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Topic neve: General complaint
very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
901. hozzászólás - 2018.12.23. 11:12:10
You need to develop the blue mytokronite minion skill só that the level 300 (250+50)fethish ability takes effect... If your minion's blue skill is already at level 50 then it is a bug, the support team will help you if you send a ticket.
Pontszám: 9.83
popularAlicia de LambNő
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Re: General complaint
902. hozzászólás - 2019.01.18. 17:44:03
WORLD4 : "Additional rules
Players get the 3 acceleration functions (under Misc menu, Acceleration) for free at the start. Players start the game with level 50 energy harness skill (if you win in a duel, you will get SE regardless if your opponent had some)."

It's not true !
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
903. hozzászólás - 2019.01.21. 14:36:00 (Válasz Alicia de Lamb #902 hozzászólására.)
You do have a level 50 energy harness; it's just not visible until your learning skill reaches the sufficient level (but I think it is working regardless).
Pontszám: 7.68
popularAlicia de LambNő
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Re: General complaint
904. hozzászólás - 2019.01.24. 13:49:00
WORLD4 : Date of the next (last blood) championship: December 16. 2018 ! I think it's too late
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popularAlicia de LambNő
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Re: General complaint
905. hozzászólás - 2019.01.25. 04:52:46
WORLD4: another bug ? the quiz stops at the first question and the hourglass loses all its sand!
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
906. hozzászólás - 2019.01.28. 10:40:51
We are sorry for this problem, unfortunately, we were unable to resolve this yet. We are still working on it, and after that, we will re-launch the quiz olympics (probably either Wednesday or Thursday). Thank you for your patience.
Pontszám: 7.68
popularAlicia de LambNő
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Re: General complaint
907. hozzászólás - 2019.01.30. 20:20:43
What do you think is going to happen tomorrow with this in the WORLD4 :
"Date of the next (last blood) championship: December 16. 2018
You have already entered the championship."
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
908. hozzászólás - 2019.01.31. 14:10:55 (Válasz Alicia de Lamb #907 hozzászólására.)
Thanks for the notice, we corrected it. And the quiz olympics will re-run tomorrow as well, we fixed the problem.
Pontszám: 7.68
popularAlicia de LambNő
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Re: General complaint
909. hozzászólás - 2019.01.31. 19:46:21
Even if we couldn't participate in the quiz, 3 of us received the medal.

WORLD4 :we do have a button"Tower of challenge" but nothing happens when we click it
Pontszám: 7.50
popularAlicia de LambNő
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Re: General complaint
910. hozzászólás - 2019.02.03. 05:33:01
WORLD4 : I have the auction hall, I have golden ducats but I have nothing to bid on.

and always : we do have a button"Tower of challenge" but nothing happens when we click it
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
911. hozzászólás - 2019.02.04. 11:26:37 (Válasz Alicia de Lamb #910 hozzászólására.)
I'm sorry, but event like Tower of Challenge does not run on World 4s... The button displayed is only a bug. For the auction house to open, a given number of players much reach a given level.
Pontszám: 7.68
popularAlicia de LambNő
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Re: General complaint
912. hozzászólás - 2019.02.11. 14:29:11
WORLD 1 : I can't upgrade my legendary sword anymore even though I have all the ingredients:/
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedTallia
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Re: General complaint
913. hozzászólás - 2019.02.11. 20:54:48 (Válasz Alicia de Lamb #912 hozzászólására.)
If the legendary item is equipped you can't upgrade.
Pontszám: 9.61
popularAlicia de LambNő
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Re: General complaint
914. hozzászólás - 2019.02.12. 15:56:17
Thank you !

I had already noticed it though
Pontszám: 7.50
popularAlicia de LambNő
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Re: General complaint
915. hozzászólás - 2019.02.25. 15:17:08
WORLD 4 : are the npcs in my duel list limited to level 60 ? Here are several levels I take and theirs remains blocked at 60 max ! I won't have any more enemies soon, it's embarrassing !
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
916. hozzászólás - 2019.02.27. 10:26:30 (Válasz Alicia de Lamb #915 hozzászólására.)
No worries, we add enemies for higher levels now.
Pontszám: 7.68
popularAlicia de LambNő
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Re: General complaint
917. hozzászólás - 2019.02.28. 09:12:03
Great ... but !
In my finder opponents, I meet many opponents with the answer: "You can't attack that character because you didn't join the army of any huckster!"

Huckster duel is not implemented in WORLD 4, they clutter up the list and I can't get rid of them to get more!
Pontszám: 7.50
popularAlicia de LambNő
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Re: General complaint
918. hozzászólás - 2019.03.14. 03:05:06
Congratulations to the GreenGrass clan who achieved the objective of World 4, but the memorial should be completed so that everyone can receive the expected rewards !

Highest level:
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Highest skill total:
Highest SE difference: Alicia de Lamb (Acquired SE difference: 5.317.819)
Highest damage: BeepBeep (Highest damage: 2986)
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Most adventures completed: Minsc (476 )

Most correct quiz answers: Alicia de Lamb (5957 )
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Pontszám: 7.50
very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: General complaint
919. hozzászólás - 2019.04.12. 09:03:59
I keep getting energy bricks from the Easter chests but, at the end of the day, I get no building energy since my clan already has the level 25 pyramid of glory. So what happen to the bricks I earned? Are they automatically added to my clan's tree of Knowledge?
Pontszám: 9.80
everyone's favoritehulkFérfi
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Re: General complaint
920. hozzászólás - 2019.04.12. 11:00:02
why now the players when joining a clan they dont have to fill the soulwell?
Pontszám: 5
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