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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
1381. hozzászólás - 2023.11.19. 19:54:35 (Válasz manunkind #1380 hozzászólására.)
so now you actually admit the attacks that you say that you rarely do?btw the only event that requires many subplasma attacs is the ruler of the planets which bt the way if you wanted to finish the task more quicly you would have hit even the crystal clan since you already had me on your torture chamber instead of waiting to hit me second time,right?it is pure logic that only prove you sidiculus claims.if you already have me on your torture cjamber and you want to finish the task quicly you jit the crystal clan instead of waiting to hit me again and loose time.besidesyou attacks were not happening only during that effect but everytime i was not premium.like you had an obsession with me and the rest of my clan cause besically you wer after everyone that wasnt preimium to be protected from your daily attacks.i am not generalize anything at least on your attacks on me and from what i was seeing on the clan log and on thec clan chat.you know that the battles reports are deleted,should have kept a special log for your atatcks to prove the obvious?btw now we cannot do that even if we started now since the battle reports are hifdden right?so basically you can continue your bully attacks and noone will know it,right?
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Re: General complaint
1382. hozzászólás - 2023.11.19. 20:12:56
i almost never make subplasma attacks outside of events. i've never had need to hit a low level player outside of events. i've never subplasma attacked a player twice within the same torture chamber period, period. champion's singular example was not me, and the player who did it has already said it was a mistake.

this is so pointless. you can't prove my guilt; i can't prove my innocense. none of it matters because it's all entirely legal. and it's all entirely irrelevant to game mechanics anyway since subplasma attacks do no harm. complain all you want.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.11.21. 05:59:24-kor
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Re: General complaint
1383. hozzászólás - 2023.11.19. 22:20:58 (Válasz manunkind #1382 hozzászólására.)
so from a rarely do that kind of attacks,now you admit that you do it during events which is most of the year.well at least you dont say i never do that kind of attacks.that is a progess manukind lets see how long until you fnally admit it and stop with the lies at least
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Re: General complaint
1384. hozzászólás - 2023.11.20. 13:35:37 (Válasz manunkind #1382 hozzászólására.)
first of all you wer hitting constantly lower lvls and not only during events.you are lucky that the battle logs are deleted but too many players haev made complains about our attacks,you call them all liars?secondly how is a mistake to hit someone twice when is already a symbol that is already on your torture chamber?and you call that is a mistake to cure someone 3 or 4 times per day if he removes the curse?this is obsession to mark him to keep hitting him not accident.at least have the decency to admit what you do and not tell lies or not speak since yu know what you are doing.you cannot deny to someone that you hit that he was not hit.lets be serious
Pontszám: 7.18
very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1385. hozzászólás - 2023.11.20. 17:42:58
Well, I can't talk for anyone except for me... but it has happen to me on several occasions with embarrassing results, like attacking the toughest Crystal clan member instead of the weakest when i have -50% penalty to my abilities, or attacking the wrong minion team in the minion arena. This sort of things happen when you are playing on your cell phone... Hell, even on computer it has happened when i use " right click- > open new page" while attacking several people, just to get one or two messages saying that the person can't be attacked because they were attacked in the last 5 minutes. It's strange but this sort of things happen from time to time, after all we are all humans and humans make mistakes
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Re: General complaint
1386. hozzászólás - 2023.11.20. 20:48:46 (Válasz valorian #1384 hozzászólására.)
It's funny that you appeared on this topic. I can still remember having my own private apartment in your clans torture chamber because you and other members of your clan kept attacking me with subplasma 5 times a day for more than a whole year. I never complained about it, and I still don't really care because i never lost anything. Actually it was quite motivating for me to get stronger and smash your clan mates in the championship when I catch up on their level. I had no other options because most members of your clan hiding in the catacombs all the time. So please, don't act like you and your clan didn't do the same to other players well below your level.
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

