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Re: Quiz errors
841. hozzászólás - 2010.04.03. 19:39:46
How many books are there in the Twilight Series?

From Yahoo, 2008:
In regards to the question, "Is Breaking Dawn the last book in the Twilight Saga?" The answer is, "I don’t know." It’s the last one for a while, at least.
This would be #4

Of course there will be Midnight Sun, but that’s covering old material. I’m not sure if I will go forward with the Twilight characters–I’m a little burned out right now. Ask me again in two years."
This would be #5
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Re: Quiz errors
842. hozzászólás - 2010.04.03. 19:42:48
Which is not an Olympic sport?
Snow Boarding
Jump Rope

For the 2012 Games (London), Baseball & Softball have been removed from the lineup... This was announced just before the 2008 Games (Beijing). Therefore, there are two correct answers.
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Re: Quiz errors
843. hozzászólás - 2010.04.04. 05:44:45 (Válasz Ciphas #838 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Ciphas - 2010.04.03. 09:24:51
Which football club has the most fan in Iran?


Its a very subiective answer because every fan says that HIS team has the most fans ....

Please delete !

Well at first i agreed with you but then i went and googled it, it seems the Persepolis club is accepted as the most in fans. Is not a personal preference of the player, it is an actual fact. Assuming that is the correct answer to his question ofcourse
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Re: Quiz errors
844. hozzászólás - 2010.04.04. 18:41:49
For piss sake - how does this make it thru?

The question on "Dihydrogen Monoxide" (DHMO) - Which of the following is NOT true:

Wrong answer! The correct answer is: DHMO is an excellent electrical conductor..

First off, I have NEVER seen "DHMO". Secondly, Dihydrogen (H2) Monoxide (O) = H20 = WATER.

Last time I checked, water was an excellent conductor of electricity.

Who moderates the moderators???
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much likedJade
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Re: Quiz errors
845. hozzászólás - 2010.04.05. 02:12:31
In the poem, the Iliad, which statement is true?
King Priam treats the hero Hector like a son
Calypso is a nymph who turned Greek Warriors into pigs
the hero Achilles likes King Agamemnon
the Priestess Chryseis likes King Agamemnon

This seems a little bit too highly specialized. I have read this poem in both high school and college, yet I can't remember enough of it to be able to give this level of specifics. This isn't like asking who wrote it or anything this is asking something a little bit too specific for quiz questions. I think this should be deleted
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Re: Quiz errors
846. hozzászólás - 2010.04.05. 03:02:14
Which one, which figure on national flag, are the most widespread symbol?

Grammar is just fine on this one, eh? Again, who moderates the moderators?
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Re: Quiz errors
847. hozzászólás - 2010.04.05. 05:11:06 (Válasz Jade #845 hozzászólására.)
It would have been specialized if not for the options you have. Even watching the movie troy, (which is not the way to go, always read the book ) you learn that Hector is Priams son. So regardless of the other options that can be the only true, you do not need to remember or check if the rest are actual facts.
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Re: Quiz errors
848. hozzászólás - 2010.04.05. 14:48:07
Hate to revisit this one but it really does need to be taken out of the data base.

In what continent is toronto and buenas aris on.
The answer is america BUT the fact that multiple parts of the world consider it to be 1 continent and others consider it to be 2 continents this answer is in sense wrong for a large part of the world. Because the map i am looking at has both of those in 2 different continents!
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everyone's favoritePerrinAybarra
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Re: Quiz errors
849. hozzászólás - 2010.04.05. 15:20:29
Which football club has the most fan in Iran?

how has this question been passed??? who outside of Iran would know this little tidbit of info? this should be flagged as being only knowledgable by a select few people, and scrapped from the data base.
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Re: Quiz errors
850. hozzászólás - 2010.04.06. 03:22:24 (Válasz PerrinAybarra #849 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: PerrinAybarra - 2010.04.05. 15:20:29
Which football club has the most fan in Iran?

how has this question been passed??? who outside of Iran would know this little tidbit of info? this should be flagged as being only knowledgable by a select few people, and scrapped from the data base.

And speaking of Iran, how about this little gem:

The name Iran has been in use natively since antiquity and came into international use in?
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Re: Quiz errors
851. hozzászólás - 2010.04.06. 09:37:18 (Válasz aneksi #848 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: aneksi - 2010.04.05. 14:48:07
Hate to revisit this one but it really does need to be taken out of the data base.

In what continent is toronto and buenas aris on.
The answer is america BUT the fact that multiple parts of the world consider it to be 1 continent and others consider it to be 2 continents this answer is in sense wrong for a large part of the world. Because the map i am looking at has both of those in 2 different continents!

