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Topic neve: General complaint
much likedStiskaFérfi
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Re: General complaint
641. hozzászólás - 2012.08.16. 11:27:52
08-15-2012 i lost chamionship battle against my self. how is that possible? can you sort it out please

http://www.doomlord.net/index.php? m=csataleiras&sub=viadalcsata&tipus=viadal&csata=3127751&viadal_aktualis=1
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Re: General complaint
642. hozzászólás - 2012.08.17. 12:28:54
At the cost of 50 APts and 10 DPts you created a(n) creative affinity essence! You receive 17 XPs.

No warning! ugh So I accidentally hit the stupid button thinking I was making an ultra essence and now I blew all my AP's and DP's. First of all that button shoudl be removed, but if you dont remove it. it should have a warning so you can abort it when you realize you clicked the stupid button.
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much likedDancerFérfi
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Re: General complaint
643. hozzászólás - 2012.08.22. 01:10:58
So you hit Clan-Alchemy Lab-create an essence from a specific group, with the following gradulatum-and picked your Gradulatum.............All by accident? that is 4 separate accidents.
Excuse me if im not too sympathetic, but the buttons are clearly labelled and anyone that is at the stage where they are making ultra essences, obviously knows what they are doing.

That said, if there is a warning when you drink a potion, then I see no reason why a warning button cant be implemented.
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Re: General complaint
644. hozzászólás - 2012.08.22. 19:34:03 (Válasz Dancer #643 hozzászólására.)
The button is there for duellers who don't want to bother with hunting ... it's not "stupid", even if it's useless to you.

+1 for the warning message. I agree that the cost of the action warrants it.
W1 - Kalann
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public enemyKillaheala
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Re: General complaint
645. hozzászólás - 2012.08.24. 15:15:09
Is there any way to desactivate that window chat? is really annoying, im here to play not to chat ._. you guys are screwing the game with this five-years-old-games improvements, you better think on a good marketing plan instead of this, all players play in all worlds, no new people, sigh
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Re: General complaint
646. hozzászólás - 2012.08.25. 17:28:41 (Válasz Killaheala #645 hozzászólására.)
Go to the profile settings and there is a option to do it.

Disable chat window:

And its gone.........
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Re: General complaint
647. hozzászólás - 2012.08.25. 17:29:08 (Válasz Killaheala #645 hozzászólására.)
Go to the profile settings and there is an option to do it.

Disable chat window:

And its gone.........
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much likedStiskaFérfi
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Re: General complaint
648. hozzászólás - 2012.09.11. 09:47:27
What is with crystal clan, most of them are hiding in catacombs
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much likedStiskaFérfi
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Re: General complaint
649. hozzászólás - 2012.09.12. 06:52:00
One more thing why rings and necklaces which are giving additional se per victory do not count in w3?
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
650. hozzászólás - 2012.09.12. 09:16:28 (Válasz Stiska #649 hozzászólására.)
On W3, the soul-energy you can get from a duel is limited. Regardless of item and other modifiers, the maximum amount of SE you can get is:
10 + 10 * level * maximum(defeated players victories / losses; 0.2).
Of course energy harness works, but EH is not modified by these items either.

So these items are only useful on W3 if from your win you wouldn't get the above amount anyway.
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Re: General complaint
651. hozzászólás - 2012.09.12. 10:05:07 (Válasz Miklos #650 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2012.09.12. 09:16:28
Of course energy harness works, but EH is not modified by these items either.

Unless you have the "Energy Master" AA
W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
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Re: General complaint
652. hozzászólás - 2012.09.12. 11:13:37 (Válasz Miklos #650 hozzászólására.)
Hi Miklos,

just practical:
a level 70 player
wins: 5000
losses : 500

This would be than :
10 + 10*70* max(5000/500 or 0.2) = 10+10*70*10 (because 10>0.2) = 7010 SE

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much likedStiskaFérfi
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Re: General complaint
653. hozzászólás - 2012.09.13. 15:54:22
hmmm that means that is not clever to be EH player at all in w3. how about this crystal horde? you add them to be hidden in catacombs. I dont have normal amount of targets there, and now there is not possible to fight crystal members as well. If this continues it will be very hard to play there.
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Re: General complaint
654. hozzászólás - 2012.09.13. 18:21:12 (Válasz Stiska #653 hozzászólására.)
From the rules section :
This value is increased by the diamond horde's bonus and the bonus from the creative affinity skill.

So the above example could be worth 7010 x 2 (CA) x 1.3 (diamond bonus) = 18226 SE to a diamond player with CA 50.
W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
655. hozzászólás - 2012.09.14. 11:34:05 (Válasz Stiska #653 hozzászólására.)
There was some bug about some Crystal Horde members stuck in the catacomb, but we just corrected that.

The SE listed about is the possible maximum amount you get, it is not granted, if the target has less, you get less! But yeah, EH is not so good there.
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Re: General complaint
656. hozzászólás - 2012.09.14. 11:53:47 (Válasz Miklos #655 hozzászólására.)
There are still a bunch of Crystal Clan members stuck in the Catacombs on World 2. It is very obvious that there are two "blocks" of CC members on world 2:
Block 1 are from level 93-121, and were all admitted into the clan on December 25th, 2010.
Block 2 are from level 80-91, and were all admitted into the clan on August 2nd, 2012.

Block 2 are the ones stuck in the Catacombs. Are they supposed to be there?
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much likedStiskaFérfi
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Re: General complaint
657. hozzászólás - 2012.09.14. 12:43:50
Nothing changed in w3, still one part of crystal horde is in cats (from lvl 72 to 85, over 35 players) and other not (from 85 to above). can you do something about that
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
658. hozzászólás - 2012.09.14. 15:04:46
Sorry for the problem! The programmer did correct this - on world 1 only! Fortunately, now I understand and to kick out the Crystal Horde members from the catacombs and did it for you on World 2 and World 3 as well. Please let me know if you still have problem with this.
Pontszám: 5
much likedStiskaFérfi
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Re: General complaint
659. hozzászólás - 2012.09.15. 10:09:11
no problems anymore, thx
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much likedStiskaFérfi
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Re: General complaint
660. hozzászólás - 2012.09.21. 07:47:07
again all of them are in cats? who is controlling them?
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