Re: General complaint
1481. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 12:19:20
1481. hozzászólás - 2023.11.30. 12:19:20
Okay, I think you'll never gonna understand the fact that subplasma attacks and the chamber is harmless for the target. Not a big problem, there are millions of people who think that the earth is flat, and still manage to stay alive somehow.
Let's try another perspective, and maybe you'll understand, that making subplasma attacks and dragging much lower levels to the chamber is not beneficial at all. It's in fact a waste of the duel points, and as Manu and Fos pointed out before, efficiency is the key to success, so these subplasma tasks are quite annoying for us as well, because it does more harm than good.
I may not be the most efficient player in the game, but I'm trying my best. Just a few numbers for your information:
My character is on level 142 with 66+16 energy harness.
Subplasma attack on a random lower level player (level difference: 85): your reward is 1335 soul-energy and 12 XP. --> 1335/12=111,25 SE/XP. Collapsed from the spell damage.
Regular battle in the clan championship: The reward is 11451 soul-energy and 45 XP. --> 11451/45=254,46 SE/XP
Battle in the CC with an energy harness essence: your reward is 14275 soul-energy and 45 XP. --> 14275/45=317,22 SE/XP
Most of the subplasma battles end with the opponent collapsing, so I could only do critical spell quests on them, but that one takes a minimum of 12 DP-s, there are better opprtunities. My average quest cycle consists of 40 stun, 60 critical hit, 12 pet levels. A single cycle costs me a maximum of 20 DP-s, and I get 167247 SE for the 3 quests.
20 battles in the CC without energy harness essence: 20*11451=229020+167247 quest SE, 20*45=900 XP equals to 440,29 SE/XP
20 battles in the CC with energy harness essence: 20*14275=285500+167247 quest SE, 20*45=900 XP equals to 503,05 SE/XP
As you can see, it's 4 times more efficient to do clan championship battles, then doing subplasma attack and shooting sparrows with cannons.
If this is not enough for you, nothing will be, so you can keep complaining, and spend the rest of history in the catacombs, but believe me when I say, it's not inviting for us at all, to keep you on our torture chambers. So you can come out to the surface, the air is much better up here, and I think it's time to forget this topic finally.

I may not be the most efficient player in the game, but I'm trying my best. Just a few numbers for your information:
My character is on level 142 with 66+16 energy harness.
Subplasma attack on a random lower level player (level difference: 85): your reward is 1335 soul-energy and 12 XP. --> 1335/12=111,25 SE/XP. Collapsed from the spell damage.
Regular battle in the clan championship: The reward is 11451 soul-energy and 45 XP. --> 11451/45=254,46 SE/XP
Battle in the CC with an energy harness essence: your reward is 14275 soul-energy and 45 XP. --> 14275/45=317,22 SE/XP
Most of the subplasma battles end with the opponent collapsing, so I could only do critical spell quests on them, but that one takes a minimum of 12 DP-s, there are better opprtunities. My average quest cycle consists of 40 stun, 60 critical hit, 12 pet levels. A single cycle costs me a maximum of 20 DP-s, and I get 167247 SE for the 3 quests.
20 battles in the CC without energy harness essence: 20*11451=229020+167247 quest SE, 20*45=900 XP equals to 440,29 SE/XP
20 battles in the CC with energy harness essence: 20*14275=285500+167247 quest SE, 20*45=900 XP equals to 503,05 SE/XP
As you can see, it's 4 times more efficient to do clan championship battles, then doing subplasma attack and shooting sparrows with cannons.
If this is not enough for you, nothing will be, so you can keep complaining, and spend the rest of history in the catacombs, but believe me when I say, it's not inviting for us at all, to keep you on our torture chambers. So you can come out to the surface, the air is much better up here, and I think it's time to forget this topic finally.
A hozzászólást Antidote módosította 2023.11.30. 12:53:32-kor
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.
Efficiency is key.
Efficiency is key.
Pontszám: 6.23