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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
1221. hozzászólás - 2023.02.03. 12:40:01 (Válasz pyro666 #1220 hozzászólására.)
you asking too much from manukind
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Re: General complaint
1222. hozzászólás - 2023.02.06. 09:42:15
Not really a complain, but this is the hot topic of the moment so ...

In the search event the final reward are tattoos, to get them you need to sacrifice a level 1000+ pet. When you sacrifice the pet your level up tasks, your quest and all your temple of doom tasks are completed... This does not work for giant temple of doom tasks. So be carefull and time your temples
A hozzászólást DoomlordFos módosította 2023.02.06. 16:37:43-kor
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Re: General complaint
1223. hozzászólás - 2023.02.13. 23:14:17
ok i can understand that there was a problem with the servers but in this case the loyalty bonuses has to be restored otherwise we have to spend 10AS to restore the loyalty bonuses.also the dailytask on the temple shouldnt be lost.for example if someone has to chack the statistic of a building for 5 consecutive days and it has already 4 days in a row he will have to start over again and it might not have enough time to do it again if his temple finish in 3 days
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Re: General complaint
1224. hozzászólás - 2023.02.14. 00:04:55 (Válasz valorian #1223 hozzászólására.)
i agree i had to check the standing of the lady alvariel for 5 days and now i have to start again but my temple ends in 3 days
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Re: General complaint
1225. hozzászólás - 2023.02.14. 00:33:02
Apparently I have too many platinum:

You can buy most of the daily offers on the daily routines page for not only ancient stones, but for platinum as well. You can earn platinum here, by selling specific items. The soul-huckster is willing to give you 1-1 platinum for the following items:
1 berserker potion, 1 protection potion, 1420 soul-diamonds, 21 helm shards, 2 pet food, 0.5 minion food.

The platinum is a limited commodity, therefore you can possess only 650 platinum at once. But if you spend it, you can get more. It is NOT POSSIBLE to exchange platinums back to the original items!

You have 863 platinum (and then it will not let me use them for some reason)

Exhange 4 platinum at the soul-huckster!
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Re: General complaint
1226. hozzászólás - 2023.02.14. 10:41:12
@valorian @Artemis22 Just send a message to the customer service and they will restore the daily bonuses and mark those temple tasks done. The same thing happens all the time at the beginning and the end of DST, and they are always helpful.

@ernie007 That's a very rare problem to have, I'm always short on platinum. You should spend some of them at the pit of damnation and you'll be able to exchange more.
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

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Re: General complaint
1227. hozzászólás - 2023.02.14. 18:11:30 (Válasz valorian #1223 hozzászólására.)
valorian, Beholder gifted us 200 AS. that's a 190 profit.

ernie007, spend some on the daily offer.
Pontszám: 6.19
very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1228. hozzászólás - 2023.02.15. 09:33:21
In the soul huckster we have the ability to trade several items for platinum. I usually trade burn out ancient stones, today i went there and that option was gone... What happened?
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Re: General complaint
1229. hozzászólás - 2023.02.15. 10:57:24 (Válasz DoomlordFos #1228 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: DoomlordFos - 2023.02.15. 09:33:21
In the soul huckster we have the ability to trade several items for platinum. I usually trade burn out ancient stones, today i went there and that option was gone... What happened?

Are you sure you are not thinking of the Mytokronite extractor?

(I also had the idea that I could exchange Burnt-out stones for something and I thought it was Platinum, but then I saw the option in the Mytokronite extractor and just assumed that I remembered wrong and it wasn't platinum.)
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Re: General complaint
1230. hozzászólás - 2023.02.15. 14:46:02 (Válasz DoomlordFos #1228 hozzászólására.)
DoomlordFos, it's been a while (years) since Beholder removed the ability to exchange BOAS for platinum. we can still use them for the mytokronit extractor though.
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very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1231. hozzászólás - 2023.02.15. 17:51:31
*facepalm* you guys are absolutely right... I really shouldn't post in the morning, when I'm slow lol
Thanks for the help
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Re: General complaint
1232. hozzászólás - 2023.04.16. 18:04:29 (Válasz Antidote #1118 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Antidote - 2023.01.23. 17:14:10
As you can see below, it doesn't matter if you are a beginner with a level 20 character, or an experienced player with a relatively strong level 115 character.
The only difference is that I'm not offended at all after this, and not gonna be offended even if he continues to attack me twice every day for the rest of the year.

