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Topic neve: General complaint
much likedmerllin.Férfi
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Re: General complaint
1761. hozzászólás - 2025.02.19. 21:52:51 (Válasz catwoman #1755 hozzászólására.)
thanks for the tip catwoman i will give it a try
Pontszám: 6.57
much likedmerllin.Férfi
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Re: General complaint
1762. hozzászólás - 2025.02.19. 21:58:20 (Válasz manunkind #1751 hozzászólására.)
" i'm seeking to fill my torture chamber with active players.".manukind that statement coul be true if the players didnt had the scarab.unless you have find a way to bypass that i dont see how you fill your torture chamber.which by the way if you have find a way to do it then it would a real ripoff for us the we actually bought the scarab since we pay for something that dont work.
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Re: General complaint
1763. hozzászólás - 2025.02.19. 23:26:25 (Válasz merllin. #1762 hozzászólására.)
the pointless arguing has become boring again. good luck though. i'm sure this approach will serve you well.
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Re: General complaint
1764. hozzászólás - 2025.02.20. 00:46:53 (Válasz manunkind #1754 hozzászólására.)
"enzio, if you had the regular scarab, i would lose no SE attacking you. the scarab only steals SE only when dragging a player into the torture chamber, and the scarab prevents the target of a subplasma attack from being dragged into the torture chamber. i've explained that i overlooked that you had the lesser scarab. i admit when i'm wrong. try it."again you are so eager to avoid to answer a simple question that you dont read what i write,cause i found it hard to believe that you dont understand it.i did say IF the scarab was giving me your SE when you attack me no matter if you drag me to the torture chamber or not.now since unfortunately the scarab dont work like this,although i am pretty sure by now from the other comments that i read you would still be attacking but with no se you,do explain since you cannot dont drag low lvl players to your torture chamber why you and your frined as it seems daily targeting low lvl players?cause for 4 days you were attacking me it is hard to believe that you didnt check any of those times if i had the scarab or not.

"i'm sure this approach will serve you well".what approach exactly?all started with a comment of catwoman(which didnt even reffered to you) and you and your friend start attacking everyone that even made a comment and from what i see even the ones that didnt even comment but happen to be on the same clan with the one that made the comment.so whose approach is wrong?

