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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
1161. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 21:14:19 (Válasz manunkind #1160 hozzászólására.)
again you read but you dont understand what you read.you said that you hit a lvl66 and you got 3207 se plus the torture.your words not mine you can check it before you say that i say something you didnt said.i told you that hitting me you didnt get that money and from the torture chamber you could get 4 or 5 SE since on my lvls i dont get more than maybe 3000 per day and as far as i know you only get a part of that money,i think 1 per cent but do correct me if i am wrong on that part.so you do get more SE when you hit a higher lvl as you already admitted.and you also admit that you do have higher lvl targets to hit instead of lvl10 players.so it is your choice to bully lvl10 players no matter if you getting almost nothing.so you do have targets,you do get more SE if you hit higher lvl players than lvl10 but you keep hitting lvl10 players by choice not for any other reason
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Re: General complaint
1162. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 21:28:15 (Válasz manunkind #1154 hozzászólására.)
so let me see if i understood that right manukind.you say that hitting a lvl66 it gave you 3207 SE plus the SE you get from the torture.and yet you hit me which i am lvl12 and you will not get much less than the the half and almost nothing from the torture.so who that benefit you except feeding your ego?
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Re: General complaint
1163. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 21:38:08 (Válasz POSEIDON22 #1162 hozzászólására.)
Dionysos, you spend a lot of time telling me i'm not listening while you're not listening. the way subplasmas work, the attacker gets SE but the defender does not lose SE. if you look at your previous battles, it will say 0 SE lost, but on mine it will say something like 3207 SE won. i benefit while you are unharmed.

POSEIDON22, the same 3207. if you have higher level active targets i can drag into my torture chamber, send me their names for next time. ours holds 16.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.01.25. 21:40:58-kor
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Re: General complaint
1164. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 22:01:36 (Válasz manunkind #1163 hozzászólására.)
i see this discussion going for too long,although i was lucky as it seems cause i was premium due to the temple task so you didnt attacked me.but i really need to ask you manukind.on the highlist score i am at 2890 position and i gues the rest are a littile higher than me but lets take my position as an example.you are really telling than within 2890 players you cannot find 16 players to hit?
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Re: General complaint
1165. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 22:17:58 (Válasz HADES22 #1164 hozzászólására.)
thank you for the respectful question, HADES22.

demonstrably active players that i can drag into my torture chamber? no. most players on that list are inactive. most players that stick around win the scarab along the way.
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Re: General complaint
1166. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 22:35:24 (Válasz manunkind #1165 hozzászólására.)
although i find it hard to believe that you cannot find 16 players to hit in almost 3000 players to complete your task the thing you are saying is that for me which i am lvl9 in order to avoid your attacks i have to be premium or on the same horde with you,right?and you also say if i understood correct from what you wrote you get the same SE if you hit me and a lvl66?this doesnt sound correct or i missunderstood something.and also you will get the same SE if you drag me in your torture chamber and if you drag a lvl 66?ok i might be new on the game but this doesnt sound good.you do uderstand my hesitation on believing that,right?
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Re: General complaint
1167. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 22:51:31 (Válasz HADES22 #1166 hozzászólására.)
i believe that's correct. it was the same SE reward for levels 66 and 183 when i tested. i could test it on you if you'd like. but i won't unless you ask me to.

do i understand your hesitation in believing me? sure, i guess so. let me ask you this: what do i have to gain by being deceptive? if you'd like, use the help button in the upper-right of your character sheet. click need information, and ask the game moderators how subplasmas work.

under normal circumstances, you don't need to do anything to avoid my attacks because i rarely use subplasmas. if you're really concerned about 2 attacks where you lose nothing, then sure, there are a variety of ways to prevent it. i wrote about them previously.

