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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
1341. hozzászólás - 2023.11.17. 19:36:22 (Válasz manunkind #1340 hozzászólására.)
i think that valorian cover all your excuses.btw you can drag someone on the otrure torture chamber.youare right on the part that if you use subplasma an the other have the scarab you cannot drag him but do tell how many lvl30 you know that have the scarab?the scarab is a relic that cannot be bough on the relics also it appears very rare to the aauction house and normally the price is sky high on a price that the lvl30 cannot even get close to the bid so basically is something that cannot get either way.so basically areun protected if you like to call it this way when someone that is 200 lvl above them attack them.and you keep avoiding to answer how much SE you expect to get from a lvl 30 that is more than a lvl 150?it is simple maths!you will get more from a lvl 150 it is easy try it sometime!regarding the frequency on your claim that you rarely hit low lvls let me reminf you that you were hitting my whole cllan daily a few months ago.regarding the subplasma i dont think that the purpose was to hit new players in order to drive them of the game for your need to fill great.i think that theit purpose was to have the opportunity to have more targets to complete some quests since on high lvls you have less players i dont think that the purpose was to jut players that are 200 lvls below youmlets be serious now.this is why the suggestion to put a limit on how much lower lvs you can hit with subplasma is better.you will actually have a range of 50 lvls lower than you and are enough targets wihtin this range but you are so obsessed on focusing on players that are not even lvl50 and especially when you see a new clan with new players and dont deny that at least to me and my clan
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Re: General complaint
1342. hozzászólás - 2023.11.17. 19:41:23 (Válasz manunkind #1340 hozzászólására.)
manukind how many players of lvl 30 you know that have the scarab or can win the bid when appear on the auction which is also not so often??pls do answer that
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very popularUrulFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1343. hozzászólás - 2023.11.17. 21:16:21 (Válasz joker22 #1342 hozzászólására.)
so let me see if i understood correct since propably my lvl is too low to see all the building and the relics you say.subplasma was created so that the lv200 can hit lvl 20?and drag them to the torture chamber where the lvl20 actually paying the lvl200 to hit him daily?and there is a relic to be protected from subplasma attacks but you cannot actually get it but only if you are a high lvl?
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Re: General complaint
1344. hozzászólás - 2023.11.17. 21:36:26 (Válasz Urul #1343 hozzászólására.)
Urul, subplasma attacks do no harm, so you don't need to worry about it either way. that's the elephant in the room these guys are willfully ignoring.
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Re: General complaint
1345. hozzászólás - 2023.11.17. 23:10:27 (Válasz Urul #1343 hozzászólására.)
urul you are partly right.subplasma was created because high lvls didnt have enough targets for some tasks.but obviously some high lvls abused that and targeting only new players and low lvls which is actually stupid since they will get more se if their drag a higher lvl on thei torture chamber but the reason for those attacks is obviously not the SE.the torture chamber is a building that allow you to drag a player and get SE while the one you dragged give you SE.so in a way yes you actully pay the bully that hit you.only ways to be protected from those stupid attacks is either to be premium and tick on the options that dont allow them to use subplasma on you,but this only as long as you are premium.the other way is to get a relic called scarab which you cannot buy on the relics but only win it in the auction house if your clan have buld it.in the auction house you dont bid with se but with gold ducats that you earn with various ways.you already know that if not when your clan build the auction house you will see how you can earn gold ducats.the problem is that the scarab it appears very rare on the auction and usually the dids is above 1000 gold ducats which it is impossible for a lvl30 to win it since you will not get that amount of gold ducats on that lvl.so in coclude if you want to avoid attacks from players like manukind which is 200 lvls above you you have to be premium or you can choose to pay him so that keep attacking you.a little oxymoron right?you end up paying the bully that hits you so that he continue hitting you.i disagree with the manukind opinion and i will not even bother to argue with him,others already answerd him and keeps repeating the same thing for many years as i have read in the commets last time we were talking about the same thing.if you have time and want go back and read the answers that the players that have been bullied by him gave him and make your own opinion.although even if yu dont want to go way backon the comments.read the comments on the last days you will have an idea.one last thing in case toumissed it from now on the attacks with subplasma are hidden so they can actullay hit you and you dont even know it.and altough when a player with 200 lvls drag you cannot escape even if a slight out of your range player attacks you that you might have a chance to escape still you will not know it.hope that covers your questions.if you have any other questions feel free to message me
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Re: General complaint
1346. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 00:30:31 (Válasz HADES22 #1345 hozzászólására.)
@HADES22, @Dionysos, @valorian, @predator, @sirius15, @zodiac1, @Neo2022

I don't read the forums much. I haven't weighed in on this conversation but it's time.

