventures and pick and choose the best ones to suit your charchter
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Re: General complaint
352. hozzászólás - 2010.11.29. 17:52:13
gimme a break

i just completed the quest let your equip be same level as you about 4 quests ago cost of about 80k SE for 20k reward

now i have one let your equip be 2 levels above u quest

what on earth is the point of these stupid equipment quests
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Re: General complaint
353. hozzászólás - 2010.11.29. 18:11:34
that stupid equip quest would be much more skill based if it became buy equip (AT LEAST) 2 levels above you, then it relies on some trade skills, as it stands now it has noo prpose other thna to force players to blow a load of SE and or stones on stuff they dont need or want

if u changed it to above i would spend SE on trade skill AND stones on buyng prem gear i want. As it stands now i will only spend SE o n buying the gear, im not goin g to waste stones buying gear that i dont want for my player developemnt/strategy

change it please
A hozzászólást D00ml0rd módosította 2010.11.29. 18:20:37-kor
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Re: General complaint
354. hozzászólás - 2010.11.29. 20:12:16 (Válasz D00ml0rd #353 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: D00ml0rd - 2010.11.29. 18:11:34
that stupid equip quest would be much more skill based if it became buy equip (AT LEAST) 2 levels above you

That would be a lot better indeed. Currently it's only a waste of SE.
Doomlord wiki: http://doomlord.wikidot.com

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Re: General complaint
355. hozzászólás - 2010.11.29. 20:41:07
while im on a roll lol

that map finding skill sucks

u have to take it to 1/3rd of player level just to gain 1% increase chance in finding map piece and it appears 1% is as far as it goes.

for my current level/skill cost thats going to cost about 100k for a 1% increase lol

i realise we have a choice but even so that maths dont make sense at all, what were you guys smoking when u came up with that? send me some
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Re: General complaint
356. hozzászólás - 2010.11.30. 07:34:48 (Válasz D00ml0rd #355 hozzászólására.)
You are not forced to raise that skill. If you don't want it, then just let it be there at 0. I did the same on HUN W1, and still got 72 pieces so far.
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Re: General complaint
357. hozzászólás - 2010.11.30. 08:30:23 (Válasz D00ml0rd #350 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: D00ml0rd - 2010.11.29. 17:22:50
...it just seems soemthing to get players to blow SE or stones on buying the potions

i have my boots, i have my pet equip i dont need diamonds at moment

And note that there has been no response to why Passing a Test, yet failing an Adventure resets the test??? Yeah, it's an obvious Stone grab. Subtle as a punch in the head.
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Re: General complaint
358. hozzászólás - 2010.11.30. 08:33:18 (Válasz Kethios #356 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Kethios - 2010.11.30. 07:34:48
You are not forced to raise that skill. If you don't want it, then just let it be there at 0. I did the same on HUN W1, and still got 72 pieces so far.

But the game is seriously lacking in logic in too many areas. It's fine to say "but it's your choice" when it comes to a few things... But when this quantity of areas in the game have significant flaws - that's a problem with the choices the Admins are making.
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Re: General complaint
359. hozzászólás - 2010.11.30. 08:41:44 (Válasz Viridel #358 hozzászólására.)
The map finding skill was a result of all the whining from the players about the low piece finding precentage. Until it doesn't give me disadvantage I'm fine with it.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: General complaint
360. hozzászólás - 2010.11.30. 17:22:12
yea charging 100k for a 1% increase is a great way to stop the whining lol
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