and one last thing.on your "tips"you actually say that if someone actually plays the game you will attack him(no matter if has the scarab or not).so if he dont want to be attacked daily he cannot spin the wheel cause if he gets lucky and win something you wil be there to attack him,if participate on any event and goes well you wil be attacking him,i dont even bother to comment if a low lvl ttacks your clan since we (the below 100 lvs )either way cannot hit any of your clan.so you dont actually want active players on the game and push them to the catacombs and then you complain that you dont have active players for your tasks.
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Re: General complaint
1765. hozzászólás - 2025.02.20. 13:59:41 (Válasz enzio #1764 hozzászólására.)
enzio you wasting your time.manukind always hitting low lvl players scarab or no scarab.and if someone speak on the forum and he cannot hit him because he is on the same hode then send his dog to hit the whole clan.this is standar so dont waste your time try to find a logic explanation.manukind will say since i can do it i will do it(until you go to the catacombs or leave the game) and after will start crying for not having active player.so you actually leave you 2 Choices.leave the game or pay premium all the time (i dont recommended that since there is no point of getting pay all the time for not to get buiiled but it is your choice)cause he and his dog will never stop.the third choise and probably the best is just leave the game and let him play on a dead server.he and his dog will be happy then cause they will have fullfill their ego.luckily there are plenty games out there with players with different mentality of doing everything they can to meke the other players leave the game.to be honest since i see you are lvl63 i a am suprised that you manage to avoid getting hit until you leave.it might be cause for a long time no new players had joined but as it seems more players will leave and the game rating will keep going down.
manukind tell you dog to come twice per day....who knows maybe now that we leave your clan might manage to win the clan championship since there will be no active clans to participate
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Re: General complaint
1766. hozzászólás - 2025.02.20. 21:09:08 (Válasz manunkind #1754 hozzászólására.)
"if you know of higher-level active players i can get into my torture chamber, please give me their names, and i will be sure to target them next time i have need. if you don't, then maybe consider that there's a possibility, albeit slight, that i might be telling the truth."
manukind i have 6players in my normal range that dont have the scarab so i am pretty sure that between the 150 lvl tht we have difference you could find another 12 without attacking any players that are below lvl100.but even if you dont,attacking players with scarab dont give you anything more than hitting a crystal clan nps.so actually you dont again anything for targeting very low lvls.but even if you could how much se you thik you can get from a lvl20 from the torture chamber?as for your buddy tha you send hitting everyone that make a post?really pathetic move dont you think?what exactly both of you trying to accomplish?never mind answering(although i dont think that you would anyway).like i said i will be leaving when my AS are gone so i really dont care.
"please give me their names, and i will be sure to target them" so basicaaly you asking to give you name of other players to ruin they game too?again never mind answerign on that one too.i know the answer....."i dont hit low lvls"(well on that part you have been cauht lying too many times)
Pontszám: 8.15
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Re: General complaint
1767. hozzászólás - 2025.02.20. 21:15:14 (Válasz merllin. #1762 hozzászólására.)
"if the players didnt had the scarab.unless you have find a way to bypass that i dont see how you fill your torture chamber"merlin this has nothing to do with filling the torture chamber.that excuse have gone the moment that the lesser scarab was introduced and manukind knows it.although the scarab supposly would have reduce that pointless attacks as you can see some still have the same obsessions.
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Re: General complaint
1768. hozzászólás - 2025.02.20. 21:32:59
so how can someone actually be protected from that attacks?cause i am lvl51 and getting attacked from a lvl324 daily despite the fact that i have the scarab.
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Re: General complaint
1769. hozzászólás - 2025.02.21. 11:22:12 (Válasz Neo2022 #1768 hozzászólására.)
basically you cannot unless you become premium.but do you really want to pay every week for not get bulied ?it is up to you.and it is not about task as manukind says.if you have the scarab they dont gain anything more than even if they hit an npc or an inactive player.but dont expect them to stop either as manukind says all the time "since i can i will keep doing it".so either leave the game now that you are new or get ready to pay every week or as manukind and the dev say let them do and just enjoy it.but dont expect them to stop.
Pontszám: 7.54
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Re: General complaint
1770. hozzászólás - 2025.02.21. 12:12:44
*It's been quite a long time since she visited the building for the last time. One of the very few buildings from the old times. From the era when they were more powerful, but mainly, definetely wiser. The outside still reminds of that glorious past although now looks far less busy than it used to. The heart of her race. The race she very much hated almost as much as she hated herself. *

*She steps in, up the long stone staircase that leads to its entrance. The surfaces have lost their original shine and the heavily clouded skies don't help on this regard, but she can still feel somewhat overwhelmed by what that construction once meant. Her steps echo through the empty hallways. She goes by artifacts, no longer working and noone able to fix them anymore, of that previous,long gone, era. What once was impressive now had become oppresive. She hated coming here. With every new step deeper into its foul stone-made guts , it became more obvious. She hated this place more than she hated her specie, and even more than she hated herself. And yet, she was here ... once more.*

*The magical wards that once protected the building are no longer working and she could had warped right into the core and skip all this agony. But that's not how things were done. She was part of all this decay. There was no point in just skipping it, trying to naively ignore it. Endure or perish. Overcome , somehow, it or ditch it. She was still alive and that was some of the price to pay for it. She now felt more lonely than ever before. Or maybe just as lonely as she had been for most part. A small smirk makes it to her lips. Elder gods, how much she missed them. Just meeting either of them right there... it could cheer all her mood all of a sudden. *

*She daydreams for a while and somehow, she makes it to the very core of the building. Some voices bring her back. As always, just bickering. As if fighting each other was not bad enough. Sighs as she crosses the gap where once all-mighty 20 feet tall doors stood. She stares down at them. Trying to identify anyone in the small crowd. Not a single familiar face. They were strangers. Or simply she was the stranger there. She is about to turn around and depart when her green eyes catch a familiar face. She had not recognized him out of his combat outfit. A vicious smirk came to her lips as her emerald eyes shine with amusement. *

*He remained calm , almost surrounded by ... doesn't even bother to count... just enough . Too many for her preference. All were just shouting and trying to ... what were they exactly trying to proof? It was hard to understand anything as all of them were loudly talking, shouting even, at the same time. All trying to get ... what exactly? His attention? She stared at them for a bit longer. Her eyes remain locked into them with the light of clear amusement. As much as she hated him, oh elder gods, she did, she had to admit that seeing him there, standing in total control of the situation made her admire him. A bit. More than a bit. Why was that? She hated him. She was slightly confused by her contradictory feelings. She mentally evades, after all, the conversation was impossible to follow. Instead, she tries to chew her thoughts and feelings. To put some order into the chaos. She hated him. Deeply. She would love to snap his bones and kick his belly, or better right into the groin. But.. that was nothing new. They had been enemies for.. a very long time. Even before ... her portal had messed up her life and made her, still unsure how, skip some years. *

