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Topic neve: Quiz errors
much likedChaoticGeminiNő
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Re: Quiz errors
321. hozzászólás - 2010.01.27. 03:03:13 (Válasz Wuxing #320 hozzászólására.)
Actually, try taking any size or type of paper and try folding it in half more than 7 times
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Re: Quiz errors
322. hozzászólás - 2010.01.27. 06:45:09 (Válasz Wuxing #320 hozzászólására.)
You can't do it more than 7 times. No matter what is the size or type.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: Quiz errors
323. hozzászólás - 2010.01.27. 08:21:54 (Válasz Kethios #322 hozzászólására.)
Actually, you can. There where tests that folded it 11 (or even 12) times, the starting paper was size of a football field (i remember reading it on the internet). However, you can not fold it hundreds of times, even with machines. and usually, you can not fold it more than 7 times, no matter the size or type or how it is being folded
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Re: Quiz errors
324. hozzászólás - 2010.01.27. 08:35:32 (Válasz Valkyrie #323 hozzászólására.)
Hmm good to know.
But that isn't common knowledge.. the question should be removed.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: Quiz errors
325. hozzászólás - 2010.01.27. 18:26:55
Who is Stephen King's ideal?
Jannus Pannonius
Susan Salina
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Adgar Allan Poe

It's Edgar, not Adgar
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Re: Quiz errors
326. hozzászólás - 2010.01.27. 19:25:22 (Válasz Valkyrie #325 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Valkyrie - 2010.01.27. 18:26:55
Who is Stephen King's ideal?
Jannus Pannonius
Susan Salina
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Adgar Allan Poe

It's Edgar, not Adgar

What does this question even mean? Stephen King's ideal?
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Re: Quiz errors
327. hozzászólás - 2010.01.27. 19:28:15 (Válasz Valkyrie #323 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Valkyrie - 2010.01.27. 08:21:54
Actually, you can. There where tests that folded it 11 (or even 12) times, the starting paper was size of a football field (i remember reading it on the internet). However, you can not fold it hundreds of times, even with machines. and usually, you can not fold it more than 7 times, no matter the size or type or how it is being folded

Every test I have seen found it to be true. I would love to see sources for that many folds!

I think this question is more common knowledge/urban myth than most of the questions.
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Re: Quiz errors
328. hozzászólás - 2010.01.27. 19:40:05 (Válasz ChaoticGemini #327 hozzászólására.)

also, I remember something like "braniacs" or similar show, it said they did it (i didn't see it)

edit: Mythbusters recently folded a piece of paper 11 times, but they actually rotated the folds 90 degrees each time which is much harder.
A hozzászólást Valkyrie módosította 2010.01.27. 19:42:31-kor
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Re: Quiz errors
329. hozzászólás - 2010.01.27. 20:57:04
Which galaxy contains Earth and the Solar System?

Milky Way

I've posted it myself and being in a hurry ticked the wrong answer - Andromeda while the right answer is Milky Way, sorry about that
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Re: Quiz errors
330. hozzászólás - 2010.01.27. 22:32:04 (Válasz Valkyrie #328 hozzászólására.)
from Valkyrie's link: "After extensive experimentation, she folded a sheet of gold foil 12 times, breaking the record. This was using alternate directions of folding. But, the challenge was then redefined to fold a piece of paper. She studied the problem and was the first person to realize the basic cause for the limits"

So it sounds like there are still limits that hold true to the original concept, but when looking at the problem differently, it can be done. Very interesting. Thanks for posting.
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Re: Quiz errors
331. hozzászólás - 2010.01.28. 04:00:27
I don't know if I'll get this exact, but I'll try (Since I didn't know you'd have to have the question posted Exactly) I doubt I got them in the exact order, and I'm pretty sure that I got one of the Tribes wrong, but the question itself is correct in how it's writen.

