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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
1661. hozzászólás - 2023.12.10. 22:00:50 (Válasz gasgamar #1641 hozzászólására.)
that only shows the mentality of you and your clan.
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Re: General complaint
1662. hozzászólás - 2023.12.19. 14:28:19 (Válasz Artemis22 #1661 hozzászólására.)
Well, I HAVE been acting differently since my lobotomy.
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Re: General complaint
1663. hozzászólás - 2023.12.19. 19:49:34 (Válasz gasgamar #1662 hozzászólására.)
imagine that even that didnt improve your situation
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Re: General complaint
1664. hozzászólás - 2023.12.19. 21:18:25 (Válasz gasgamar #1662 hozzászólására.)
lobotomy dont cure stupidity
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Re: General complaint
1665. hozzászólás - 2023.12.19. 23:55:52
Wanna see my scar?
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Re: General complaint
1666. hozzászólás - 2023.12.20. 17:32:26 (Válasz gasgamar #1665 hozzászólására.)
i would prefer to see some progress,but like i said lobotomy dont cure stupidity
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Re: General complaint
1667. hozzászólás - 2023.12.20. 20:10:48 (Válasz Dionysos #1666 hozzászólására.)
It's a gnarly scar, worthy of many forum posts.

You should WANT to see my scar!!
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Re: General complaint
1668. hozzászólás - 2023.12.20. 21:45:44 (Válasz gasgamar #1667 hozzászólására.)
propably the only scar you ever get since you are so afraid that you brake a nail if fight someone on yout lvl
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Re: General complaint
1669. hozzászólás - 2023.12.21. 05:15:30 (Válasz Dionysos #1668 hozzászólására.)
Yes, my scar IS on the level. I told you . . . it's a GNARLY scar. And I take care of my fingernails quite meticulously, thank you.

Wanna see my fingernails?
Pontszám: 6.01
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Re: General complaint
1670. hozzászólás - 2023.12.21. 11:45:56 (Válasz Dionysos #1666 hozzászólására.)
be carefull dionysos cause he will send Gaguška to curse you since they cannot touch you they think that they do something
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Re: General complaint
1671. hozzászólás - 2023.12.21. 21:07:16 (Válasz zodiac1 #1670 hozzászólására.)
A hozzászólást Dionysos módosította 2023.12.21. 21:07:46-kor
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Re: General complaint
1672. hozzászólás - 2023.12.23. 23:38:17 (Válasz Dionysos #1671 hozzászólására.)
Wanna see Gaguška's scar?


Not a lobotomy scar. Gaguška wouldn't do that.
Pontszám: 6.22
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Re: General complaint
1673. hozzászólás - 2023.12.26. 11:34:31 (Válasz gasgamar #1672 hozzászólására.)
lobotomized patients dont know that y had lobotomy but be happy,your stupidity remain
as for your scar?what scars?fighters get scars when fighting opponents on their lvl,something that you are afraid to do.
Pontszám: 8.52
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Re: General complaint
1674. hozzászólás - 2023.12.28. 16:52:55 (Válasz Dionysos #1673 hozzászólására.)
Oh, I know. I KNOW.

Manunkind told me.

You see, it wasn't a scheduled procedure. Nosir, it wasn't. I was clearing rats from my cellar - it's like a catacomb, my cellar - and whacked my forehead on a low beam. I was laying about HARD with a broom, you see. Whumping cellar rats.

You may know of these rats; nasty little creatures with squeaky, high-pitched whines. They're always complaining and shitting on themselves and others despite having a pretty good life.

They finally just squeaked one too many times. You do see my point, yes? I couldn't just let the filthy little buggars continue their incessant squealing and the foul stench . . . well, you understand.

Happy New Year, cellar rats.
Pontszám: 6.69
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Re: General complaint
1675. hozzászólás - 2023.12.28. 17:30:00 (Válasz Dionysos #1673 hozzászólására.)
ohh poor gasgamar need others to tell him what to answer.
seems he is lost in his illusions that he is a good player while shaking from fear to fight someone on his lvls.well we now by now that you are not a fighter but as you admitted nothing more but a housemaid to clean the cellars and you even fear the rats that you say that you sweep. a little scared girl hiding behind empty words and threats while shaking from fear.
who knows maybe (and that is a big maybe) this year you find some courage to fight a player on your lvl.but in order to do this you need some guts,maybe if you were a good girl this year the santa calus might bring you some
Pontszám: 8.18
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Re: General complaint
1676. hozzászólás - 2023.12.28. 19:48:28 (Válasz gasgamar #1674 hozzászólására.)
even as i housemaid cleaning the cellars you are weak. i still see 15 on your cellars(you know your catacomves) and 7 corpses(inactive players you know) outside of the catacomves.my this is why your cellar stinks.you should get rid of the corpses at least.
since you dont know how to fight at least learn to clean your cellars good think you have the abilities to that right at least?
Pontszám: 8.61
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Re: General complaint
1677. hozzászólás - 2023.12.28. 20:36:25 (Válasz gasgamar #1674 hozzászólására.)
somanukind tells you what to do? even in your clan you are servant?

PS with 15 rats(as you call them) in your catacomves you shouldnt be talking better clean your own house first before you speak
Pontszám: 8.65
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Re: General complaint
1678. hozzászólás - 2023.12.28. 20:52:33 (Válasz Dionysos #1675 hozzászólására.)
come on guys dont be cruel to him.she is just the cleaning lady of the cellars
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Re: General complaint
1679. hozzászólás - 2023.12.29. 03:48:24 (Válasz HADES22 #1678 hozzászólására.)
What's that I hear? More squealing from the cellar dwellers??

You guys don't get it. I tried some quirky humor and sarcasm but it was a little too high-minded for ya. Sorry about that.

Me use little words. Talk simple for you.

I'm bulletproof. It doesn't matter what you say. Throw insults, whine, complain - players play the game how they play. If they stay within the rules there's nothing cheating or dirty about it. You cannot make it different than what it is by complaining more loudly.

There is a quote attributed to Albert Einstein that reads, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Are you collectively insane?

I mean, keep it up, Buttercup - if you like that sorta fruitless endeavor. Me? I LIKE my in-game adversaries to whine and snivel a bit. Gives me something to enjoy when I'm not tdoing the gardening, being the maid or worshipping Manunkind's avatar.

-your humble ruler, the Great Gasgamar.
Pontszám: 5.95
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Re: General complaint
1680. hozzászólás - 2023.12.29. 10:11:01 (Válasz gasgamar #1679 hozzászólására.)
regarding the insults you can see who started them.scroll back.if you dont know i am sure manukind can guide you again as you say it does.cellar dwellers?i am out of the cellers but it kills you that you cannot attack me,right?well you can keep dreaming to hit me,it will not happen
well since i ma sure manukind told you the Albert Einstein quote and maybe took him hours to explain it to you here is another quote from Albert Einstein that fits you perfectly
"Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe".now i am sure this to complicated for you to understand it but i am sure manukind will help you again.
so you can keep with the insults pretending the allmight stong player but in the end you still remain the one that only fights players that are 200 lvls below him.
but i give you this it takes some guts (and that is a big progress for you)to admit that you worship manukinds feet and that you are his little...........
Pontszám: 8.64
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