how would you try to determine which of those 3000 potential targets are active? i think you'll find it's no easy task. i wrote about my efforts there previously as well.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.01.25. 22:52:45-kor
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Re: General complaint
1168. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 23:11:09 (Válasz manunkind #1167 hozzászólására.)
so basically you say that hitting a lvl9 like me and drag me in your torture chamber will give you the same SE if you hit a lvl66 or higher and drag him on your torture chamber.so the new players are simply money givers for the much high players.idont say that you are trying to be deceptive i just find it hard to believe that hitting a very low lvl player and drag him in your chamber will give you the same amount of SE as when you hit a high lvl player.with this logic hitting a player on your lvl will also give you the same SE.
but if you say that you hit low lvl players just complete a taskand since you getting the same se why bother the new players just to complete your task since you can hit alsoinactive layers?i mean if your goal is just to complete your task?maybe the so many inactive players are players that quit the game before even started because of those very high lvls attacks?just something to think about.how can you have more active players when someone that starts the game getting hit by a lvl like yours?
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Re: General complaint
1169. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 23:12:04 (Válasz manunkind #1167 hozzászólására.)
1178 post
Re: General complaint
811. post - 2016.06.04. 18:58:22
Subplasma is just a tool to make people able to finish their daily quest who otherwise couldn't due to lack of opponents. Consider it a virtual fight, not a real one. You lose nothing, no soul-energy, no HP, nothing.its a virtual challenge where you can test how much damage you deal to the mightiest, without any risk.
This is totally different from real duels, where you can lose a lot - but there, fights are more fair, you can attack only in your attack range.
So please, take it like a fair sportsman, consider it a kind of cooperative action to help someone achieve something. Maybe one day he will help you in return. If these duel descriptions still disturb you, just ignore them. They have no effect on your gameplay.
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Re: General complaint
1170. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 23:13:33 (Válasz HADES22 #1168 hozzászólására.)
torture chamber value is derived from activity.
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Re: General complaint
1171. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 23:15:29 (Válasz HADES22 #1168 hozzászólására.)
i have suggested they get rid of the 50 subplasma attack task repeatedly.
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Re: General complaint
1172. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 23:30:07 (Válasz manunkind #1170 hozzászólására.)
so you will benefit more from a lvl66 on your torture chamber instead of a lvl9!i guess it will be a huge difference since a lvl9 is not earning as much SE as a lvl 66 or higher.so whats the point of hitting a lvl9 as me?i am bringing me as an example although you hadnt hit me yet but i do have a better view on the earnings i get.
as for the 50 plasma attacks i really think you can do it without hitting so low lvl players.
as for the answer you post from miklos i dont believe that when he was saying being a fair sportsman wasnt meaning hitting lvls so low.i have a different idea of being a good sprotsman and i have been in others games but i never hit players that are brand new to the game or they dont have a fighting chance against me due to their very low lvl.but like i said this is just me and my gameplay.and i did get the respect from the ones i have lost and the ones i have won.in tanoth and battleknight we were arraging duels between us just to see our progress against each other.this is what i call sportman and fair game play.but like i said this is just me
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Re: General complaint
1173. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 23:31:54 (Válasz HADES22 #1172 hozzászólására.)
dont expect that kind of gameplay or respect from manukind.
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Re: General complaint
1174. hozzászólás - 2023.01.26. 00:07:26 (Válasz HADES22 #1172 hozzászólására.)
HADES22, yes, my preference would be the higher level character. in selecting targets, i started my search at the top, but worked my way all the way down to your clan seeking active drag-able targets.

let's be candid. there is no player at level 9, 66, or 183 with a sporting chance against me atm. this isn't about having a chance to win. this is a pretend fight with no consequences to the target. why does your clan care so much about a fight that has no consequences?

you have spoken to me respectfully and i return that favor.
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Re: General complaint
1175. hozzászólás - 2023.01.26. 12:32:35 (Válasz manunkind #1174 hozzászólására.)
so you actually say that noone can beat you even a lvl183 which you be benefit more by dragging him on your chamber and you choose to hit a whole new clan my max lvl20.and still this is right for you.to hit a clan with all new player?and then you wonder why there are so many inactive players and why ppl leaving the game.
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Re: General complaint
1176. hozzászólás - 2023.01.26. 15:27:43 (Válasz manunkind #1174 hozzászólására.)
if you dont see that attacking someone that just started the game is wrong and you still believe that hitting lvls with so much lvl diference,although the game gives you this possibility, i will not try to tell you that this is wrong.i think it would be pointles since i have read all the comments from my clanmates and you.as for your candid part of your answer.do you think that the guys that complain of your attack are wrong just because they dont loose anything as you say?i am asking you again with all the respect if you believe that a lvl250 hitting a lvl 9 is ok.forget about the event or the task or any other reason.my question is simple.do you think that is right?do you thhink that the defender is disrespectufull to you when complaining or that you are the the one that disrespect him with your attack?
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Re: General complaint
1177. hozzászólás - 2023.01.26. 16:30:27 (Válasz HADES22 #1176 hozzászólására.)
HADES22, those aren't the words i would choose. wrong? no, it's perfectly legal. i am using subplasmas as intended. i believe they don't work under level 10, but i haven't tried. it's frustrating to get attacked by stronger opponents, period. why is it worse to get hit for no SE from an opponent you can't beat than by an opponent closer in level you can't beat taking much SE, causing real damage, and knocking your pets unconscious?