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Re: General complaint
1387. hozzászólás - 2023.11.21. 09:16:28 (Válasz DoomlordFos #1385 hozzászólására.)
fos when you have someone on your torture lvl there is an icon so you know that is already on your torture chamber so there is no point for a second hit,unless he had managed to get out and you wan to drag him in again.so unlike to make a mistake espaecially when you curse the same palyers 3 or4 times per day when he removes the curse.so this is not an acciden but an obsession.
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Re: General complaint
1388. hozzászólás - 2023.11.21. 09:37:17 (Válasz valorian #1387 hozzászólására.)
antidote, whiscj you are actually the Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless,although there is another players named antidote that has been banned,correct if i am wrong on your palyer name on the game.now i now thta you are in game yu are the Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless cause youare the onlyone that was attacked as you said,i dont deny that.did you ever wonder why was that?did you thing that when you were attacking daily lower lvs of my clan and you nsulted player of my clan eventually you will not get a response?do you think that the stopping of attack was becaues someone afraid of you or because you stop the isults and the attacks on lower lvls?because when you were attacking at normal lvls nothing happened.even i was telling to my clansmates that his is normal and no higher lvl to attack you.so regarding your atttack you brought to yourself and it was not because of a random attack on much lower lvl on my clan but because daily attacks on much lowwer lvls than yours on my clansmates.so aat one point had the same attitude of what you were doing. as for 5 times per day we all now thta this cannot be done,unless you eman from 5 different players.and btw i was more than 120 lvl and yet i didnt attacked you but manukind with 200 lvl above was hittinglvl 30 and that wthout any reaon.i have been attacked many times from much stronger players around my lvl i never retaliate to lower lvls of my attackers clan,unlike you,manukind and gaguska which you were hitting daily and sometime twice per day without any reason or provocation.like i said and that was also been said to manukinfd when we talked in messages long tome ago and he can check his messages if he doubts i have no problem with normal attacks,no retalion on lower lvls and that was a rule also for all my clan.you were the exception for a reason.as for the championships as you can see we have more championships than your clan and even the ones that are active now since they are premuim you cannot attack them.but most of them can attack your low players if the want to but they dont.that is our difference.or you think that before i go to catacmves for my won resons i could be attacking for example belfur daily if i wanted to like manukid and gagiska was doing when my clan low lvls were not premium?
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Re: General complaint
1389. hozzászólás - 2023.11.21. 09:54:43 (Válasz Antidote #1386 hozzászólására.)
smash me on the championship?i am on the catacomves for almost one year and you still didnt beat me on the championship.you just passed on the next lvl.also i am not the one changing gear to lvl1 so my friend can hit me and take extra se due to the scarab.or youwant to tell me that now that you have put a waepon lvl1 while you rest is for a certain reason?and before you say anything.now your weapon is a mace lvl1 and you are resting which i am sure that when you star playing you will change it with your nomal weapon.i am pretty sure that someohow you will get attacked from a player loaded with se that you will get from him due to the scarab.so dont try to play the mighty and good player with such cheats,which is legal just to go ahead and say it before manukind says it.
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Re: General complaint
1390. hozzászólás - 2023.11.21. 11:46:41 (Válasz valorian #1388 hozzászólására.)
Okay, just to be clear. I have two active characters in the game, Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless and another one in a different horde but let me keep it's name as a secret. Antidote was my first ever character in this game, and this is the username I use when I log into the game, that's why you can see this name on the forum. Yes, it's been banned for 3 days back then for violating some rules more than 10 years ago. I never use that character anymore but I didn't erase it... wow, great problem.

Honestly, as someone who doesn't give a cr@p about these subplasma attacks I still don't care why did you or your clan attack me. If I ever attack someone with subplasma there's always a reason, mostly because of events, sometimes for the glory of satan. That "someone hits your clanmates you do the same as a revenge" attitude won't make you any different. if you kill a killer the number of killers in the world stays the same. But I'm still ok with it, you can visit me anytime just leave a message and say hi.
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

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Re: General complaint
1391. hozzászólás - 2023.11.21. 11:51:07 (Válasz Antidote #1386 hozzászólására.)
you should be gratefull that those players are in the catacomves cause when they were active you couldnt win them and you were hitting the low lvls.u never beat me on the championship and i was fighting with a penalty so dont act so mighty when you were getting you ass beaten on chamionships even when we were fighting with penalty.
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Re: General complaint
1392. hozzászólás - 2023.11.21. 11:54:12 (Válasz Antidote #1390 hozzászólására.)
well at least you admit that you are a cheater and breaking SOME rules not only one.
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Re: General complaint
1393. hozzászólás - 2023.11.21. 12:11:39 (Válasz Antidote #1390 hozzászólására.)
That "someone hits your clanmates you do the same as a revenge" attitude won't make you any different. if you kill a killer the number of killers in the world stays the same