*She remains still, resting against the unpolished wall as she tries harder to understand what it was. And suddenly, as if removing a valuable gem out of the mud, she understood. As much as she hated her own kin, she still needed them. She only felt fully alive when fighting over her life. Defeats, which were common, helped her more than victories. Defeats told her that she needed to try harder, to improve. She had faced many enemies before and eventually had overcome most of them. She did not want revenge over them. And in that very moment she understood the reason. Once she was able to defeat them, she totally lost interest in them. There was nothing more to learn from them. *

*She returns to huge hall with a broad smile on her lips. It seemed like whatever was happening there would continue for long. Too long. She had better things to do. And now she had another reason to do them. She was certain that she would meet him again. Soon enough too. In a different place. In a different mood. In his combat stance and his combat gear. Again, she would get defeated. Again the pain. Again the bitterly taste of defeat. Again the dislike of her dragons staring at her in silence. The humilliation of defeat once more, like a sticky and foul ooze that stained her mind , daring even, to stain her soul. But there was a valuable gem in there too. Inside that mud. Her smile becomes broader. One day. Yes, one day. She would become strong enough to kick his ass. She was looking forward to that moment. Not for the soul energy, she barely cared for that. Yes, one day she would see the unbelief in his eyes. Yes. She was going to enjoy it . Maybe that day will never come, but that did not matter much. What mattered was that she had a reason to push herself further. And she held to it as she had little else to hold to in her life. *
Pontszám: 9.13
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Re: General complaint
1771. hozzászólás - 2025.02.21. 14:50:07 (Válasz Gerald. #1769 hozzászólására.)
gerald, i never said that. misrepresenting me is bad enough. misquoting me is deliberate. remove the quotations.

Neo2022, it's a player-vs-player game. attacking and being attacked is to be expected. the only one of these complaining players i've hit in months is enzio, and that's because i overlooked that he had the lesser scarab. apparently some other player has a different philosophy. subplasma attacks are annoying, but harmless. you can just ignore them, and that costs you zero ancient stones.
Pontszám: 6.80
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Re: General complaint
1772. hozzászólás - 2025.02.21. 15:17:10 (Válasz Khine #1770 hozzászólására.)
wonderful story, Khine. worthy of our reflection. thank you. i have some thoughts.
Pontszám: 7.39
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Re: General complaint
1773. hozzászólás - 2025.02.21. 16:37:54 (Válasz manunkind #1771 hozzászólására.)
Dátum: 2023.12.06. 21:06:43
"i've answered you ad nauseum. you choose not to hear. i will attack you as much as i please."are you sure you didnt say that?you can check it i even tell you that date and time.you see i dont need to misrepresenting or misquoting you,you do rerfect job on your own.besides tha actual facts speak on their own i dont need or care to mispresent you.
" some other player has a different philosophy" apparently the only players that have different philosophy is you and your friend that "accidentally" start hitting everyone that dont agree with you on the forum and not only only hitting him but all his clan daily.those are facts manukind as you see i dont mispresent you i just say the facts as it is.
but at least you made a progress on admitting that those attacks are done only to annoy the low lvl players because you and your buddy dont gain anything.the only purpose is to annoy someone so much that either go to the catacombs or leave and not because of a task or because you gain anything.but feel free to tell me what more do you gain to attack someone that has the scarab that you dont get if you hit an npc or an inactive player
Pontszám: 8.12
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Re: General complaint
1774. hozzászólás - 2025.02.21. 16:52:17 (Válasz Gerald. #1773 hozzászólására.)
"as much as i please" and "i will keep attacking you" are two different things, especially since i don't please to attack you. quote me correctly.

you concede that i haven't attacked you, yet you carry on. you keep saying my buddy/friend has. i still don't even know who you mean. i haven't encouraged anyone to attack any of you. it has nothing to do with me. but to be clear, they certainly have the option to do so. i have used zero subplasmas in the month of february, as i completed my task over four days in january. i do not attack to annoy. if i did, you would know by now. those are the facts.
Pontszám: 6.44
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Re: General complaint
1775. hozzászólás - 2025.02.21. 19:58:01 (Válasz manunkind #1774 hozzászólására.)
"as much as i please" and "i will keep attacking you" are two different things actually when you do it on a dily base this means the same.and it is not only me that saying,if you again have doubts just scroll back and yu will see how many low lvl players had the same problem with you and your friend.

