124 hozzászólás
Re: General complaint
1021. hozzászólás - 2022.11.24. 15:41:47
You are right I can't find it officially written anywhere. Odd, for some reason I assumed this was true after reading it in a game guide... I think I'll create a 100% infection character for testing purpose
Pontszám: 9.68
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19 hozzászólás
so it is actually another bending of the basic rules just to help the spiders against the premium players.anyway i am leaving the game i will be coming only to manacostruct my clans building.if at some point the developers understand that the premium players are more important to the game than the spiders players i might come back.but from what i saw all these years spiders players that dont actually play or support the game always have the protection and the assist of the is actually more worth to ot to play the game and act like a spider than to play the game and support it and this comes from someone that most of the time was a premium player in all the years i had played the goodbye from me,have a good game to the ones that choose to continue
Pontszám: 9.74
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10 hozzászólás
Re: General complaint
1023. hozzászólás - 2022.11.24. 21:36:21
so i try to attack someone i get the message the i cannot attack him because he has no HP.i scry on him and he is full of HP.i message the support and the answer is we can check it only in working hours!so when we see a bug we will not report it unless it is on working hours?
Pontszám: 10
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9 hozzászólás
i have reported the same thing several times dont expect nothing to be done.Just continue and dont try yo duel with that player again,most likely you will have the same problem all the time or when he has too many SE on him
Pontszám: 10
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1 hozzászólás
ihave the ame problem.player with full life whunting and i cannot attack him cause i get the message it has no life.i am out.if they fix the bugs i might come back
Pontszám: 5
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40 hozzászólás
HP is not the only decisive factor when you want to attack someone.

The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.
Efficiency is key.
Pontszám: 6.15
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10 hozzászólás
yes but when the other has full life is on an different horde and on the same lvl with you you can attack him.if you win or not is another subject.meanwhile he can attack me and challenge me all the time but when i am tryig to attack him although he is with full life,i know because i scry on him,i am still getting the message that i cannot attack him because he has not HP but his life points are FULL!!!!
Pontszám: 10
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18 hozzászólás
since i am facing the same problem with 2 specific players can someone explain to me how is t possible not to be able to attack someone that is on the same lvl with me and another that is one lvl higher than me,which in both case no need subplasma for the attack and that are both with full life and on a different horde than me.i mean as far as i know there is no rule or items ora nything else that can explain this but if someone explain it to me i will accept any logic explanation
Pontszám: 10
manunkind968 hozzászólás
as far as i know, this has always been the case with the infection. the advantage of getting to 0% is +5 to skills and the advantage of getting to 100% is more targets.
Pontszám: 6.26
manunkind968 hozzászólás
Re: General complaint
1031. hozzászólás - 2022.12.14. 20:38:35
my understanding is that when using subplasmas, the % of hit points needed to attack rises from the 15% required to attack without subplasmas. i have on occasion gotten the too few hit points message, immediately tried again, and it's gone through.
Pontszám: 6.26
manunkind968 hozzászólás
vanom77, if it's not a matter of horde, could it be that they hit you and then dive into the catacombs?
Pontszám: 6.89
manunkind968 hozzászólás
i don't think i've ever seen the no hit points message. another message i have seen is the your opponent has been attacked too many times and you would not receive any SE message. this has prevented me from attacking.
Pontszám: 6.89
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18 hozzászólás
the thing is that when you learn about the infectin you sould be informed about the what you gain if you get rid the infection and what you will gain if you dont care about the infection.there is no ingame information about that so you logically your first thought is that you have to get rid of the infection.not to mention that if you not get rid of the infection it should be like a penalty on your stats.for expample if you pass a lvl without reducing your infection a 0.5% reduction of your stats for each lvl that you havent cured.for example you have infection 50 at lvl50 you go to lvl52 and your infection should be 48,if you havent cure your infection to 48 and you have 53 then a 1% on your stats should apply.just an idea
Pontszám: 10
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18 hozzászólás
again you answer without reading all the comments about the problem.even you have to use subplasma or not when your opponent is with full HP you should be able to hit him no matter what.the case you refers only applies when your opponent dont have full HP
Pontszám: 8.33
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18 hozzászólás
again you arw wrong cause if as you say is on the catacomves then he shouldnt be appear on your hit list.additionally if you try t hit someone that os on the catacombes you get the message that you cannot hit him because he is hiding in the catacomves not because he doesnt have enough HP,although when you scry on him his HP is full
Pontszám: 8.33
manunkind968 hozzászólás
vanom77, i read the comments. sorry i don't have the solution to your problem. i won't make the mistake of trying next time.
Pontszám: 6.86
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9 hozzászólás
Re: General complaint
1038. hozzászólás - 2023.01.06. 16:02:30
this is not a complaint but rather a question but i couldnt find the correct can someone win on every turn the red colored rewards?i mean you need to increase your luck extreme high?is any other stat that effect that?is there a relic or some settings that allow you to do that?i am only asking cause today i see 2 players one making 5 spins and always get the red color reward and the other making 4 and again always get the red color reward.
Pontszám: 10
manunkind968 hozzászólás
you mean for the wheel of fortune? it helps if you have a lot of bad luck points. only red and blue spins are displayed for everyone to see. if you have several hundred bad luck points, you're going to get a series of good spins displayed.
Pontszám: 6.86
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9 hozzászólás
ok i got how many bad lucks points i need to have all my spins giving me red rewards?cause from what i saw this happened on the same day on 2 players so this can actually happens.i mean all your spines to give you red rewards
Pontszám: 10