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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
1481. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 12:19:20
Okay, I think you'll never gonna understand the fact that subplasma attacks and the chamber is harmless for the target. Not a big problem, there are millions of people who think that the earth is flat, and still manage to stay alive somehow. Let's try another perspective, and maybe you'll understand, that making subplasma attacks and dragging much lower levels to the chamber is not beneficial at all. It's in fact a waste of the duel points, and as Manu and Fos pointed out before, efficiency is the key to success, so these subplasma tasks are quite annoying for us as well, because it does more harm than good.

I may not be the most efficient player in the game, but I'm trying my best. Just a few numbers for your information:
My character is on level 142 with 66+16 energy harness.
Subplasma attack on a random lower level player (level difference: 85): your reward is 1335 soul-energy and 12 XP. --> 1335/12=111,25 SE/XP. Collapsed from the spell damage.

Regular battle in the clan championship: The reward is 11451 soul-energy and 45 XP. --> 11451/45=254,46 SE/XP

Battle in the CC with an energy harness essence: your reward is 14275 soul-energy and 45 XP. --> 14275/45=317,22 SE/XP

Most of the subplasma battles end with the opponent collapsing, so I could only do critical spell quests on them, but that one takes a minimum of 12 DP-s, there are better opprtunities. My average quest cycle consists of 40 stun, 60 critical hit, 12 pet levels. A single cycle costs me a maximum of 20 DP-s, and I get 167247 SE for the 3 quests.

20 battles in the CC without energy harness essence: 20*11451=229020+167247 quest SE, 20*45=900 XP equals to 440,29 SE/XP

20 battles in the CC with energy harness essence: 20*14275=285500+167247 quest SE, 20*45=900 XP equals to 503,05 SE/XP

As you can see, it's 4 times more efficient to do clan championship battles, then doing subplasma attack and shooting sparrows with cannons.
If this is not enough for you, nothing will be, so you can keep complaining, and spend the rest of history in the catacombs, but believe me when I say, it's not inviting for us at all, to keep you on our torture chambers. So you can come out to the surface, the air is much better up here, and I think it's time to forget this topic finally.
A hozzászólást Antidote módosította 2023.11.30. 12:53:32-kor
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

Efficiency is key.
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Re: General complaint
1482. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 13:17:07 (Válasz Antidote #1481 hozzászólására.)
you see antidote that is what you dont understand.i am also saying that it is stupid for a lvl200 to attack a lvl30 to drag him to the torture chamber basicaly cause even the se from the torture chamber is actually nothing for a lvl200.for a lvl200 to get 1000 se is actually nothing,even for me that i am a lvl69 the 1000 dont matter so much and i wouldnt bother a new player to get it.but the fact remains that high lvls hitting low lvs with that difference(200lvls and more) and pls manukind before you start again that i never do that and everyone are lying and only manukind says the truth story again,the complains and the battles reports are there.i think there have been complains about galutska but mostry as far as i remeber referring to manukind so this is why i use him as an example.we all agree to the facts that it is idiotic and not beneficial in every poit of view you might see it.and those attacks were happening not randomly not occasionally,maybe still happening but since those are hidden now no one can actually tell right?so where is exactly the high lvls problem if there is a limit on the how much lvl below you can hit wth subplasma or if the scarab become a item on the relics menu?since the high lvls claim that dont do that attacks,although we have establish already that this is not true, what exactly is the problem for them?since manukind for example says that never do that kind of attacks and we all agree that those attacks are not beneficiar(except maybe after lvl100 which the defender gains more and might gain some good amount of se from the torture chamber) and his gameplay will not change since he dont do that kind of attacks why exactly is those two solution option so negative for him?again i use manukind as an example cause most of the complains are referring to him and because he is so strongly against to any solutions that might reduce that kind of attacks.and honestly i dont understand how this will effect the high lvls.cauue by the time a lvl30 reach lvl200 the lvl200 will be lvl400 and so on and on.
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Re: General complaint
1483. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 16:33:46
Zodiac, you call yourself a gamer? 10 years = 69 level.!!!!
I see you crying and annoying other players.
I was also level 30, 50, etc. and they were attacking me too.
If you played at least a little today, you would be at least at the level of 150-180.
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Re: General complaint
1484. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 16:38:09 (Válasz zodiac1 #1482 hozzászólására.)
zodiac1, when did i say i'm opposed to more limits? i've even suggested them to Beholder in the past, despite the fact that they wouldn't serve my personal interest. what i said about limits is that they are unnecessary - because subplasma attacks are harmless. and frankly, if i were Beholder, i'd be worried about acquiescing to your demands because it's likely to reinforce your behavior. you want to know who's damaging the game? look inward.
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Re: General complaint
1485. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 17:00:09 (Válasz Antidote #1481 hozzászólására.)
antidote obviously you either have hard time understanding or you didnt read at all whati am saying all this time since i pointed out to manukind from the first moment.i have pointed thousands times to anukind that a lvl200 to drag a lvl30 to his torture chamber doesnt even worth the subplasma usage since he ropably make 100 or 200 from the torture chamber which is actually nothing to our lvlseven you will agree on that.and yet you see that players below lvl50 are complaining all these years for that kind of attacks which are made to boost the ego of the high player or for any other stupid reason cause obviously those kind of attacks are not made for the se( and attack to a players above lvl100 will give more se) or for nay task.so the 2 proposes solution or another solution to eliminated that kind of attacks should be done since some dont seem to understand it.is that clear for you now?
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Re: General complaint
1486. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 17:10:06 (Válasz Gaguška #1483 hozzászólására.)
Gaguška i dont have to explain my self to you on how i played or why i had left the game for quite some time or for why i decided to return.as for who annoying who i think you will get your answer if you scroll back and see players of lvl20 complaining about your attacks.so better hush about that cause you making a fool of yourself more than you already are.