it would be foolish for a high-level player to waste his subplasmas attacking low-level players regularly. but for the event, i had to use them on someone, and i chose active players for the torture chamber boost. i would have preferred mid-level, but i couldn't find enough that qualified. i also stopped as soon as i completed the task, which is what i told your clanmates when they messaged me. i attacked no one more than twice.

do i fault your clanmates for messaging me asking why they got hit? no, it's a social game, and that is a tool in the toolbox. do i fault them for throwing a tantrum over 2 weeks? yes. (to be clear, i do not include you in that. you and i are having a conversation. i get that you disagree with me, but you have not been throwing a fit. we are just hashing out our differences of opinion.)

i've been hit by stronger opponents before. when it becomes a pattern, i've messaged them. some have said they'd stop, some have said they won't stop, some have said nothing. i've insulted none of them. it's a player vs player game. impeding other players is legitimate strategy. subplasmas, it should be noted, do NOT impede other players. i've had stronger players farm me, and you know what? you won't find me complaining in the forum anywhere about that because that's part of the game.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.01.26. 16:31:23-kor
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Re: General complaint
1178. hozzászólás - 2023.01.26. 17:18:00 (Válasz manunkind #1177 hozzászólására.)
i am not asking if it legal or not,i already said that the game give you that right.although i do believe that the subplasma were intented for alittle lower lvls than the players lvl.this is why i do believe that it should be a limit on how much lower lvls you can hit even with subplasma.i have to be honest i also believe that using subplasma to hit lvl9 or lvl20 when you are a lvl2500 it is an abuse of the subplasma use.bt this is my opinion.so lets get back to my question.forget the legal part or the event or a task etc.my question was simple do you think that is right a lvl250 to hit a lvl9?

as for my clanmates now/can you blame them for complaining when someone that is 240 lvl above them hit them daily?i know you said that you stopped but either way you could hit them since they got premium.from what you say if your tak or the event was continues for more you will be hitting them daily ntil it is over,right?so i do understand their anger although you dont seem to understand that.as for complaining on the forum?well the topic is named compliants,right?

as for stronger players farming you i dont believe that when you were lvl9 you had a lvl250 farming you right?i dont have a problem hitting me or farming me as you say when i have a chance to fight back by changing my gear or my stats.but you have to admit that your duels with them it is not only uneven but impossible for them to do anything except go premium and for hat you did insult them.i did see your comment on that.yes it is part of the game to loose duels and se noone denies that.but a lvl100 to hit someone that is not even lvl10 or 20 it is wrong no matter how someone try to justify it
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Re: General complaint
1179. hozzászólás - 2023.01.26. 17:29:16 (Válasz manunkind #1177 hozzászólására.)
sorry to break it down to you manukind but you have been hitting me from when i was lvl12.maybe not daily but even when an event was not running.so the image of the good respectfull player dont stand.i am on the catacomves gathering loylalty in order to get AS to come back and start playing again.i only checking the forum to see the calender for the events but i saw all the comments and i have read them.so yes i do understand the guys that are angry cause i have been in their place.and from personal experience it is not the event that makes you attack much lower lvls.and if you see the comments you did that to many players that either hide in the catacomves until get enough AS to come back or simply left the game.
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Re: General complaint
1180. hozzászólás - 2023.01.26. 18:42:29 (Válasz pyro666 #1179 hozzászólására.)
a little hard for me to address such a vague accusation, pyro666. subplasma use is not a regular part of my gameplay. i don't doubt that i've hit you at some point. it was certainly part of a task.
Pontszám: 6.18
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