Re: General complaint
1770. hozzászólás - 2025.02.21. 12:12:44
*It's been quite a long time since she visited the building for the last time. One of the very few buildings from the old times. From the era when they were more powerful, but mainly, definetely wiser. The outside still reminds of that glorious past although now looks far less busy than it used to. The heart of her race. The race she very much hated almost as much as she hated herself. *
*She steps in, up the long stone staircase that leads to its entrance. The surfaces have lost their original shine and the heavily clouded skies don't help on this regard, but she can still feel somewhat overwhelmed by what that construction once meant. Her steps echo through the empty hallways. She goes by artifacts, no longer working and noone able to fix them anymore, of that previous,long gone, era. What once was impressive now had become oppresive. She hated coming here. With every new step deeper into its foul stone-made guts , it became more obvious. She hated this place more than she hated her specie, and even more than she hated herself. And yet, she was here ... once more.*
*The magical wards that once protected the building are no longer working and she could had warped right into the core and skip all this agony. But that's not how things were done. She was part of all this decay. There was no point in just skipping it, trying to naively ignore it. Endure or perish. Overcome , somehow, it or ditch it. She was still alive and that was some of the price to pay for it. She now felt more lonely than ever before. Or maybe just as lonely as she had been for most part. A small smirk makes it to her lips. Elder gods, how much she missed them. Just meeting either of them right there... it could cheer all her mood all of a sudden. *
*She daydreams for a while and somehow, she makes it to the very core of the building. Some voices bring her back. As always, just bickering. As if fighting each other was not bad enough. Sighs as she crosses the gap where once all-mighty 20 feet tall doors stood. She stares down at them. Trying to identify anyone in the small crowd. Not a single familiar face. They were strangers. Or simply she was the stranger there. She is about to turn around and depart when her green eyes catch a familiar face. She had not recognized him out of his combat outfit. A vicious smirk came to her lips as her emerald eyes shine with amusement. *
*He remained calm , almost surrounded by ... doesn't even bother to count... just enough . Too many for her preference. All were just shouting and trying to ... what were they exactly trying to proof? It was hard to understand anything as all of them were loudly talking, shouting even, at the same time. All trying to get ... what exactly? His attention? She stared at them for a bit longer. Her eyes remain locked into them with the light of clear amusement. As much as she hated him, oh elder gods, she did, she had to admit that seeing him there, standing in total control of the situation made her admire him. A bit. More than a bit. Why was that? She hated him. She was slightly confused by her contradictory feelings. She mentally evades, after all, the conversation was impossible to follow. Instead, she tries to chew her thoughts and feelings. To put some order into the chaos. She hated him. Deeply. She would love to snap his bones and kick his belly, or better right into the groin. But.. that was nothing new. They had been enemies for.. a very long time. Even before ... her portal had messed up her life and made her, still unsure how, skip some years. *
*She remains still, resting against the unpolished wall as she tries harder to understand what it was. And suddenly, as if removing a valuable gem out of the mud, she understood. As much as she hated her own kin, she still needed them. She only felt fully alive when fighting over her life. Defeats, which were common, helped her more than victories. Defeats told her that she needed to try harder, to improve. She had faced many enemies before and eventually had overcome most of them. She did not want revenge over them. And in that very moment she understood the reason. Once she was able to defeat them, she totally lost interest in them. There was nothing more to learn from them. *
*She returns to huge hall with a broad smile on her lips. It seemed like whatever was happening there would continue for long. Too long. She had better things to do. And now she had another reason to do them. She was certain that she would meet him again. Soon enough too. In a different place. In a different mood. In his combat stance and his combat gear. Again, she would get defeated. Again the pain. Again the bitterly taste of defeat. Again the dislike of her dragons staring at her in silence. The humilliation of defeat once more, like a sticky and foul ooze that stained her mind , daring even, to stain her soul. But there was a valuable gem in there too. Inside that mud. Her smile becomes broader. One day. Yes, one day. She would become strong enough to kick his ass. She was looking forward to that moment. Not for the soul energy, she barely cared for that. Yes, one day she would see the unbelief in his eyes. Yes. She was going to enjoy it . Maybe that day will never come, but that did not matter much. What mattered was that she had a reason to push herself further. And she held to it as she had little else to hold to in her life. *
Pontszám: 9.13