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81 hozzászólás
nobody is forcing you to come and read the comments.noone is also forcing manukind to hit lvl10 players.and i do believe that noone is forcing you to come to defend manukind with your insults.like manukind chooses to hit lvl10 players for his fun same way you choose to come read the comments and jump to defend manukind with your insults
Pontszám: 8.94
1201 hozzászólás
Re: General complaint
1142. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 10:47:27
It's a compromise that players can attack with subplasma, regardless of the normal attack range, to complete tasks and quests - but gain nothing, and the attacked lose nothing.
This was necessary, because the game is running since a long time, and not every level would have enough targets.
So I don't think we can remove this option. Of course, we could "hide" these attacks, so the attacked players doesn't even know about it - but that would be kind of cheating, wouldn't it?
By the way, we regularly running fast world 4s, one is even running now. It's at triple speed, and you start off at level 60, so you can be level 90 then transfer to the normal world afterwards. That is, if you find too slow starting off from the beginning.
Btw if I see correctly, the attacks has stopped, right?
A hozzászólást Miklos módosította 2023.01.25. 10:48:15-kor
Pontszám: 7.69
53 hozzászólás
we dont know if the attacks have stopped cause we were forced to become premium had to use the settings.the problem is not with the subplasma option but with the abuse that some players do.you have lvl250 hitting daily levels 10 and 20.it should be a limit on the subplasma attack lvls.for example without subplasma you can hit below 10lvl,correct me if i am wrong.with the subplasma it could be a lmit like you can hit 30 or 40 lvls below.there are plenty targets for the high lvls to complete their tasks without driving new players from the game.as for the world 4 i dont know since i am a new player but what would be the point to start with a weakl lvl60 and then become an even weaker lvl90 that will be hit on a daily base since the torture chamber will actually give some SE to make you daily target?my opinion about the world 4 but i would like to hear other opinion on that.and if i make a character on world 4 what hapens when the world 4 ends?tha character comes to the server i play?and how can i play both characters since i already have a player on teh same server?
Pontszám: 9.03
124 hozzászólás
Re: General complaint
1144. hozzászólás - 2023.01.25. 11:46:27
About the W4 character, you can transfer it to the regular world if you finish in one of top 3 categories. The regular world is composed by three servers W1, W2 and W3, this three servers are connected meaning the players in W1 can interact with W2 and W3 characters. Each player account can have a character in each of the W1 to W3 servers. According to the rules, your characters may not attack each others ( fairness to prevent soul energy farmer/ soul energy collector situations). Depending on who you ask people will tell you that your characters can or cannot be in the same clan, if i remember correctly the official version is that they can't be a part of the same clan, but leave that discussion to an administrator.
Pontszám: 9.48
manunkind968 hozzászólás
not seeing the subplasma attacks is an interesting idea. that's how Beholder handles minion battles.
Pontszám: 5.54
53 hozzászólás
you dont know the meaning manukind?funny cause as you said the game forced you to attak lvl10 and lvl20 players.
Pontszám: 8.47
manunkind968 hozzászólás
nope, not once. that's your word. that you're unironically using to besmirch me and to justify yourself.
Pontszám: 5.54
manunkind968 hozzászólás
the event required 50 subplasma attacks to complete a task. with subplasmas, i can attack players at any level. i chose to attack active players while filling my torture chamber. just as i have chosen not to attack you since. you were not "forced" to buy premium - you lost nothing in my two attacks. you made a choice. i'm not sure what you think your weeks-long tantrum has accomplished, but you're not making any friends. that's another choice.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.01.25. 16:20:48-kor
Pontszám: 5.54
53 hozzászólás
so the event requires to do subplasma attacks and YOU CHOOSE to attack lvl10 and lvl20,finally you admit that at least.as for me becoming preimum ot was not a choice as you claim it was a need to avoid your bully attacks.the attacks that as you also saidi dont loos anything and you dont win anything also.unless you are still tellling that you are so desperate for the 3 or 4 SE you will get from your bully attacks.as for friends i prefer to be with players that have some respect toother players especially the new ones on a game than with the ones that bulling them.i am playng torn 2 years and and never met a player to go so low as you and hit so low lvl players and there you dont need subplama to attack.so you choose what kind of player you want to be and to respect the other players,something you obviouly dont know.so you are right i dont want players like you as my friend.i prefer to have friends that actually respect the others
Pontszám: 8.47
manunkind968 hozzászólás
i never denied it. i explained my rationale. in generous detail.
you have a choice. you can ignore subplasma attacks (all two of them) with literally no consequence to yourself. instead, you've thrown a fit.
respect? do you think you have shown respect in this forum?
Pontszám: 5.67
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81 hozzászólás
come one manukind.you talk about respect?it is not only me or zeus or my whole clan that you have attacked.you keep attacking lvl10 players.just see the previous comments as you pointed out before.do you see how many compained about your bully attacks?and yet you keep doing it.it is not that you gain anything as you admitted it so you are doing cause you like it.as for your taks to be completed there are 255 players from lvl 100 and above so the excuse that you dont have any targets for your task is just a joke and you know it.you simply like to bully lvl10 players.