I was once in a different clan. Manunkind was occasionally attacking me when I was a lower level player than him. I was upset. We had a dialogue. I decided I wouldn't be upset, but then became angry again. Eventually I realized it was all silly. Manny and I have since become clanmates. He has been hopeful that you would all grow up and realize your constant whining is silly, same as what happened with me.


It's a friggin' GAME, people. Not only that but so what if your high-level attacker gets some SE because you're in their torture chamber?? You don't lose that SE from your total. You don't lose experience points, level, your pets aren't damaged and nobody taunts you for the losses.
A hozzászólást gasgamar módosította 2023.11.18. 00:43:55-kor
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Re: General complaint
1347. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 01:14:08 (Válasz gasgamar #1346 hozzászólására.)
first of all gasgamar i dont know your relationship with manukind but at least you actually admit that he was hitting you although manukind say that rarely do that.that is not true i was always checked the attacks on my clan log.so i know when and how many times attacked my clansmates and some times it was 2 times in one day.find me an excuse for that.i will gladly want to hear it cause before you say that it didnt knwo that had hit him let me rmind you that there is an icon when you have someone already on your torture chamber.so speaking for my clan at least i can tell you for sure thta it wasnt rare but in some players it was daily and as i already said sometime twice a day.regarding the taunts i wil remind you that not only taunts but insults on family members have been said from manukinds clan and to be fair not from manukind as far as know at least.but when happened i advise my clansmate to report it.the result?one day ban for the one that insulted the family of my clanmate and one week daily almost hourly hits from his clan on the player that reported him.now regarding the complain that brought back that issue it was about the hiding battle reports which to be honest i agree also that i see no reason or how did that helped anything.if you have a logic answer i would gladly hear it.and i mean a logic explain for hiding the battle reports.you call it whinnig when a lvl200 hits daily a lvl20 just for his ego ?cause honestly i see no other reason to constantly hit someone with such a difference.the se dont worth the trouble,there is no challenge for your player since even with only the spell the duel is over so whats the point besides feeding your ego?
Pontszám: 9.41
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Re: General complaint
1348. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 02:28:18 (Válasz gasgamar #1346 hozzászólására.)
i actually have the same question how hiding the duel reports is solving any problem?and why a temporary mistake that was to be fixed within a few days according to miklos became a permanent change?

how exactly that post make me a whiner gasgamar?btw nice joke about noone taunts and insult you just proved your point right?
Pontszám: 9.11
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Re: General complaint
1349. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 03:50:31 (Válasz valorian #1347 hozzászólására.)
i have never wasted 2 subplasmas on the same target within the same torture chamber period. we can keep going around in circles on all of this, but the bottom line is: it's legal, it's using an item as intended, and it causes no harm. every complaint about subplasmas is about sore feelings rather than game impact. i'd say you should move on, but i know you'll just say i'm trying to shut you down. so, by all means, keep complaining, but it's not a great look. the only things you've accomplished are you've gotten the reports removed and you've ensured that you won't ever be welcome in our clan. good day, sirs.
Pontszám: 6.18
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Re: General complaint
1350. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 12:24:25 (Válasz manunkind #1349 hozzászólására.)
actually you did that and not only one time but as you already say i dotn have the reports to prove you are lying sinece report on clan log deleting after a while, but also you cannot say for me that also.so this is pointless i will agree on that.secondly who ever told you that i want to join your clan?you have proposed that years ago even try to recruit members from my clan and you got rejected by all.why on earth would i want to join your clan since we obviously dont agree on anything?seriously manukind why did you think that i would ever want to join your clan?
Pontszám: 9.29
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Re: General complaint
1351. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 12:51:08 (Válasz manunkind #1349 hozzászólására.)
just to prove that your clan is lying manukind.although i dont have your attacks i still have your friend attacks not because i keep them but because i had made a complaint and i still have the message of the tickets.
2023. Jun. 15
Time Attacker Defender Result
Today, 14:41 Gaguška champion Gaguška won
Today, 11:07 Gaguška champion Gaguška won

i do hope that someone woul had your attacks also.now you can crosscheck it with the beholder if you like to see that i am not lying.
Pontszám: 8.85
very popularspidyFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1352. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 13:11:55
i dont bother to take any side on your argument cause obviously this is pointless.beholder dont care.high players will keep hitting new and low players since as they say is their right and the right thing to do and etc.i just want to point something things from the beholders regarding this isssue.