With a swift move your opponent deals the coup de grace to you.
You have taken too much damage, you fall to the ground unconscious.
In this battle you have dealt a total of 1028 damage and have taken 324045 damage. Your opponent drags you into the torture chamber.
Your opponent wins the battle and steals 0 soul-energy from you.

i was scrying on you all this time trying to figure out who might be attacking you and funny thing is that certain days you strip your character from equipment to lower your stats too much.maybe for your friends to hit you?cause this is your stats now that you are stripped and your actual stats are trippled with your normal gear that you use on championship and on the first days of the month when i suppose you do the pit.or you want to tell me that you dont intentionally weaken your character so much?cause i scried also all your opponents on the championship and all can beat you now that you are totaly stripped.i dont care how you play or why you do that but dont give example that you got beaten and lost all your HP when you strip yourself from your gear

Strength: 337 (+101)
Attack: 373 (+111)
Defense: 357 (+197)
Constitution: 153 (+139)
IQ: 426 (+123)
Magic: 103 (+141)
Thaumaturgy: 378 (+112)
Luck: 150 (+36)
Pontszám: 7.80
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Re: General complaint
1233. hozzászólás - 2023.04.17. 14:08:19 (Válasz Dionysos #1232 hozzászólására.)
I have absolutely no idea what are you talking about. I don't know who did you scry, but these are not my stats, and I only strip down my character to lose battles intentionally when the ROTP event requires it. It's one of the hardest tasks for me, I don't often lose battles to anyone in my range. That attack you mentioned was in january, while the RoTP event was running, and I got some subplasma attacks from higher level players because a task required it. Not a big deal for me, I didn't lose anything.
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

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Re: General complaint
1234. hozzászólás - 2023.04.17. 16:28:32 (Válasz Antidote #1233 hozzászólására.)
give me a break i scried on you yesterday and that was your stats. sadly i cannot put the printscreen just to prove your lie.and now no ROTR event is running so again you are lying.like i said i really dont care why you keep stripping your character after the second quarter of the month but at least dont say to me that you getting hit from higher lvls like i was bullied by manukind since you choose to strip your character intentionally for any reasons you might have and i am not talking about the ruler event.
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Re: General complaint
1235. hozzászólás - 2023.04.17. 22:09:51 (Válasz Dionysos #1234 hozzászólására.)
Lol I think you forgot to take your medicine or something but you are talking absolute nonsense
You say you can't put a printscreen to prove your point, and I am a liar. It's ok, here's my actual character sheet to prove you are the one liar here. I still have no idea what kind of stripping are you talking about. I always change my equipment for the different tasks like critical hit and paralysation quests, dim. gate battles, etc but that's all. I'd never strip down for anyone to attack me, as you can see I only lost around 11k SE in my entire career. I don't wanna be arrogant but even if i'd strip down, I don't think anyone in my range would have much chance to beat me. I could maybe change to a weaker equipment and send my pets to the kennel, but I still have pretty high abilities and 19 minions...

You answered to my comment from january, at that time the RoTP was running, that's why I got attacked from higher levels, and for more than a year I was being "bullied" by all the higher level characters from the Dark fighters clan. I have never ever sent a message to anyone of them or write anything about these in the game forum. I was totally ok with the attacks, it's part of the game, and I never lost anything. That's the thing that you and your friends can't accept, and that's what I'm not willing to talk about anymore.

The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

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Re: General complaint
1236. hozzászólás - 2023.04.18. 14:32:36 (Válasz Dionysos #1234 hozzászólására.)
Dionysos, you might be better served by focusing your energy on a path toward your own success than on wild, indefensible, public accusations of others. perhaps you mistakenly scried the wrong account. that's really embarrassing for you.
Pontszám: 6.35
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Re: General complaint
1237. hozzászólás - 2023.04.22. 21:33:13 (Válasz manunkind #1236 hozzászólására.)
i was pretty sure that you will jump to defend your fellow since he did the same for you manukind.although according to the description of his second account of your friend Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless should be banned and delete but it is still active.

Your character is suspended until withdrawal.
Reason of suspension: Violation of netiquette

As he wrote on his description.so dont tell me that i am embarrasing me when you are the one hitting lvl below 20 and you defend someone that has banned and according to his own words his account should be deleted but still active giving free SE to his other account
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Re: General complaint
1238. hozzászólás - 2023.04.25. 21:30:46 (Válasz Dionysos #1237 hozzászólására.)
Dionysos, if you're unfamiliar with the term 'external locus of control,' i think you'd benefit from reading about it.

there are a multitude of good sources, but here's a link to get you started: https://www.simplypsychology.org/locus-of-control.html

good luck!
Pontszám: 5.44
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Re: General complaint
1239. hozzászólás - 2023.04.25. 21:33:46
...twice back in january and you're still complaining about it. wow.
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Re: General complaint
1240. hozzászólás - 2023.04.26. 06:06:22
it's hard to find targets during war of the hucksters. i should probably give you a closer look again.
Pontszám: 6.20
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