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Re: Quiz errors
3061. hozzászólás - 2011.07.09. 08:28:16
When was Australia discovered?
in 1540
in 1893
in 1852
in 1606<--------- given as correct

Please remove this question as it has far to much colonial and rascist overtones. Australia's "discovery" by Western 'civilisation' does not mean it did not exist beforehand. It was discovered by the people of Australia on a daily basis for thousands of years before any white men happened to spot it by mistake.
Regardless of this, there is evidence of portugese having been there as early as 1520, which precedes any of the above answers.
"The first records of European mariners sailing into 'Australian' waters occurs around 1606" seems to be the source for the answer here but even that is not definite, hence the use of 'around'.
It is an imperialist attitude to suggest that countries do not exist until white people notice them. As such this question is very offensive and should be removed.
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Re: Quiz errors
3062. hozzászólás - 2011.07.09. 10:10:17
There is a question asking to which family of musical instruments the Conch Shell belongs. It gives the answer as Brass!!

Please tell me how that works? (Without quoting wikipedia!)

It is a wind instrument but not woodwind nor brass.
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Re: Quiz errors
3063. hozzászólás - 2011.07.09. 11:01:39
What was the original C++ implementation?
Zortech C++
Cfront <- marked as correct

This is incorrect, Cfront was the original compiler for C++, in fact it was the compiler used to develop C++.

Who invented the magnifying glass?
Donat Banki
Ralph H. Baer
Roger Bacon <- marked as correct
Marvin Camras

Roger Beacon described the properties of magnifying glass, in 13th century England. But the magnifying glass was known as far back as 5th century BC Egypth , where they used a crystal, the Romans of the 1st century used glass that was thicker in the middle, or a waterfilled globe, for viewing small object.
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Re: Quiz errors
3064. hozzászólás - 2011.07.09. 11:12:11
Animals sex q: Please provide any references in favour or against this question since i cannot find a definite answer

Blizzard: No, snow and wind do not exist together as an option

Australia: If the date is not correct please provide a proof but it is not racist to say when a place was discovered since it does imply by western civilization. It does not reduce the signifigance of the local population that arrived prior to them, they were and always be the first who found it.

Cannot find shell q, please write it more similar as you read it

Magnifying glass: He is however quoted on many sites as the inventor. After all inventing a form of lense is not the same as inventing the magnifying glass or the microscope.

C++: So, what should this question say? Any suggestions how to fix it?
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Re: Quiz errors
3065. hozzászólás - 2011.07.09. 16:07:38
FriendlyCheese, music is made from a conch (shell) by pursing lips like with a trumpet (brass family). woodwind instruments have reeds which a shell does not. the family categorization comes from how the sounds is produced rather than the material the instrument is made out of (e.g. a saxophone is made of brass and uses a reed, so it's a woodwind like a clarinet).
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2011.07.09. 16:12:59-kor
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Re: Quiz errors
3066. hozzászólás - 2011.07.10. 08:19:25
For most humans, being bitten by a tarantula means?
Bedridden for a day or so
Nothing worse than a bee sting <---
Instant death

Tarantula is a wide group of spiders and that makes this statement false. Take, for example, the African tarantula, the bite from a baby can cause severe pain and hallucinations. There are other old world tarantulas that cause minor paralysis.
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Re: Quiz errors
3067. hozzászólás - 2011.07.10. 20:45:41
What was the original C++ implementation?

Change "implementation" to "compiler" and it's correct.
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Re: Quiz errors
3068. hozzászólás - 2011.07.11. 04:10:04
Sigh....why do we keep doing this..if it takes me 15 seconds to confirm something I recall from memory with a viable source, why are blatantly wrong questions flooding the system???

What is the name of AC/DC's first vocalist?

The "correct" answer is Bon Scott

The CORRECT answer is Dave Evans, who was one of the founding members and was replaced as lead vocalist by Bon Scott a year later.
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Re: Quiz errors
3069. hozzászólás - 2011.07.11. 09:16:10
Which British city is bidding to stage the Commonwealth Games in 2014?
Glasgow <--

I think many a Scott would take offense to their largest city being called British. The question should really say Which UK (or United Kingdom) city. . .
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Re: Quiz errors
3070. hozzászólás - 2011.07.11. 14:06:39
How many kilogrames make a tone?

Spelling. tone should be tonne (or possibly ton)

Idézet: Gemini - 2011.07.11. 09:16:10
Which British city is bidding to stage the Commonwealth Games in 2014?
Glasgow <--

I think many a Scott would take offense to their largest city being called British. The question should really say Which UK (or United Kingdom) city. . .

Far more Scots would be offended by your spelling! (Scot NOT Scott). Scotland is as much a part of GB as UK. When Scot Alan Wells won Olympic Gold in Moscow as part of the GB team, I am sure we were all happy, Scots, Brits and residents of the UK!
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Re: Quiz errors
3071. hozzászólás - 2011.07.11. 16:34:11
I have poseted this one before, but it's still not correct

What is NOT a definition of PHOENIX?
a university
a city in Arizona
a bird on fire
a satellite <- marked as correct

There is a Japanese and a Russian satellite named phoenix, spelt in Japanese and Russian but still, this makes this a prime example of a bad odd one out question.