Of course, we could "hide" these attacks, so the attacked players doesn't even know about it - but that would be kind of cheating, wouldn't it?
2023.01.25. 11:47:27

Sorry guys this looks like a bug. Unfortunately, our programmer is on holiday, this will be a priority task for him to resolve.
Until then I ask your patience.
2023.07.14. 12:46:08

so talking is pointless since high players will not stop and beholder dont care.so either go to the catcomves gather some royalty and exchange it for AS to get some preimium so that you can actually play the game and enjoy it,or if you want to spend money on the game and buy the prmium which i personally not planning to do as long as i see this situation continue but anyway this is your choice.either way a i see it not too many players are active.most of them propably using the above tactic to return and enjoy the game or jsut went to catacomves and never return.i do hope though that some high lvl players understand that driving away new players will only lead them to play on empty servers or closing the server.and my clan was doing well on the championships and on the clan championships and all were active.so 7 players are jsut logging in for the moment and may or may not return on the game but i remeber also that they were too many dead clans and inactive players.anyway if high players like to play on empty servers noone will stop them.luckily are other games that you dont see that kind of behaviour from players.if you need any suggestions message me
Pontszám: 8.96
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Re: General complaint
1353. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 15:10:12 (Válasz champion77 #1351 hozzászólására.)
champion77, i said i have never done that. i wasn't speaking on behalf of my clan. i will be sure to return all the SE he stole from you, and that would be zero.

try to step back and ponder the absurdity of all of this. you guys are complaining about a game mechanic that has no effect on you that (without the reports) you have no way of knowing even happened. and yet you are still outraged because it MIGHT have happened.
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Re: General complaint
1354. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 16:07:25 (Válasz manunkind #1353 hozzászólására.)
manukind you have done it also to me at least but i suppose to others but i dont know that for sure.the only reason i dont have your reports and i have your friends is that those i had them on a ticket,i wish i had also yours but at least you know that i am not lying.
regarding of what might happen as you say with your past on your attacks on me at least this is not a possibility but a fact.the only thing is that now i cannot see it,which even according to miklos this is cheating( not your fault about that i dont blame you but i am pointed out the statement of miklos that spidy mentioned)
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Re: General complaint
1355. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 16:59:22 (Válasz champion77 #1354 hozzászólására.)
you're mistaken, but more importantly, it doesn't matter.
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Re: General complaint
1356. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 17:58:10 (Válasz manunkind #1355 hozzászólására.)
seriously now?you calling me a liar?i do know who hit me with such a huge difference trust me cause most of the high players dont hit so low lvls like me,and since that kind of stupid attacks are not from many players at your lvl i can assure you i remember you very well.so trust me i am not mistaken and you knpw it although you dont admit it.but you are right it doesn matter but at least stop the lies and pretending that everyone are lying.
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Re: General complaint
1357. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 18:09:43 (Válasz champion77 #1356 hozzászólására.)
liar? no. i think you believe what you're saying, but you are nonetheless incorrect.
Pontszám: 6.35
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Re: General complaint
1358. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 18:13:13 (Válasz manunkind #1357 hozzászólására.)
more importantly, it does not matter. you are upset about something that has so little effect on you (none) that the only way you would know it has happened is if there is a battle report. and despite there no longer being a battle report, you are upset because it MIGHT have happened. that's mind-boggling.
Pontszám: 6.35
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Re: General complaint
1359. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 18:47:26 (Válasz manunkind #1357 hozzászólására.)
what i am saying is facts.when one or 2 players that are 200 lvls above hit ontiniously you remeber them so stop the liesand admit it.or font admit it i really dont care but at least stop with the lies
Pontszám: 8.47
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Re: General complaint
1360. hozzászólás - 2023.11.18. 18:50:56 (Válasz manunkind #1358 hozzászólására.)
first of all know ing how oyu play it is not a possibility but something certain so lets drop the act that might happen.and yes i do have the right to know ALL the battles reports,why hidding the ones fro those stupid attacks?why hiding those specific attacks?what the point?how does this help solving the problem?
Pontszám: 9.33
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