And again i will say you are right but it does not affect the question. America is the answer anyone would choose. Those that consider South and North different continents, they can still find the answer easily without getting confused.
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Re: Quiz errors
852. hozzászólás - 2010.04.06. 09:39:52 (Válasz PerrinAybarra #849 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: PerrinAybarra - 2010.04.05. 15:20:29
Which football club has the most fan in Iran?

how has this question been passed??? who outside of Iran would know this little tidbit of info? this should be flagged as being only knowledgable by a select few people, and scrapped from the data base.

True. But how can this be considered special when europian football clubs get a lot more specific questions and they pass.... It would seem as a discrimination.
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much likedhewman100
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Re: Quiz errors
853. hozzászólás - 2010.04.06. 11:06:48
How tall is the Eiffle Tower?

Come on. If you can write a question like this, surely you should be able to spell EIFFEL
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Re: Quiz errors
854. hozzászólás - 2010.04.06. 12:31:55
This makes it:
Which football club has the most fan in Iran?

how has this question been passed??? who outside of Iran would know this little tidbit of info? this should be flagged as being only knowledgable by a select few people, and scrapped from the data base.

And this doesn't:
What song did Led Zeppelin not sing?

Whole Lotta Love
Since I've Been Loving You
Communication Breakdown

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
According to evaluators only a special group of people might know the answer.

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much likedAdoraBelle
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Re: Quiz errors
855. hozzászólás - 2010.04.06. 15:08:14 (Válasz Miklos #1 hozzászólására.)
George Washington did not own any wooden teeth. Does anybody fact check these quiz questions at all before they are posted?
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Re: Quiz errors
856. hozzászólás - 2010.04.06. 15:15:09 (Válasz AdoraBelle #855 hozzászólására.)
They do check rest assured, but mistakes happen. So by posting them, like you did, you help remove this kind of mistakes. No wooden teeth, is a misconseption. Tey will remove it when they see the post.
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Re: Quiz errors
857. hozzászólás - 2010.04.06. 15:19:41 (Válasz DieMaster #854 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: DieMaster - 2010.04.06. 12:31:55
This makes it:
Which football club has the most fan in Iran?

how has this question been passed??? who outside of Iran would know this little tidbit of info? this should be flagged as being only knowledgable by a select few people, and scrapped from the data base.

And this doesn't:
What song did Led Zeppelin not sing?

Whole Lotta Love
Since I've Been Loving You
Communication Breakdown

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
According to evaluators only a special group of people might know the answer.


If you even read my post about the first time you posted that complain, you will see that its a matter of global acceptance. If somebody asks about the most fans team in England or Spain i bet it would pass without much fuss. So why not Iran? Because its less known in Europe? That would be discriminating, if you accept football questions, you accept the same for all countries.

The Led Zep one is special because you need to know not only the band or some of their songs but all of the ones mentioned to answer. If you refrased it to what they did sing, instead what they didnt, i bet it will pass.
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Re: Quiz errors
858. hozzászólás - 2010.04.06. 16:12:57
What animal is gnu?


Antelope is spelled wrong, and the sentence is odd.

David is work of?

Vincent Van Gogh
Michelangelo Di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
Mihelangelo Bonaroti
Leonardo Di Caprio

I did realize what David they were talking about.. but the sentence really needs some work...

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public enemyvulturu
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Re: Quiz errors
859. hozzászólás - 2010.04.06. 16:42:16
Donald and Kiefer Sutherland, father and son actors, are of which nationality?


The problem is that Kiefer Sutherland is British and Donald is Canadian... And the marked correct answer is Canadian... So what about the British one?
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Re: Quiz errors
860. hozzászólás - 2010.04.06. 21:47:08 (Válasz stekkos #851 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.04.06. 09:37:18
Idézet: aneksi - 2010.04.05. 14:48:07
Hate to revisit this one but it really does need to be taken out of the data base.

In what continent is toronto and buenas aris on.
The answer is america BUT the fact that multiple parts of the world consider it to be 1 continent and others consider it to be 2 continents this answer is in sense wrong for a large part of the world. Because the map i am looking at has both of those in 2 different continents!

And again i will say you are right but it does not affect the question. America is the answer anyone would choose. Those that consider South and North different continents, they can still find the answer easily without getting confused.

And again let me tell you i don't know were the CONTINENT america is. I know were NORTH AMERICA and SOUTH AMERICA are. But america? Thats like saying the USA is north america, its just a retarded rebuttle.
Pontszám: 5
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