"you keep saying my buddy/friend has. i still don't even know who you mean. i haven't encouraged anyone to attack any of you. it has nothing to do with me"
the fact that our friend start daily attacks the moment nhsos posted and was attacking the whole clan even the ones that didn even post is just coicidance right manukind?funny thing that is happening only when someone dont agree with you on the forum. and that is th fact you cannot deny

" i do not attack to annoy" so when you anfd your buddy attack daily low lvl players i suppose is to make us happy?be serious manukind.the fact that even with the lesser scarab you keep attacking low lvl players is just the prove that your only goal is to annoy the excuse of gainong something over nothig form the torture chamber dont stand and you know it
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Re: General complaint
1776. hozzászólás - 2025.02.21. 20:05:27 (Válasz manunkind #1771 hozzászólására.)
"Neo2022, it's a player-vs-player game. attacking and being attacked is to be expected"

It seems some players had their fun with this system, with high-level players killing low level players a lot - "sometimes exclusively", Amazon said.
"This often led to solo or group griefing scenarios that created a toxic environment for many players," the developer continued.
"To be clear, this behaviour was not shown by all PvP players, but enough to cause significant issues.
"We set out to build a compelling world full of danger and opportunity that begs to be explored. The intended design was never to allow a small group of players to bully other players. Based on what we saw, we realised that we needed to make fundamental changes and not just incremental fixes, (which we tried several times during the closed alpha).That model is toxic by design, because the PKer's fun comes directly at the expense of someone else's fun. It's not a zero-sum game, and it's not competitive.
Pontszám: 7.49
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Re: General complaint
1777. hozzászólás - 2025.02.21. 20:55:22 (Válasz Gerald. #1775 hozzászólására.)
Gerald, your sampling methodology is weak. you are looking at 15 years of complaints. players don't post about NOT being attacked. how many times have i attacked you? catwoman wasn't complaining about me either. i've explained the 5x4=20 subplasma attacks in january, of which enzio was a part, and why (path of loyalty task). i have explained that when i do make subplasma attacks, my goal is torture chamber loot (even if i once overlooked a relic). no one has contradicted my assertion that i made no attcks this month because i have been truthful, but you don't care because you're not here to reach any kind of resolution. you further demonstrate this lack of sincerity by dismissing my assertion that this mystery buddy of mine is acting on my instructions. correlation is not causation. if i wanted you attacked, i would attack you myself. but why would i bother since it's harmless? i do not attack with subplasmas regularly, but i could if i wanted, and whoever has hit you is operating entirely within the rules of the game. you are unable to articulate what the problem is with these attacks because your position is irrational. subplasma attacks are absolutely harmless. the only thing hurt is your ego, and your endless complaints here say far more about you than they do about me or anyone else.
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Re: General complaint
1778. hozzászólás - 2025.02.21. 22:16:31 (Válasz manunkind #1777 hozzászólására.)
manukind i dont know what problem you have with gerald or the others but to be honest i also find strange that my daily attacks from your clanmate started the moment you have an argument with catwoman here in the forum.dont tell me that if you were in my position and getting attacked from your clanmate the moment you have an argument with catwoman,you would have think something else.if you or any other of your clan have a problem with catwoman solve it with her dont involve me.as you said catwoman didnt complain about you but now you drag me on your argument!and i dont have a problem getting attacked by someone on my range that can actually fight back but to have daily attacks fom a lvl324 is ridiculous.what is the point of those attacks i am really curious for a logic answer.
as for your task completion i really think that can be done without hitting the few active players especially the low lvl and especially when they have the scarab.the only reason i bought the scarab is to avoid that kind of attacks not all attacks.
you say that those attacks are harmless but also pointless since the high lvls dont gain anything(although since he might get burned out ancient stone that will make difficult or even cause me to lose a task because is will not have them is a problem).it is not my ego that is getting hurt(and talking about myself i dont know abou the others) but my nerves.so again i am wondering what is the point of those attacks?qnd sorry to say this but the endless complains aboout those attacks might say more about the ones that are complaining but say also say more about the one that making the attacks.
Pontszám: 7.52
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Re: General complaint
1779. hozzászólás - 2025.02.21. 23:12:50 (Válasz Neo2022 #1778 hozzászólására.)
Neo2022, i haven't seen you be anything but civil, so i will return the favor. i took no issue with catwoman initially posting her concern. the problem with these complaints is that once the players get the answer, they keep arguing because they don't like the answer. Beholder has been unambiguous, and they have offered a variety of options. additionally, i have spoken up, trying to help, and have consequently ended up on the receiving end of all sorts of personal insults.