Which Indian Tribe is not a North American Tribe

North America is a Continent, not a Country. In which case, Aztec (The answer they give as the correct one) are a Tribe that is Native to North America, as Mexico is still part of the North American Continent.
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Re: Quiz errors
332. hozzászólás - 2010.01.28. 07:44:34 (Válasz ChaoticGemini #330 hozzászólására.)
yes, but later:

Britney derived folding limits in December of 2001 and folded paper in half 12 times in January of 2002, while a junior in High School.
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Re: Quiz errors
333. hozzászólás - 2010.01.28. 08:51:00
Where did the pharaos rest after their death?

In their own pyramid that was built just for this
In a special city just built for the pharaos
In a small tomb next to the Nile
In a cemetery with all the other people

While this question is true for some of the pharaos, a rather small number of them infact. Most pharaos where buried in tombs and not in pyramids, but in a place called the valley of the kings in complex tombs, but not pyramids, pyramid construct was actually put aside do to the fact they stuck out and were easy for grave robbers to find a plunder. This question is wrong and needs to be removed.
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Re: Quiz errors
334. hozzászólás - 2010.01.28. 19:25:55
I got one question validates as BAD. How can i check where is the problem? couze i cant find any mistakes.
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Re: Quiz errors
335. hozzászólás - 2010.01.28. 20:08:24 (Válasz Andragod #334 hozzászólására.)
post your question with answers and evaluation HERE and we try to help.
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Re: Quiz errors
336. hozzászólás - 2010.01.29. 01:50:52
What is exactly a blizzard?

The marked as correct answer is:
Heavy blowing snowfall, strong wind and low temperature.

However according to wikpedia a blizzard is: a severe storm condition characterized by low temperatures, strong winds, with low visibility. However, contrary to popular belief, snow is not one of the characteristics required to define something as a blizzard.

So the right answer should be strong wind and low temperature which i marked.
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much likedChaoticGeminiNő
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Re: Quiz errors
337. hozzászólás - 2010.01.29. 02:11:25 (Válasz petel87 #336 hozzászólására.)
Agreed that the answer is inaccurate, but you do need snow, just not falling snow. Strong winds can pick up snow from the ground to reduce visibility. According to my meteorologist husband, the standard is officially large amounts of falling OR blowing snow with winds in excess of 35 mph and visibilities of less than 1/4 of a mile for at least 3 hours. Temperature is irrelevant.
A hozzászólást ChaoticGemini módosította 2010.01.29. 02:12:11-kor
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Re: Quiz errors
338. hozzászólás - 2010.01.29. 05:01:07
Error on Question.... Which bird has the most feathers p"per square inch" Answer Penquin.
But after research it may be argued that the Hummingbird is the right answer. Check your wiki.

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Re: Quiz errors
339. hozzászólás - 2010.01.29. 05:03:53 (Válasz Kethios #322 hozzászólására.)
Myth busters also did try to solve this question/riddle.
They were not successful idf i believe to go further than 7 folds! but certainly i have never heard of that manymore than 7!!! wow.
Idézet: Kethios - 2010.01.27. 06:45:09
You can't do it more than 7 times. No matter what is the size or type.
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Re: Quiz errors
340. hozzászólás - 2010.01.29. 08:16:49
One of the quiz questions I was asked to answer was:

Which is NOT King Henry VIII child? (or something similar)

The options given were:

Edward VI
Edward VII

I answered Edward VII and I was informed that I got the question wrong and that the correct answer was Edward VI.

Edward was the third child of Henry VIII who became King Edward VI (1537 - 1553) by his third wife, Jane Seymour. Edward VI was 10 years old when he came to the throne in 1547 when his father died. Sadly Edward VI died from what was believed to be tuberculosis.

It was impossible for Edward VII to be the son of Henry VIII as he was born 6 years shy of 300 years after the death of Henry VIII. Albert Henry was born 1841 and died 1910 and became Edward VII from 1901 until his death in 1910.

Do I get compensation for the loss of soul energy?
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