Pontszám: 8.54
jack sparrow
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10 hozzászólás
i think the idea of limiting the levels you can attack with subplasma is good.it is a good idea to avoid all this and also new players to be protected from very high lvl attacks.as manukind said the low lvls dont loose anything but also hitting a lvl 10 or 20 dont think that also gives anything to the high lvl attacker.so what is the point of hitting someone when you dont get anything from the attack?unless there is a special reason or a some hostility between them
Pontszám: 10
manunkind968 hozzászólás
Dionysos, i'm not going to keep explaining where you're wrong when you didn't pay attention previous times.
i never said i don't benefit from attacking low level players. you and your clanmates continue to try to put words in my mouth. my preference is to drag higher level players into my torture chamber. between premium settings, the scarab, catacombs, being in the same horde, and not being able to drag higher level players into my torture chamber with subplasmas, i found myself looking deep for active targets.
Jack, after our conversation, i did some testing. i got the same battle reward from a level 66 player as from a level 183 (3207 SE), but i got twice the experience points from the 183 (42). this is an issue with game mechanics.
i have no problem with making changes to avoid these kinds of conflicts. in fact, i have suggested them repeatedly. current rules do not limit the range with subplasmas. when the rules change, so will my playstyle. the olympian gods clan's tantrum is not compelling.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.01.25. 19:01:42-kor
Pontszám: 5.67
jack sparrow
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10 hozzászólás
manukind we have spoke about this in private.like i have told you higher players will give better rewards and also i have told you that hitting a lvl10 propablly dont worth the trouble.your testing just prove what i told you.a lvl 10 making and propably much less since i think the dont have the pit on that lvl,but even with the pit the ammount you got from hitting a lvl66.to be honet i think a lvl10 will make the 3207 SE you said only if he hunts all day but lets say that you hit me while he hasthat amount on him,still you dont get that amount and i suppose the SE you will get from the torture chamber will be much less.so what i am trying to say is it worth all the trouble and all the anger you cause to the new players?like i said i will not tell you how to play but have to say that i do understand the anger of dionysos and the rest.you have to admit that from their point of view they have a point.anyway this is between you but i still believe that the level limit of the subplasma should be applied
Pontszám: 10
manunkind968 hozzászólás
we are not given the individualized torture chamber results. the 3207 number is from the battle itself. it was the same for both, but the experience for the level 183 was far less efficient. it makes sense to have active players in my torture chamber.
what exactly is their point, Jack? they took two hits, lost nothing, and have complained for weeks? i impeded them in no way whatsoever. this is entirely about fragile feelings.
Pontszám: 5.67
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81 hozzászólás
like i already asked you manukind/are you so desperate for the 4 SE you will get from hitting me and dragging me into your torture?you already said that you earn more when hitting a lvl 66.much more than what i am getting in 2 days.so the excuse that you benefit by hitting a lvl10just dont stand.to reach me you have by passed 2392 players.you really want me to believe that in 2392 players you didnt find any other targets for your task?you say that yousuggested it repeatedly,that men that you dont agree with the abuse of the subplasma on hitting so low lvl players but yet you keep doing it and also from the previous players comments you keep doing it to many players not just me.so you point us i dont agree with that but i will keep doing it to lvl10 players until someone change something?as far as i know if you dont agree with something you dont do it.you keep supporting this kind of behaviour and you try to justify it with excuses
Pontszám: 8.54
manunkind968 hozzászólás
again, mistelling me what i said. i did not say i don't agree with hitting low level players. i said i think the game should have rules to prevent it or game mechanics to discourage it. as a player, i will make the decision that i think is best for my character within the game rules and mechanics we have.
3207 + torture chamber > than 3207. 21 < 42. #math
let me be blunt. unless you change, no matter what i do, you won't stick with this game. you blame others for your problems. what happens when you climb into someone's range who starts taking actual SE from you? you will quit. this game is about adapting and overcoming adversity. that doesn't happen when the adversity is imagined and the solution is complaining. godspeed.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.01.25. 20:30:27-kor
Pontszám: 5.67
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81 hozzászólás
again you talk without reading or you simply dont understand what you read.lets try to make you understand what i told you.you comment that you have hit a lvl 66 and you got 3207 + torture chamber > than 3207. 21 correct?hitting me a lvl10 you got 0 and how much from your torture chamber?4 maybe 5 SE? so lets do the maths.you hit someone and you get more than 3207 SE but you prefer to hit a lvl 10 to get 5 SE.and you still say that you do that cause you benefit more from your bully attack?
let me also be blunt since you dont seems to understand the obvious/i dont have a problem getting attacked.i will adjust my strategy maybe get help from my clan i will find a way.if the other is better than me?well he do deserve the SE that he will get.it also challenge me to improve my character in order to win.now when someone that is 240lvs above me attack me we dont talk about adaption or adversity.this is called bullying.so no matter how you want to cover it or justify it it doesnt change the fact that this is bullying
Pontszám: 8.54
manunkind968 hozzászólás
i didn't say i got 0 from you. i said you lost 0. that's how subplasmas work. you lose nothing. i still get something. i can double-check the 3207 number on you if you'd like.
Pontszám: 5.67