Re: Quiz errors
241. hozzászólás - 2009.12.16. 19:56:27 (Válasz Valkyrie #240 hozzászólására.)
241. hozzászólás - 2009.12.16. 19:56:27 (Válasz Valkyrie #240 hozzászólására.)
My thought exactly Valkyrie. I believe we have some old players restarting the game. I thought about doing it also, so others just went for it. One benefit is the quiz olympics, you get medals fast that way. Also you get to play like the Hungarians. With knowledge of what to expect.
As for the 4 minutes, i got 4:30 once, its all part of the luck. If we see him repeat it though, i will start doubting also
As for the 4 minutes, i got 4:30 once, its all part of the luck. If we see him repeat it though, i will start doubting also
A hozzászólást stekkos módosította 2009.12.16. 19:57:54-kor
Pontszám: 7.50