Besides the mythological bird phoenix is not always on fire, it's how it's rejuvenated.
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Re: Quiz errors
3072. hozzászólás - 2011.07.12. 10:54:38
The Ghurkas are the original inhabitants of?
Nepal <- marked as correct

Yes the present day Gurkhas are from Nepal, but this question implies that all other Nepalese are not part of the original inhabitants of Nepal. The Gurkhas are from the tribes Gurung and Magar from the Nepalese region Gorkha they are relative latecommers to the what is now Nepal. According to legend they came from Rajasthan in india.

btw. the it's spelt Gurkha not Ghurka.

To make this into a correct quiestion change it to: Where does the Gurkhas come from?
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Re: Quiz errors
3073. hozzászólás - 2011.07.12. 14:36:46
What danger is present when a cell phone is in direct contact with your ears?
According to warnings on cell phone manuels radiation lvls decrease when held 2-4cm from ear
Radiation can pass through your brain disrupting MDNA (messenger DNA) production
All answers are correct <- marked as correct
there is no data collected by cell phone companies suggesting there is a danger, only a possibility

Although each of the three possible answers are "true" statements regarding cell phones, only one of them is a an answer to the question.
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Re: Quiz errors
3074. hozzászólás - 2011.07.12. 14:36:49
"What is the only way to destroy a diamond?"

there are many ways to destroy a diamond. diamonds can crack if hit at just the right/wrong angle. and while intense heat (given as the correct answer) will indeed destroy one, a nucular bomb (another given answer) also produces intense heat. if 'destroy' is intended to mean something more specific than fractured, then the question should say so. i'm quite confident that had i given my wife a fractured diamond and insisted it wasn't destroyed, i'd still be single. and yes, i realize that proper cutting is a form of fracturing, but if we're using common sense here, then broken is destroyed unless explicitly defined differently.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2011.07.12. 14:44:39-kor
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Re: Quiz errors
3075. hozzászólás - 2011.07.12. 21:22:09 (Válasz manunkind #3074 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: manunkind - 2011.07.12. 14:36:49
"What is the only way to destroy a diamond?"

I had that one on the quiz olympics and had the same dilemmas trying to pick an answer.

Added later:
I just had this one...
Where can you find the largest diamond in the world?
In the treasures found in the pyramid of Giza
On the scepter of the former emperor of China
In the collection of the British crown jewels <--
Nobody knows, somebody stole it!

Cullinan diamond - largest rough gem-quality diamond ever found (3,106.75 carats) Although, I recall a wire story a couple of years ago out of Johannesburg that said something about miners unearthing one that was believed to be 2x as large.

Golden Jubilee is currently the largest faceted diamond (545.67 carats)

Anyway, this should probably say "largest faceted diamond" since rumors abound about a mysterious "second half" of the Cullinan diamond, but no one knows where it is, so it could make the last answer true.
A hozzászólást ChaoticGemini módosította 2011.07.12. 22:33:43-kor
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Re: Quiz errors
3076. hozzászólás - 2011.07.13. 08:11:19
The Palmetto is what?
A plant <-- given as correct
A glove
A knife
A gun

http://rockislandauction.com/viewitem/aid/1016/lid/193 - go but a Palmetto musket!
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Re: Quiz errors
3077. hozzászólás - 2011.07.13. 08:15:29
According to the proverb, who should cast the first stone?
he who is angriest
he who has the most stones
he who is without sin
he who has the best aim

Um, this is not a proverb but a saying of Jesus.
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Re: Quiz errors
3078. hozzászólás - 2011.07.13. 09:19:50
Which vegetable is produced from the plant maize?
Sweetcorn <--
Umm, it's not produced from it. It is simply the Spanish word for the same thing.

How many of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still exist?
1 <--
It says exist. It says nothing about current condition. As such… The Temple of Artemis lies just outside Selçuk, Turkey and marked by a single column constructed from fragments discovered at the site. The Great Pyramid in it's looted and damaged state is in El-Giza, Egypt.

Which weapon is inflicting cut injuries?
Sword <---
I think it has been noted before that although a Rapier is a thrusting weapon, one can still be easily cut with it.
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Re: Quiz errors
3079. hozzászólás - 2011.07.13. 09:40:15
What state is the Wind of the Caves located?
South Dakota
North Dakota

Not accurate.

It seems to be a very widely spread name. After just a minute search I have found Cave of the Winds in Colorado (http://caveofthewinds.com/) and at Niagara Falls (although it is only a tour name, it can be misleading - http://www.niagarafallslive.com/cave_of_the_winds.htm).
Moreover, a place that is presumed in the question is referred to not as "Cave of the winds", but "Wind cave" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_Cave_National_Park
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Re: Quiz errors
3080. hozzászólás - 2011.07.13. 09:57:16
How many amendments are in the "Bill of Rights" of the United States ?

Well, maybe for Americans this question makes some sense... But the first google link shows 10+27 amendments: http://www.ushistory.org/documents/amendments.htm

So probably "original amendments" should be in the question?
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