you still didnt understand ti right?it wasnt about revenge i already told you that first of all i never revenge on lower lvls of the clan of the one that hit me and that is a rule on my clan for all.if someone of my clan have a problem with a normal attacks noone will retaliate for him,but the clan will suport him until he can win.and by support i mean the actual support option that the game gives not by retaliations on low lvls.regarding you i was stopping for months my clansmatesl to attack you and you were keep targeting the low lvls so at some point i got bored to hear my clansmate complain and i said do whetever you want regarding him and only him and then start giving you the same medicine.that was the reaosn for the attacks on you.
one last thing
1.The first time someone does something that irritates you, politely tell them that it bothers you. Yes, the first time. Not the third or the fourteenth or the three hundred and fifty-sixth. The longer you wait after that first offense, the harder it’ll be to manage the “politely” part of this step
2.If, after politely requesting they stop, the offender continues their behavior? Politely remind them again.
3.They’re still doing it? Politely smack the jerkward upside the head with a meat tenderizer.They had it coming.
so when fo months you were attacking the low lvls from my clan you didnt stop when you were getting attacked you stopped.and dont play the allmighty cause you stopped cared when you got the scarab before that you did care alot.
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Re: General complaint
1394. hozzászólás - 2023.11.21. 12:21:46 (Válasz nhsos #1389 hozzászólására.)
First of all, i don't have a scarab. The other problem is that the amount of SE you can get with the scarab is limited to level*500 SE. In my case it means I could get 71000 SE in one battle. I'd need lots of attackers to make a mentionable profit.

Talking about the mace in the hand of my character. There's a long period event called the return of the gods, which has a task on the 10th phase to beat 15 dim. gate creatures with a mace. If you ever come out of the catacombs, you should definitely give it a try.
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

Efficiency is key.
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Re: General complaint
1395. hozzászólás - 2023.11.21. 12:23:50 (Válasz dracoulina #1391 hozzászólására.)
I guess you should ask your clanmate who's in my range how many times I hammered him from 10 levels below before he went back to catacombs
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

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Re: General complaint
1396. hozzászólás - 2023.11.21. 12:25:05 (Válasz champion77 #1392 hozzászólására.)
Reason of suspension: Violation of netiquette... that's what happens when you send an insulting message once in a lifetime.
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

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Re: General complaint
1397. hozzászólás - 2023.11.21. 12:31:09 (Válasz valorian #1393 hozzászólására.)
In this case I can totally agree with you. If anyone from your clan or whatever other clan ever sent me a message asking me politely, I would have stopped. I never received any message from your team. I received some other messages from other players, but most of them were instulting, so I had to use your method and place their heads in the meat grinder.
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

Efficiency is key.
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Re: General complaint
1398. hozzászólás - 2023.11.21. 12:32:53 (Válasz Antidote #1395 hozzászólására.)
when i was in your range you didnt even dare to touch me and i was easily kicking you butt dont try to be so might cause you beat some.try to remeber how many beat yu with normal attacks and not wih subplasma like you do and you must be thankfull to valorian that was holding the clan to hit you cause if we were playing like you you could even play.so better dont talk so much and thank that the one rule that this clan was not to retaliate on ormal attacks.by the way we know the name of your other account for months now dot worry you see when we randomly hit him on normal attack you just jump to hit back for him
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Re: General complaint
1399. hozzászólás - 2023.11.21. 12:37:20 (Válasz Antidote #1396 hozzászólására.)
nice try but you already admitted violating SOME of the rules.secondly the penalty for that is one day ban not three unless you got special treatment cause when my clansmate reported on member of your clan for inslut his family your clansmate got a one day ban.
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Re: General complaint
1400. hozzászólás - 2023.11.21. 12:42:42 (Válasz Antidote #1397 hozzászólására.)
actually the only ones that you were hitting was the low lvls and the ones that wasnt so active on the game you got your head on the meat grinder from the active ones and none insulted you on their messages instead you were insulting on answer them back.you see unlike you i talk with my clan and now both messages the ones that was send and your anwers to the ones you did answer.and as you admitted you have a history of not being polite on your answers.
Pontszám: 6.98
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