manukind since as you claim you dont attack low lvlplayers(although this is already proven a lie and verified by many players all this time) how would this effect your gameplay?what exactly is my behaviour that need to stop?am i the one that hitting new players and players that are 200 lvls below me?did i drove players out of the game like you did?no.so in the question on who is ruining the game for other and especially for new players better look in the mirror
Pontszám: 9.14
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Re: General complaint
1487. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 18:29:18 (Válasz Gaguška #1483 hozzászólására.)
in what way a lvl 69 is annoying a lvl284?cause i found it more annoying a lvl 280 attcking me than i am a lvl35.and yes i wouldnt mind a solution to be found so i couldnt be attacked from someone that is 200 lvls above me.i read the arguments all this time and i didnt want to say anything cause i though it is pointless but to hear some players above lvl200 to support that kind of attacks with all those excuses is simply ridiculus.would i be annoying a lvl200 if i complain about his attack or he woud be annoying me when he would atttacking me without a reason?cause personally i dont have a problem losing within a normal range lvl despite the hude advantages that the big clans have(otherwise in some cases i could be winning) since it is part of the game and my clan since it is new is behind on the buildings.no problem with that,new clan will be build those advantages sooner or later.but to hear that i have to thank the lvl200 that might attack me or that i am learning somethhing about my strategy or anything else of that kind is simple stupid and at least have the mind to admit it and leave that stupid arrogance aside.for me to be premium to avoid that attacks for the moment is not a problem maybe later this will change i dont know but definately i will not be happy to be the punching piggybank for someone that is 200 lvl above and have him also say that i should be thankfull for his attacks also!!
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Re: General complaint
1488. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 18:31:11 (Válasz zodiac1 #1486 hozzászólására.)
zodiac1, nope never said that. your behavior is hiding in the catacombs instead of playing the game over a non-issue and then whining about it in the forum ad nauseum over years.
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Re: General complaint
1489. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 19:04:59 (Válasz manunkind #1488 hozzászólására.)
do you ever thought that someone might leave the game for a while for personal reasons and came back after someone talking him back again?in this case me?i talked zodiac to come back .i dont know how things are in your clan and to be honest i dont care this is your clan but in my clan i know all the members and most of us are also together in other games so yes ppl might leave the game for any reason and at some point come back again.besides that the point of the catacombs right?so zodiac leaving the game for his own reasons and decided to come back make him a bad player?and a lvl280 hitting a lvl30 making him a good player?
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Re: General complaint
1490. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 20:38:03 (Válasz valorian #1489 hozzászólására.)
you guys have said repeatedly that you're hiding in the catacombs to avoid subplasma attacks.
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Re: General complaint
1491. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 20:47:58
Good GAWD, is this discussion STILL happening?

The whiners appear to be attempting to incite the non-whiners, perhaps looking to get them banned. I hope my fellow non-whiners will use discretion.

Using subplasmas are absolutely a strategy for me. I've mapped out the tastiest Doomlords who provide the greatest TC yields and I hit them using subplasmas. Daily. I've quadrupled my TC input on occasion.

1. Other than losing a little face, there is no harm to the lower-level Doomlord. You don't actually lose the SE; I just gain it. Your character isn't damaged, you don't lose experience, your pets aren't damaged. It's free SE for me with no harm to you. So yeah, I ROCK the subplasma attacks. HARD. Whine all you want. I'll continue, until or unless Beholder changes gameplay. If they do, I'll adjust. THESE ARE THE RULES PEOPLE.

2. If you still feel "harmed" by subplasma attacks, remember the world we live in is such that the strong surive. Want to not feel "harmed"? Get stronger. Join a stronger clan. Get a more powerful Doomlord to seek retribution or try and slow down attacks. I don't think that'll work but hey, you could try.

