regarding the insults you can see who started them.scroll back.if you dont know i am sure manukind can guide you again as you say it does.cellar dwellers?i am out of the cellers but it kills you that you cannot attack me,right?well you can keep dreaming to hit me,it will not happen
well since i ma sure manukind told you the Albert Einstein quote and maybe took him hours to explain it to you here is another quote from Albert Einstein that fits you perfectly
"Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe".now i am sure this to complicated for you to understand it but i am sure manukind will help you again.
so you can keep with the insults pretending the allmight stong player but in the end you still remain the one that only fights players that are 200 lvls below him.
but i give you this it takes some guts (and that is a big progress for you)to admit that you worship manukinds feet and that you are his little...........