as this is a pvp game, you cannot completely prevent attacks. i'd love to stop anyone from attacking me, too, but then it wouldn't be a pvp game. if you want to play, you have to be susceptible to attacks. if we're talking just about subplasma attacks, first and foremost, put your nerves at ease - you can simply ignore them because they are harmless. if you focus on growth, you can work toward showing the higher level player who's boss the old-fashioned way. otherwise, you can go premium and turn off subplasma attacks (this is a for-profit game after all). you can go into the catacombs if you need a break. and you can get a scarab which will deter players who are seeking to drag you into their torture chamber.

if it were not for the torture chamber, there would be no value in attacking active players over inactive ones, but there is a torture chamber, and i cannot fill it with targets in my range. as said a few days ago, i have four targets in my range. i have 15 spaces i can fill. despite this, i do not use subplasmas ordinarily because they are not worth it to me. but sometimes, they are worth it. every once in a while, someone will perform really well in an event, and i'll want a piece of the action. but most of the time, it is because an event task compels me to do it. do i have to attack an active player? no, i could attack an inactive player, but an active player in my torture chamber is more valuable to me. so if i must make a subplasma attack, this is what i try to do.

from what you've described - a level 324 in my clan - i can now deduce who it is. i did not ask her to attack anyone. we are all equals in my clan. we make our own decisions, and i have not discussed this with her ...nor do i intend to, as she's just playing the game with the tools provided to her. have you tried messaging her directly?

let me know if you have additional questions, and feel free to message me privately in-game if you would prefer that to this dumpster fire.
Pontszám: 7.40
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Re: General complaint
1780. hozzászólás - 2025.02.21. 23:47:52 (Válasz manunkind #1779 hozzászólására.)
manukind you try to be civil but in reality you are not.first of all there is a reason that so many players have complained mostly of your attacks.that is something you cannot deny.no player have complained about normal attacks but high lvls hitting player with 100 or 200 lvls difference,and you are one of them that is something you cannot deny also(anyone can scroll back and see how many players have complained about you)
"as this is a pvp game, you cannot completely prevent attacks" although i have already said my opinion about that i will quote you what neo said in case you understand what he said and i hope you understand the difference "i bought the scarab is to avoid that kind of attacks not all attacks."
you keep saying that those attacks are harmless but you forget to admit that are also pointless since you cannot drag someone to the torture that has the scarab.so what is the point of those attacks?and pls dont say again about the task cause since you dont gain anything different if you attack a crystal clan or an inactive player you can complete your task without upset someone that is 200 lvl below you.right?
"you can go premium and turn off subplasma attacks (this is a for-profit game after all)"'well as you can see in time this has the opposite effect.players end up in catacombs and never return.besides who want to pay for getting atatck daily from someone that is 100 or 200 lvls above him without any kind of protection not from all attacks but for these kind of attacks?active players become lesss and less and one reason is those pointless attacks.even the few new players that have joined and start building new clans are getting attacked from high lvl players until their leave the game.
"you can get a scarab which will deter players who are seeking to drag you into their torture chamber."if you have bothered to read his message carefully you would have seen that he has the scarab and yet your friend was keep attacking him daily as he said.for what?because you had an argument with catwoman from his clan here on the forum?
" i do not use subplasmas ordinarily because they are not worth it to me. but sometimes, they are worth it. every once in a while, someone will perform really well in an event, and i'll want a piece of the action."do i need to repeat that if he has the scarab you cannot drag him to the torture chamber?i think we have establised that by now.also your suggestion is low lvl players that are after a fetish for example should not try to get itand because a 100 plus diffeence player will start attacking them without any gain but just because they perform well?
"an event task compels me to do it"the task tell you t use subplasma so you can do the task by attacking inactive player or crystal clan since you cannot drag an active player with the scarab.really how many times this must be said?
"from what you've described - a level 324 in my clan - i can now deduce who it is. i did not ask her to attack anyone."it is really hard not to understand who this is and it suprising that it took you so much to understand it.now regarding of asking her or not to attack it is debatable since the attacks strted when you have an argument with catwoman in neo case and with nhsos on my clan.funny timing right?
Pontszám: 5.83
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