3. You're talking to the wrong people in this forum. If you want Beholder to make a change, petition them.

4. If Beholder turns you down, do you really think you will effect change by constantly whining and arguing in this forum? Do you honestly believe you can badger even one person into ceasing subplasma attacks? That's naive at best and insanity at worst due to repetitive behavior without success.

The whining just makes me want to hunt the whiners. Most of you seem to be in hiding so that's no fun but I still watch for you. Of course you won't know it . . .

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Re: General complaint
1492. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 20:54:40 (Válasz manunkind #1490 hozzászólására.)
until we have enough AS to to be premium to avoid your ridiculus attacks.manukind this doesnt mean that others dodnt leave the game for other reasons like personal reasons,or get bored of the game or found another more interested game.you do know that there is a life outside of the game right?for galutska to try to mock zodiac without even know him or why he left of the game( which zodiac or anyone else dont have to explain to anyone his reasons) just shows galuska mentality,right?so a good player for you is the one that mocking the lower lvls attacking them and the the bad player is the one that left the game for personal reasons in real life and decided to come back after a long absence or someone that is following a strategy (good or bad doesnt really matter for him might be good for others not) in order to avoid getting hit by someone that is 200 lvls above him?if this is your logic then sorry but a prefer to be a bad player
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Re: General complaint
1493. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 20:57:48 (Válasz gasgamar #1491 hozzászólására.)
gasgamar where exactly did you read anyone to ask for any player to be banned?did you even read anything or you just popped in to say your insults?
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Re: General complaint
1494. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 21:06:36 (Válasz gasgamar #1491 hozzászólására.)
and by the way gasgamar you just proved what everyone saying all this time and manukind tries to deny it
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Re: General complaint
1495. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 21:16:09 (Válasz nick7 #1494 hozzászólására.)
nick7, we have different strategies. i don't use subplasmas daily like gasgamar does. but gasgamar has every right to do so. and gasgamar's primary point couldn't be more spot-on. the best way to defend yourself is to get stronger. it's a pvp game, stop hiding, stop complaining, and play, play well. i look forward to the day when you all rise into my normal range, and we won't need subplasmas to test our strength.

on a personal note, bickering aside, if zodiac1 has some real life issues, i'm sorry and i hope they get resolved. the only mention of catacombs prior had been about avoiding subplasmas. obviously, there could be other reasons, but that wasn't the narrative we were hearing.
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Re: General complaint
1496. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 21:34:51 (Válasz gasgamar #1491 hozzászólására.)
wow.this was escaladed from finding a solution to stop or reduce the attacks with more than 100 lvls difference to personal attacks and calling all the low lvls(including me) whiners because they dont like being attacked,bullied(use whatever word you need i really dont care) from players that are 100 lvls above them.so all low lvls and the new players that joining the game and dont like those attacks are the bad players and the whiners and the high lvls that dont hit players on their lvl and hitting players that are 100 lvls or more below them are the good players.seriously gasgamar?
and imagine that this all started from why the battles reports were hidden something that in every game that you will play(i am playig 3 similar games) is something standar.and honestly this game have so many potentions that you can actually play the game without even bothering anyone( and i dont mean dont duel but doing normal duels) and the attitude of some xxxxxx players actually ruining the game.it is not the games that are no good but the players that ruin the game.in battleknight we have continiusly wars but even there you dont see thta kind of mentality that i saw here.ok you have some exceptions occasionally but seriously here is on another lvl.maybe this is why even new players dont stay long enough.seriously guys soon you will end up playing on empty servers until those also shut down.
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Re: General complaint
1497. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 21:38:53 (Válasz Neo2022 #1496 hozzászólására.)
btw i guess i am also on your list now gasgamar right?well no problem i realy dont care either way you cannot touchme but keep looking for me everyday to feed your opsession......dont forget t curse me also
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Re: General complaint
1498. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 21:44:25 (Válasz manunkind #1495 hozzászólására.)
manukind i dont have to explain to anyone why i left the game and certainly i dont the approval of your friend to join back or leave whenever i want to.
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Re: General complaint
1499. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 21:49:03 (Válasz zodiac1 #1498 hozzászólására.)
zodiac1, no, you don't. i'm sorry. i wish you well.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.11.30. 22:31:25-kor
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Re: General complaint
1500. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 22:15:23 (Válasz Neo2022 #1496 hozzászólására.)
Neo2022, this did not start out as a discussion about missing subplasma reports. this began with complaints and has returned to complaints. i would agree it's rarely been constructive, and it's not at all constructive at the moment.

a subplasma attack that literally does no harm should not be ruining anyone's game. if it does, look inward.
Pontszám: 6.01
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